Foot Locker South Regional 2004 vs Foot Locker South Regional 2002

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +56 345 289
Overall Average +7.68 17:46.22 17:38.54
1st-10th Place -2.93 15:02.90 15:05.83
1st-25th Place -1.91 15:21.80 15:23.71
1st-50th Place +0.68 15:38.42 15:37.74
1st-100th Place +0.21 15:57.59 15:57.38
Common Athletes -- -- 33
Ran Faster 24 29 5
Ran Season Best 3 32 29
Average Time -36.20 17:22.67 17:58.87
Median Time -39.20 17:27.00 18:06.20
Middle 80% Times -36.89 17:29.22 18:06.11
Top 10% Times -47.04 15:15.50 16:02.54
Top 25% Times -44.04 15:35.44 16:19.48
Top 50% Times -40.21 15:57.65 16:37.86
Bottom 50% Times -30.06 17:46.35 18:16.41
Bottom 25% Times -23.22 19:33.56 19:56.77
Bottom 10% Times -10.32 19:58.25 20:08.57
Average Difference -36.54 -- --
Median Difference -38.78 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -36.72 -- --
Top 10% Difference -41.04 -- --
Top 50% Difference -39.59 -- --
Top 25% Difference -33.04 -- --
Top 50% Difference -39.59 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -33.48 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -33.00 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -52.60 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Andy Biladeau Tampa Jesuit HS -1:03.70 15:01.00 16:04.70
Robert Bedsole Hoover -1:04.69 15:05.00 16:09.69
Bryan Sharkey Gulliver Prep -27.52 15:21.00 15:48.52
Adam Hutton Western Branch High School -58.11 15:35.00 16:33.11
Drew Midland Ocean Lakes -52.09 15:47.00 16:39.09
Bryce Iverson Forest Park -59.78 15:49.00 16:48.78
Brian Hoover Pensacola Booker T. Washington HS -1:07.05 15:50.00 16:57.05
Scott Novack Hoover -51.94 15:55.00 16:46.94
Kyle Smith Thomas Jefferson S&T -46.37 15:56.00 16:42.37
Austin Joiner Holy Trinity Academy -8.26 15:59.00 16:07.26
Brandon Calabro South Plantation HS -32.67 16:00.00 16:32.67
Brandon Dick Massaponax -54.91 16:03.00 16:57.91
James Marcus Coleman Wolfson High School -24.05 16:06.00 16:30.05
Gary Calabro South Plantation HS -15.32 16:22.00 16:37.32
John Roberts Trinity Prep -3.02 16:29.00 16:32.02
Steve Curley Trinity Prep -14.95 16:35.00 16:49.95
Jennifer Simpson Oviedo High School -49.46 17:27.00 18:16.46
Carmen Mims Mercy -38.78 17:35.00 18:13.78
Kate Niehaus Spring Valley -28.63 17:38.00 18:06.63
Melissa Dewey Hayfield Secondary School -1:55.61 17:38.00 19:33.61
Jacy Kruzel Cooper City HS -45.54 17:58.00 18:43.54
Amanda Patterson Midlothian High School -2:03.77 18:03.00 20:06.77
Tara Lenn St. Paul's Episcopal +31.80 18:38.00 18:06.20
Katie Doswell Saint Catherine's -39.38 18:36.00 19:15.38
Emily Wauford Maggie Walker -27.94 19:02.00 19:29.94
Leah Ryan Sacred Heart +12.68 19:15.00 19:02.32
Kelsey Snowden Lake Braddock -49.22 19:09.00 19:58.22
Erin Klein Lake Braddock -49.27 19:14.00 20:03.27
Aspen Foster Cox -9.50 19:29.00 19:38.50
Christy Ward James River (Midlothian) -47.61 19:33.00 20:20.61
Kelly Sherrard Lake Braddock +19.06 20:03.00 19:43.94
Stella Askin Maggie Walker +8.58 20:11.00 20:02.42
Becca Hoogland Lake Braddock +2.38 20:06.00 20:03.62