Meet Information
Field Events Begin 5:00 -- All finals, so discus, shot, long & triple will be 4 attempts
Discus followed by shot put (boys and girls together for each)
Long jump followed by Triple jump (boys & girls at same pit)
High Jump (girls only)
Pole Vault (not contested)
Running Events Begin 6:15 All races are timed finals
We will not prepare heat sheets until Saturday morning, as we will be removing anyone who has not made payment.
More Info:
FAT by Rhodes Race Timing
1. Spectator admission Fee: $5
2. Concessions: no concessions will be sold
3. Entry Fee: $10 for unlimited individual events,$25 per relay and that includes an alternate.
ONLY ONLINE PAYMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Payment must be made ahead of the meet for entry to be accepted. Online payment is through PayPal, with a PayPal account or a credit card.
Questions please contact Meet Directors:
Robert Youtz:
Jeff George: