The Viking Polar Bear 2024

Cameron, NC
Hosted by Union Pines
Timing/Results 910 Athletics

Athlete Entries

Boys 1000 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Macias, Miguel Western Harnett
Cruz, Joel Jack Britt
Hall, Jeremy Jack Britt
Jones, Jonathan Gray's Creek
Dell, Benjamin Jack Britt
Carter, Isaac 2:41.07 Pinecrest
Dorsch, Jacob 2:42.96 Pinecrest
Weeks, Corbin 2:43.2 Union Pines
Mededve, Anthony 2:45.06 Jack Britt
Rush, Gavin 2:46.05 Pinecrest
Totten-Lancaster, Logan 2:46.75 Union Pines
Muhly, Braydon 2:46.99 Union Pines
Benedict, Braiden 2:52.96 Union Pines
Lynn, Carter 2:59.59 Pinecrest
Triola, Jadon 3:00.10 E.E. Smith
Lobsinger, Angelo 3:04.49 Pinecrest
Wells, Lucas 3:08.66 Cape Fear
Silsby, Gabe 3:12.24 Pinecrest
Quintanilla, Cohen 3:12.77 Cape Fear
Senkbeil, North 3:17.53 Jack Britt
Chambers, Zaiaer 3:18.22 Richmond Senior
Cresap, Matthew 3:35.96 Western Harnett
Murphy, Jack 3:35.98 Fayetteville Christian School
Wells, Jonathon 3:39.85 Cape Fear
McDonald, Landyn 3:43.89 Western Harnett
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flowers, Alijah Richmond Senior
White, Keaun E.E. Smith
McAuley, Jeffrey Richmond Senior
Clegg, Noah Fayetteville Christian School
Lanners, Adrian Western Harnett
Broadway, Stephen E.E. Smith
Marshall, Adin Jack Britt
Greenier, Trevor 4:43.00h
Mangum, William 4:55.48 Pinecrest
Hall, Jeremy 4:59.24 Jack Britt
Johnson, Logan 4:59.77 Western Harnett
Wilkerson, Cj 5:08.10 Union Pines
Pudlo, Ben 5:13.93 Union Pines
Barker, Stephen 5:16.60 Overhills
Matthews, Jaden 5:21.00h
Dorsch, Joshua 5:21.69 Pinecrest
Johnson, William 5:22.69 Pinecrest
Christina, Adrian 5:27.33 Gray's Creek
Quintanilla, Cohen 5:27.95 Cape Fear
Doyle, Drake 5:31.06 Jack Britt
Wells, Lucas 5:31.75 Cape Fear
Lynch , Jacob 5:34.12 Western Harnett
Shick, Collin 5:36.53 Cape Fear
Turner, Heath 5:37.66 Pinecrest
Shick, Christopher 5:38.96 Cape Fear
Dirks, Benjamin 5:39.31 Pinecrest
Simpson, Ethan 5:42.69 Union Pines
Pflugfelder, Caleb 5:42.70 Western Harnett
Richard, Joe 5:51.42 Union Pines
Tinnin, Sakai 5:51.86 Gray's Creek
Platt, Jack 5:56.79 Pinecrest
Vela, Josh 6:07.67 Union Pines
Oakley, Damian 6:10.69 Jack Britt
Wells, Jonathon 6:17.13 Cape Fear
Shaw, Elijah 6:26.17 Richmond Senior
Leach, Corbin 6:34.13 Western Harnett
Godden, Alexander 6:35.22 Western Harnett
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Boys 300 Meter Dash 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Nyjier Richmond Senior
Golcynski, Trent Western Harnett
Elliott, Jaihyon E.E. Smith
Perkins, Cameron Douglas Byrd
Hunt, Kaleb Richmond Senior
Rust, Charles Pinecrest
Bates, Jayden Overhills
Hodges, Brennan The O'Neal School
Scott, Davian Douglas Byrd
Nairn, Jermaine Western Harnett
Smith, Adam Pinecrest
McLean, Kaden Southern Lee
McCollum II, Larry Jack Britt
Coon, Ashton The O'Neal School
Pate, Samier Scotland County
Martin, CJ 33.90 Clayton
Hyman, Trevor 34.50 Clayton
Walker, Matthew 35.60 Clayton
Acosta, Ethan 35.90 Clayton
Davis, Aundre 36.75 E.E. Smith
Martin, Manny 36.91 Clayton
Gardner, Maurice 37.36 Gray's Creek
Smith, Travion 37.77 Richmond Senior
Webb, Javon 38.12 Gray's Creek
Haynes, Kaidon 38.23 Western Harnett
Woods, Keon 38.35 E.E. Smith
Afari, Micheal 38.36 Overhills
Myers IV, Alphonso 38.45 Gray's Creek
Davis, Justin 38.45 Overhills
Bumbrey, Daylen 38.50 Western Harnett
Rich, Anthony 38.52 Overhills
Washington, Isaiah 38.53 Gray's Creek
Everette, Demetrius 39.32 Richmond Senior
Bostick, Jordan 39.45 Richmond Senior
Jean Baptiste, Lawton 39.57 Douglas Byrd
Cole, Jahlil 39.81 E.E. Smith
Perkins, Christian 39.88 Douglas Byrd
Forrest, Jason 40.08 Pinecrest
Hogan, Cameron 40.15 Union Pines
Sterling, Jadon 40.30 Union Pines
Johnson, Robert 40.32 Union Pines
McFadden, Logan 40.40 Western Harnett
Hoover, Jaxon 40.51 Cape Fear
Rollins, Kevin 41.26 Lee County
Moore, Marlin 41.50 Scotland County
Herring, Alexander 41.55 Terry Sanford
Kasper, Domonic 41.92 Fayetteville Christian School
Brown, Nasir 42.42 Cape Fear
Carter, Dejon 42.49 Terry Sanford
McLaurin, Quentin 42.55 Cape Fear
Ladd, David 43.00 Scotland County
Dunlap, Messiah 43.25 Fayetteville Christian School
Hargrove C, Christian 43.28 Jack Britt
Hasty, Corheim 43.35 Scotland County
Huskey, Hunter 44.25 Union Pines
Harris, Tyler 44.31 Pinecrest
Hogan, Reuben 44.36 Cape Fear
Hutchins, Locke 44.43 Pinecrest
Branch, Lamar 44.83 Douglas Byrd
Best, Amari 45.00 Terry Sanford
Shelton, Nathan 46.10 Lee County
Henderson, Dylan 47.32 Cape Fear
Morin, Jordan 48.15 Jack Britt
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Andrews, Carson Pinecrest
Pflugfelder, Caleb Western Harnett
Barker, Stephen Overhills
Tinnin, Sakai Gray's Creek
Gerhartz, Isaac Pinecrest
Godden, Alexander Western Harnett
Triola, Jadon E.E. Smith
Kidd, Brandon Pinecrest
Leach, Corbin Western Harnett
Totten-Lancaster, Logan 10:08.19 Union Pines
Greenier, Trevor 10:09.80
Ranz, Joshua 10:14.28 Jack Britt
Matthews, Jaden 11:01.90
McCloskey, Ryland 11:02.81 Pinecrest
Lobsinger, Angelo 11:04.70 Pinecrest
Pait, Caleb 11:14.03 Pinecrest
Pudlo, Ben 11:47.15 Union Pines
Wilkerson, Cj 12:02.05 Union Pines
Richard, Joe 12:06.83 Union Pines
Christina, Adrian 12:38.47 Gray's Creek
Donahue, Patrick 12:44.73 Union Pines
Lynch , Jacob 13:20.03 Western Harnett
Wells, Jonathon 14:17.09 Cape Fear
Cresap, Matthew 15:58.33 Western Harnett
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lee County
Relay Team A Scotland County
Relay Team A 1:29.20 Clayton
Relay Team A 1:31.98 Gray's Creek
Relay Team A 1:32.51 Pinecrest
Relay Team B 1:32.51 Pinecrest
Relay Team A 1:32.88 Union Pines
Relay Team A 1:39.16 Overhills
Relay Team A 1:40.05 Cape Fear
Relay Team A 1:40.20 Western Harnett
Relay Team B 1:40.20 Western Harnett
Relay Team B 1:42.88 Union Pines
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Scotland County
Relay Team A 3:40.61 Union Pines
Relay Team A 3:41.37 E.E. Smith
Relay Team B 3:41.86 Pinecrest
Relay Team A 3:41.86 Pinecrest
Relay Team A 3:43.66 Douglas Byrd
Relay Team B 3:43.66 Douglas Byrd
Relay Team A 3:43.88 Cape Fear
Relay Team B 3:43.88 Cape Fear
Relay Team B 4:00.61 Union Pines
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A E.E. Smith
Relay Team A 8:17.93 Pinecrest
Relay Team B 8:17.93 Pinecrest
Relay Team A 8:35.87 Union Pines
Relay Team A 9:25.13 Western Harnett
Relay Team B 9:25.13 Western Harnett
Relay Team A 9:25.71 Cape Fear
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Boys 500 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Romero, Cruz Western Harnett
Bacchus, Amir Jack Britt
Knight, Harrison Union Pines
McAuley, Jeffrey Richmond Senior
McCollum II, Larry Jack Britt
Everette, Demetrius Richmond Senior
Hyman, Trevor 1:05.20 Clayton
Acosta, Ethan 1:07.20 Clayton
Martin, Manny 1:08.30 Clayton
Mangum, Brent 1:09.21 Pinecrest
Hay, Monte 1:11.02 Union Pines
Kimsey, Daxton 1:13.47 Pinecrest
Dorsey , Phillip 1:13.78 Pinecrest
Binon, Jack 1:15.19 Union Pines
McFadden, Logan 1:15.23 Western Harnett
Smith, Travion 1:15.68 Richmond Senior
Locklear, TJ 1:15.93 Scotland County
Dunlap, Messiah 1:18.37 Fayetteville Christian School
Pusser, Lucas 1:18.84 Pinecrest
Thomason, Alexander 1:19.71 Union Pines
Teti, Nathan 1:20.23 Fayetteville Christian School
Colon, Adrian 1:20.24 Union Pines
Mapp, Stacey 1:20.35 Jack Britt
Kasper, Domonic 1:23.01 Fayetteville Christian School
Zock, Landon 1:24.40 Douglas Byrd
Martin, Tucker 1:24.61 Pinecrest
Tolliver, Darrius 1:24.66 E.E. Smith
Flowers, Alijah 1:24.75 Richmond Senior
Henderson, Dylan 1:26.58 Cape Fear
Shelton, Nathan 1:27.81 Lee County
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Boys 55 Meter Dash 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hunt, Kaleb Richmond Senior
Milton, Caleb Union Pines
Young, Riccardo Cape Fear
Hodges, Brennan The O'Neal School
Necochea, David Pinecrest
Hasty, Corheim Scotland County
Rich, Anthony Overhills
Coon, Ashton The O'Neal School
Golcynski, Trent Western Harnett
Simmons, Lamond Lee County
Pate, Samier Scotland County
Shaw, Chamaure Richmond Senior
Simmons, Lashawn Lee County
Bacchus, Amir Jack Britt
Dawson, Steven Pinecrest
McGirt, Malcolm Scotland County
Martin, CJ 6.30 Clayton
Biggs, Ethan 6.45 Union Pines
Walker, Matthew 6.65 Clayton
Patterson, Roger 6.68 Union Pines
Pegues, Keonta 6.69 Richmond Senior
Davis, Aundre 6.70 E.E. Smith
Afari, Micheal 6.71 Overhills
Robinson, Samauri 6.77 Jack Britt
Wells, Wendell 6.81 Pinecrest
McLean, Kaden 6.87 Southern Lee
Gardner, Maurice 6.88 Gray's Creek
Jones, Zay 6.88 Scotland County
Myers IV, Alphonso 6.89 Gray's Creek
Rollins, Kevin 6.92 Lee County
Sexton, Tristan 6.93 Cape Fear
Bumbrey, Daylen 6.93 Western Harnett
Hansen, Cody 6.94 Pinecrest
Davis, Justin 6.94 Overhills
Ingram, Deshaun 6.98 Richmond Senior
Taylor, J'Veon 6.98 Douglas Byrd
Woods, Keon 6.99 E.E. Smith
McCrimmon, Zaiden 7.01 Lee County
Moore, JaiDione 7.02 Western Harnett
Cole, Jahlil 7.09 E.E. Smith
Sovey, Kaeden 7.09 Union Pines
McLaurin, Jeremyah 7.11 Jack Britt
Johnson, Robert 7.12 Union Pines
Allen, Nyjier 7.18 Richmond Senior
Kerns, Braedyn 7.21 Western Harnett
Moore, Marlin 7.22 Scotland County
Teti, Nathan 7.30 Fayetteville Christian School
Carter, Dejon 7.39 Terry Sanford
Herring, Alexander 7.42 Terry Sanford
Brown, Nasir 7.44 Cape Fear
Best, Amari 7.58 Terry Sanford
Hargrove C, Christian 7.60 Jack Britt
Hogan, Reuben 7.60 Cape Fear
Branch, Lamar 7.66 Douglas Byrd
Clarck, Ethan 7.69 Jack Britt
Vuncannon, Blake 7.82 Western Harnett
Harris, K-Shaun 7.88 Douglas Byrd
Cuff, Connor 8.04 Pinecrest
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Boys 55 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Filipponi, Damian Western Harnett
Clarck, Ethan Jack Britt
Morin, Jordan Jack Britt
Iverson, Jayden 10.27 Western Harnett
Thomason, Alexander 10.63 Union Pines
Huynh, Andrew 10.63 Jack Britt
Harvel, Landon 10.73 Pinecrest
Bair, Cameron 11.35 Pinecrest
Bacchus, Amir 11.54 Jack Britt
Mapp, Stacey 11.72 Jack Britt
Milton, Caleb 7.93 Union Pines
Bates, Jayden 8.82 Overhills
Hogan, Cameron 9.04 Union Pines
McLaurin, Quentin 9.16 Cape Fear
Wickham, Alonzo 9.73 Pinecrest
Castillo, Daniel 9.90 Pinecrest
Sovey, Kaeden 9.94 Union Pines
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Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hackett, Christian 6-11 Union Pines
Wells, Wendell 6-0 Pinecrest
Baptist, Jadin 5-8 Pinecrest
Mari, Maddox 5-6 Union Pines
Best, Julian 5-6 Lee County
Dorsey , Phillip 5-4 Pinecrest
Huskey, Hunter 5-2 Union Pines
Jones, Zay 5-2 Scotland County
Senff, Quinn Union Pines
Forrest, Jason Pinecrest
Rembert, Nolan Union Pines
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Boys Long Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pegues, Keonta 20-7 Richmond Senior
Sterling, Jadon 20-5.5 Union Pines
Brown, Donaven 20-4 Pinecrest
Sexton, Tristan 20-0.5 Cape Fear
Wells, Wendell 19-10.5 Pinecrest
Biggs, Ethan 19-10 Union Pines
Shaw, Chamaure 19-6 Richmond Senior
Moore, Marlin 19-4.5 Scotland County
Pegues, Keaten 19-2 Pinecrest
Best, Amari 19-0 Terry Sanford
Bostick, Jordan 18-8.5 Richmond Senior
Praylo, Tvyrian 18-4 Pinecrest
Hodges, Brennan 18-1.25 The O'Neal School
McCrimmon, Zaiden 17-10 Lee County
Sovey, Kaeden 17-7 Union Pines
Cole, Jahlil 17-6 E.E. Smith
Mapp, Stacey 17-5 Jack Britt
Momet, Sean 17-0 Overhills
Medley, Ja'Torian 17-0 Pinecrest
Robinson, Samauri 16-9 Jack Britt
Mari, Maddox 16-4.5 Union Pines
Clarck, Ethan 15-10 Jack Britt
Johnson, Robert 15-7.5 Union Pines
Best, Julian 15-7 Lee County
Baldwin, Jaylen 15-6.5 Western Harnett
Ewing, Ahjujuan 14-11 Richmond Senior
Patterson, Roger Union Pines
Oramas, Ryan Pinecrest
Pate, Samier Scotland County
Hasty, Corheim Scotland County
Washington, Isaiah Gray's Creek
Simmons, Lamond Lee County
McLaurin, Jeremyah Jack Britt
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Boys Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holler, Nathan 12-0 Pinecrest
Bryant, Grayson 11-6 Union Pines
Binon, Jack 11-0 Union Pines
Knight, Harrison 9-6 Union Pines
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Boys Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Roman 42-8.5 E.E. Smith
Cole-Bryan, Keegan 38-10.5 Pinecrest
McGirt, Malcolm 38-10 Scotland County
Coleman, Nicholas 38-8 E.E. Smith
Harris, K-Shaun 37-5 Douglas Byrd
Frazier Jr, Antwan 35-1.25 Gray's Creek
Burnette, Christian 34-7 Gray's Creek
Flores, Jayden 34-4 Pinecrest
Young, Riccardo 32-6 Cape Fear
Jennings, Dylan 28-8.5 Lee County
Underhill, Joshua 23-10 Pinecrest
Rembert, Nolan 21-10 Union Pines
Collogan, Elliot 19-6 Pinecrest
Collogan, Everett 18-10 Pinecrest
Nuttle, Jackson 18-0 Western Harnett
McGirt, Kenston Scotland County
Silsby, Gabe Pinecrest
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Boys Triple Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Donaven 42-1 Pinecrest
Praylo, Tyvrian 40-8.5 Pinecrest
Washington, Isaiah 40-0.5 Gray's Creek
Clarck, Ethan 39-10.5 Jack Britt
Momet, Sean 38-0 Overhills
Hodges, Brennan 37-3.5 The O'Neal School
Shaw, Chamaure 36-3 Richmond Senior
Johnson, Robert 35-1.75 Union Pines
Mapp, Stacey 35-1.5 Jack Britt
Oramas, Ryan 34-0 Pinecrest
Bostick, Jordan Richmond Senior
Ewing, Ahjujuan Richmond Senior
Senff, Quinn Union Pines
Huskey, Hunter Union Pines
Sexton, Tristan Cape Fear
McCrimmon, Zaiden Lee County
Best, Julian Lee County
McLaurin, Jeremyah Jack Britt
Rossi, Jackson Pinecrest
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Girls 1000 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rothlisberger, Kaitlyn Union Pines
Hifko, Harper Pinecrest
Edgy, Ava Scotland County
Stefanik, Kayla Lee County
Richardson, Raven 3:24.21 Gray's Creek
Collins, Claire 3:24.56 Pinecrest
McKinzey, Elizabeth 3:28.68 E.E. Smith
Kennedy, Sarah 3:29.20 Pinecrest
Mabe, Alyssa 3:36.04 Union Pines
Miller, Miranda 3:37.96 Jack Britt
Weber, Marie 3:48.86 Union Pines
Turner, TaNiyah 3:52.57 Jack Britt
Laureano Perez, Sarai 4:04.04 Lee County
Franco, Dayana 4:09.42 Richmond Senior
Brown, Ava 4:09.83 Pinecrest
Booker, Lavinia 4:11.86 Pinecrest
Lagunas, Rosy 4:15.68 Union Pines
Cruz, Julie 4:17.46 Jack Britt
Scepurek, Katelyn 4:21.32 Pinecrest
Gomez, Anahi 5:16.72 Richmond Senior
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aldridge, Lila Pinecrest
Castillo, Kimberly Western Harnett
Gaab, Anna Union Pines
Zhang, Jarawee Western Harnett
Romero, Jasmin Western Harnett
Schwagel, Ella Pinecrest
Laureano Perez, Sarai Lee County
Flewwellin, Allyson 5:57.44 Union Pines
Kennedy, Sarah 5:59.44 Pinecrest
Gaedtke, Ayanna 6:02.12 Gray's Creek
Gaedtke, Aylynn 6:02.32 Gray's Creek
Winford, Tehyanna 6:06.13 Jack Britt
DuBose, Katie 6:07.59 Pinecrest
Sanchez-Hernandez, Mia 6:07.86 Jack Britt
Lynch, Arianna 6:10.66 Western Harnett
Hanzal, Reese 6:11.78 Jack Britt
Clevidence, Lakin 6:28.74 Cape Fear
Johnson, Raegan 6:45.94 Union Pines
Holler, Madeline 6:51.26 Pinecrest
Franco, Dayana 7:01.78 Richmond Senior
Thompson-Glover, Essence 7:13.52 Gray's Creek
Verduga, Antonella 7:33.62 Gray's Creek
Troy, Makayla 8:05.66 E.E. Smith
Gomez, Anahi 9:13.89 Richmond Senior
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Girls 300 Meter Dash 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gaines-Scarborough, Deona Southern Lee
Farrow, Jazzlynn Lee County
Thompson, Sashay Union Pines
Lovett, Taiya Overhills
Jennings, Jamya Southern Lee
Armstrong, Rachel Union Pines
Goodman, Zariyah E.E. Smith
Washington, Analicia Douglas Byrd
Hankerson, Alyra Gray's Creek
Livingston, Maliyah Southern Lee
Spencer, Kelis E.E. Smith
Hopkins, Nyla Overhills
Speller, Amilia 40.73 Clayton
Trevant, Chloe 41.97 Clayton
Knox, Akeelah 42.52 Pinecrest
Ford, JaNiyah 42.67 Jack Britt
Legette, Samariah 44.06 Jack Britt
Blue, Dawson 45.73 Scotland County
Bricker, Laila 45.94 E.E. Smith
Fisher, Sylvia 46.19 Pinecrest
Younger, Jasmyne 46.64 Overhills
Jean Paul, Lyric 46.85 Western Harnett
Johnson, Tiara 46.87 Western Harnett
Smith, Keida 46.89 Terry Sanford
Morgan, Aminata 47.00 Terry Sanford
Norman, Nicole 47.02 Union Pines
Scott, Aviona 47.05 Scotland County
Beamon, Miyona 47.14 E.E. Smith
Wall, Kymaria 47.18 Richmond Senior
Kawase, Jenna 47.30 Pinecrest
Bailey, Isabella 47.60 Fayetteville Christian School
Kayser, Isabella 47.91 Fayetteville Christian School
Carter, Leah 47.92 Cape Fear
Gibson, Amariah 48.03 Richmond Senior
McBryde, Janiyla 48.08 Scotland County
McKoy, BreAnna 48.11 Douglas Byrd
Donahue, Alanna 48.22 Terry Sanford
Thomas, Sonyla 48.36 Scotland County
Zeh, Hadley 48.72 Pinecrest
Jemison, Brooklyn 48.87 Richmond Senior
Sparrow, Saniyah 49.00 Jack Britt
Newton, Taylor 49.91 Richmond Senior
Branch, Chaniya 50.14 Douglas Byrd
Carter, Jimmia 50.39 E.E. Smith
Graham, Kaleigh 50.70 Fayetteville Christian School
Hagan, Brianna 50.77 Pinecrest
McNeill, Kamiya 50.88 Cape Fear
Ocampo, Malana 53.03 Jack Britt
Underwood, Jamiyrah 53.08 Douglas Byrd
Walker, Me'lonie 53.56 Douglas Byrd
Mackie, Madison 54.61 Scotland County
Bunyan, Nya 54.62 Jack Britt
Bonilla, Shayla 55.03 Cape Fear
Henderson, Sharonda 55.06 Richmond Senior
Sharp, Halily 57.08 Cape Fear
Bonilla, Maya 59.57 Cape Fear
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lagunas, Rosy Union Pines
Mondragon, Marely Union Pines
Stefanik, Kayla Lee County
Gaedtke, Aylynn Gray's Creek
Blackmore, Natalie Union Pines
Clevidence, Lakin Cape Fear
Weber, Marie Union Pines
Richardson, Raven Gray's Creek
Johnson, Raegan Union Pines
Flewwellin, Allyson 12:54.24 Union Pines
Gaedtke, Ayanna 13:09.02 Gray's Creek
Winford, Tehyanna 13:29.27 Jack Britt
Thompson-Glover, Essence 13:41.21 Gray's Creek
Lynch, Arianna 13:52.01 Western Harnett
Verduga, Antonella 18:19.77 Gray's Creek
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:49.20 Union Pines
Relay Team A 1:51.16 Pinecrest
Relay Team B 1:51.16 Pinecrest
Relay Team B 1:52.35 Union Pines
Relay Team A 1:52.47 Richmond Senior
Relay Team A 1:53.04 Gray's Creek
Relay Team A 1:57.05 Scotland County
Relay Team A 2:01.20 Douglas Byrd
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Scotland County
Relay Team A 4:19.91 Pinecrest
Relay Team B 4:19.91 Pinecrest
Relay Team A 4:30.19 Union Pines
Relay Team B 4:45.55 Union Pines
Relay Team A 4:51.41 E.E. Smith
Relay Team A 4:52.04 Douglas Byrd
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A E.E. Smith
Relay Team A 10:36.89 Union Pines
Relay Team B 10:40.50 Pinecrest
Relay Team A 10:42.66 Pinecrest
Relay Team A 12:14.93 Western Harnett
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Girls 500 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clevidence, Lakin Cape Fear
Terry, Heaven Richmond Senior
Ford, JaNiyah Jack Britt
Williams, Latia Scotland County
Garrett, Alexandria Jack Britt
Hopkins, Nyla Overhills
McNeill, Kamiya Cape Fear
Wilson, Malani Richmond Senior
Swiney, Destiny Scotland County
Garrett, Cyrene Jack Britt
Lovett, Taiya 1:26.20 Overhills
Spicer, Janie 1:26.24 Union Pines
Hagan, Opie 1:27.75 Pinecrest
Baldwin, Reece 1:31.73 Pinecrest
Kellner, Selah 1:33.59 Union Pines
Wall, Kymaria 1:33.84 Richmond Senior
Rowland, Madison 1:34.67 Pinecrest
Sanders, Lakeiya 1:34.96 E.E. Smith
Mondragon, Marely 1:38.26 Union Pines
Blackmore, Natalie 1:39.17 Union Pines
Newton, Taylor 1:39.73 Richmond Senior
Ganus, Chloe 1:40.04 Scotland County
Young, Miyah 1:41.46 E.E. Smith
Jemison, Brooklyn 1:41.90 Richmond Senior
Reaves, Jordyn 1:42.07 Pinecrest
Bonilla, Shayla 1:44.20 Cape Fear
Miller, Amya 1:48.56 Jack Britt
Edwards, Lyric 1:49.17 Scotland County
Girard, Elizabeth 1:49.39 Pinecrest
Sharp, Halily 1:50.22 Cape Fear
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Girls 55 Meter Dash 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trotman, Jada Douglas Byrd
Quinata, Jamey E.E. Smith
Lovett, Taiya Overhills
Johnson, Kenya Lee County
Hankerson, Alyra Gray's Creek
Underwood, Jamiyrah Douglas Byrd
Farrow, Jazzlynn Lee County
Goodman, Zariyah E.E. Smith
Washington, Analicia Douglas Byrd
Williams, Allison Lee County
Garrett, Alexandria Jack Britt
Ford, Nina Pinecrest
Hopkins, Nyla Overhills
Trevant, Chloe 7.19 Clayton
Speller, Amilia 7.24 Clayton
Gaines-Scarborough, Deona 7.44 Southern Lee
Ford, JaNiyah 7.62 Jack Britt
Younger, Jasmyne 7.66 Overhills
Blue, Dawson 7.75 Scotland County
Legette, Samariah 7.81 Jack Britt
Morgan, Aminata 7.83 Terry Sanford
Monroe, Vanessa 7.84 Union Pines
Donahue, Alanna 7.86 Terry Sanford
Haire, Simya 7.87 Pinecrest
Jean Paul, Lyric 7.90 Western Harnett
Gibson, Amariah 7.93 Richmond Senior
Scott, Angel 7.94 Scotland County
Livingston, Maliyah 7.95 Southern Lee
McBryde, Janiyla 7.98 Scotland County
McKoy, BreAnna 7.98 Douglas Byrd
Watkins, Ka'mora 8.00 Richmond Senior
Newton, Taylor 8.02 Richmond Senior
Smith, Keida 8.03 Terry Sanford
Bailey, Isabella 8.06 Fayetteville Christian School
Small, Te'yonna 8.08 Overhills
Kayser, Isabella 8.09 Fayetteville Christian School
Mackie, Madison 8.10 Scotland County
Jemison, Brooklyn 8.11 Richmond Senior
Beamon, Miyona 8.14 E.E. Smith
Johnson, Tiara 8.15 Western Harnett
Branch, Chaniya 8.20 Douglas Byrd
Wall, Kymaria 8.21 Richmond Senior
Carter, Leah 8.27 Cape Fear
Cosmello, Sophia 8.27 Pinecrest
Norman, Nicole 8.28 Union Pines
Faulk, Asia 8.33 Terry Sanford
Zeh, Hadley 8.40 Pinecrest
Graham, Kaleigh 8.46 Fayetteville Christian School
Scott, Aviona 8.52 Scotland County
McNeill, Kamiya 8.57 Cape Fear
Finn, Keelyn 8.59 Union Pines
Sparrow, Saniyah 8.61 Jack Britt
Smyth, Carolina 8.79 Pinecrest
Jennings, Jamya 8.87 Southern Lee
Richardson, Serenity 9.11 Cape Fear
Bunyan, Nya 9.36 Jack Britt
Ourlaw, Gabrielle Outlaw 9.76 Cape Fear
Bonilla, Maya 9.91 Cape Fear
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Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Little, Fallon 10.34h Richmond Senior
Monroe, Vanessa 10.53 Union Pines
Dumas, Anayjah 10.56 Richmond Senior
Brown, Melody 10.60 Union Pines
Norton, Promise 10.62 Pinecrest
Carter, Jimmia 11.03 E.E. Smith
Edwards, Sofie 11.09 Union Pines
Stiles, Palmer 11.18 Pinecrest
Bridgham, Grace 11.21 Pinecrest
Jenkins, Ta'Kera 11.44 Jack Britt
Terry, Heaven 11.45 Richmond Senior
Bostick, Saquanna 11.64 Richmond Senior
Rothlisberger, Addison 11.96 Union Pines
Oakley, Caroline 11.98 Union Pines
Patterson, Samaya 12.01 Richmond Senior
Winn, Audrey 12.19 Pinecrest
Norton, Chozen 8.98 Pinecrest
Knox, Akeelah 9.70 Pinecrest
Spencer, Kelis 9.80 E.E. Smith
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Girls High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stroud, Charity 5-4 E.E. Smith
Watkins, Ka'mora 5-0 Richmond Senior
Williams, Nar'yah 5-0 Pinecrest
Kellner, Clara 5-0 Union Pines
Pachniak, Addison 4-6 Jack Britt
Spicer, Janie 4-4 Union Pines
Thomas, Sonyla 4-4 Scotland County
Drake, Nyla 4-4 Pinecrest
Hay, Sydney 4-2 Union Pines
Henderson, Sharonda 4-2 Richmond Senior
Mcdonald, Riley 4-0 Richmond Senior
Swiney, Destiny Scotland County
Hanzal, Reese Jack Britt
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Girls Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Donahue, Alanna 18-0 Terry Sanford
Smith, Kindal 16-4.06 Gray's Creek
Faulk, Asia 16-2 Terry Sanford
Southerland, N'Diyah 16-1 Gray's Creek
Johnson, Tiara 15-6 Western Harnett
Brown, Melody 15-4.5 Union Pines
Scott, Angel 15-3.25 Scotland County
Small, Te'yonna 15-2 Overhills
Monroe, Vanessa 14-6 Union Pines
Bailey, Isabella 14-5 Fayetteville Christian School
Dumas, Anayjah 14-3 Richmond Senior
Bostick, Saquanna 14-2.5 Richmond Senior
Swiney, Destiny 14-1 Scotland County
Carver, Caroline 13-8.25 Union Pines
Jean Paul, Lyric 13-3 Western Harnett
Reaves, Talayah 13-1 Pinecrest
Voltz, Mikiyla 12-11.5 Pinecrest
Little, Fallon 12-5 Richmond Senior
Schwagel, Kathryn 11-9.75 Pinecrest
Henderson, Sharonda 11-2 Richmond Senior
Edwards, Lyric 10-1 Scotland County
LaBarre, Kyla 9-10.5 Pinecrest
Salas, Jazelle Pinecrest
Post, Reece Union Pines
Robinson, Em'Marie Gray's Creek
Debiase, Ayden Union Pines
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Girls Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hagan, Opie 9-0 Pinecrest
Rhyne, Ruby 8-6 Pinecrest
Hagan, Brianna 8-0 Pinecrest
Veeneman, Sydney 7-0 Pinecrest
Booker, Lavinia 6-0 Pinecrest
Baldwin, Reece 5-6 Pinecrest
Oakley, Caroline Union Pines
Bare, Jacquelin Union Pines
Hay, Sydney Union Pines
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Girls Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jacobs, Jakira 34-7 Lee County
Norman, Nicole 33-5.75 Union Pines
White, Ka'lani 31-10.5 Overhills
Cameron, Kileigh 27-2.5 Union Pines
Booker-Gilchrist, Storee' 26-5.5 Gray's Creek
McMillan, Xandra 26-2 Pinecrest
Bailey, Julianna 25-11 Fayetteville Christian School
Rodgers, Stephanie 25-6.5 Pinecrest
Quinata, Jamey 25-1 E.E. Smith
Christy, McKenna 24-3 Pinecrest
Walker, Renara 23-10 Gray's Creek
Andrade-Rodriguez , Michelle 23-6 Pinecrest
Wilson, Malani 23-1 Richmond Senior
Bare, Jacquelin 23-0.5 Union Pines
Galan, Alaina 22-11.5 Gray's Creek
Troy, Makayla 22-6 E.E. Smith
Whitlock, Kasey 22-2 Union Pines
Hildreth, Tatiana 21-10.5 E.E. Smith
Grey, Rackeriya 20-4.5 Douglas Byrd
Hefner, Madeleine 20-4 Union Pines
Johnson, Kenya 20-1 Lee County
Bonilla, Maya 17-6 Cape Fear
Conway, Molly 16-11 Union Pines
Daughtery, Maria Pinecrest
Baynes, Halle Pinecrest
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Girls Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Small, Te'yonna 34-5 Overhills
Powell, Ellie 33-8 Union Pines
Brown, Melody 33-1 Union Pines
Kellner, Selah 33-0.5 Union Pines
Watkins, Ka'mora 32-0 Richmond Senior
Reaves, Talayah 31-3 Pinecrest
Carver, Caroline 30-7 Union Pines
Dumas, Anayjah 29-2.75 Richmond Senior
Welling, Aubrey 28-10 Pinecrest
Voltz, Mikiyla 27-5 Pinecrest
Schwagel, Kathryn 27-3 Pinecrest
Little, Fallon 26-5.5 Richmond Senior
Pachniak, Addison 26-2 Jack Britt
Salas, Jazelle 22-8 Pinecrest
Bostick, Saquanna Richmond Senior
LaBarre, Kyla Pinecrest
Robinson, Em'Marie Gray's Creek
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