Carolinas Kickoff 2024

Indian Trail, NC

Carolinas Kickoff 2024 vs Carolinas Kickoff (Middle School & High School races) 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +11 608 597
Overall Average -27.83 23:29.18 23:57.01
1st-10th Place -27.97 16:20.96 16:48.93
1st-25th Place -25.58 16:55.69 17:21.27
1st-50th Place -31.32 17:21.93 17:53.26
1st-100th Place -31.36 18:01.96 18:33.31
Common Athletes -- -- 39
Ran Faster 33 36 3
Ran Season Best 17 22 5
Average Time -2:24.54 22:15.79 24:40.33
Median Time -2:22.48 21:27.12 23:49.60
Middle 80% Times -2:27.71 22:11.95 24:39.66
Top 10% Times -1:17.18 17:54.90 19:12.08
Top 25% Times -1:54.99 18:17.46 20:12.45
Top 50% Times -2:23.02 19:22.07 21:45.09
Bottom 50% Times -2:18.83 24:02.73 26:21.56
Bottom 25% Times -2:57.86 27:04.13 30:01.99
Bottom 10% Times -3:23.15 28:27.90 31:51.05
Average Difference -2:24.54 -- --
Median Difference -11.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:25.50 -- --
Top 10% Difference -51.62 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:56.35 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:26.03 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:56.35 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:46.06 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:54.20 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:11.14 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Don Leimkuhler Sun Valley -45.36 17:31.24 18:16.60
Samuel Carlisle York County Homeschool -2:49.04 17:53.66 20:42.70
Wells Peery Myers Park -2:13.08 18:03.52 20:16.60
Michael Mazzone Myers Park -31.64 18:11.16 18:42.80
Sam Additon Union Academy -4:09.20 18:21.40 22:30.60
Will Campbell Metrolina Christian Academy -2:31.38 18:24.62 20:56.00
Brayden Jolly Mountain Island Charter School -1:32.09 18:25.71 19:57.80
Nicole Alfers Christ the King Catholic School -2:40.85 18:29.45 21:10.30
DJ Thomas Mountain Island Charter School -3:28.31 18:37.89 22:06.20
Truman Walsh Christ the King Catholic School -10:10.04 18:55.96 29:06.00
Annie Miller Metrolina Christian Academy -37.40 19:13.70 19:51.10
Raleigh Carling Porter Ridge -4:08.31 19:33.19 23:41.50
Chad Wolfe Hickory Grove Baptist Christian School -3:47.16 19:50.54 23:37.70
Mason Basinger Myers Park -0.20 20:18.60 20:18.80
Ava Snowdon Myers Park -3:19.21 20:28.19 23:47.40
Lillian Anderson Metrolina Christian Academy -1:50.44 20:30.36 22:20.80
Anthony Miano Christ the King Catholic School -4:03.70 20:42.00 24:45.70
Isaac Shaw York County Homeschool -3:21.00 21:10.50 24:31.50
Tanner Murphy Myers Park -39.30 21:12.50 21:51.80
Emma Suchenski Mountain Island Charter School -2:02.98 21:27.12 23:30.10
Mack Ryerson York County Homeschool -4:24.60 22:07.00 26:31.60
Hudson Walker Metrolina Christian Academy -1:23.40 22:26.20 23:49.60
Jonathan Hare York County Homeschool -2:55.30 22:27.10 25:22.40
Sadie Walls York County Homeschool -5:16.53 23:17.97 28:34.50
Sophia D'Amico Myers Park -47.50 23:37.70 24:25.20
Aiden Trull Metrolina Christian Academy -6.40 23:38.50 23:44.90
Blaise Keen York County Homeschool -2:25.80 23:39.90 26:05.70
Ashlyn Preston Charlotte Christian +1:09.86 24:58.36 23:48.50
Cole McGinnis Gaston Christian School -11.20 24:00.50 24:11.70
Hadaysah Lewis Metrolina Christian Academy -7:33.50 25:04.70 32:38.20
Callie Hobbs Community School of Davidson +1:03.40 26:32.30 25:28.90
Carter Breath Mountain Island Charter School -23.41 25:41.19 26:04.60
Lauren Colyer Gaston Day School +2:02.10 27:57.60 25:55.50
John Horton York County Homeschool -2:08.50 25:57.00 28:05.50
Will Duhigg Metrolina Christian Academy -4:24.20 26:16.00 30:40.20
Maia Edmisten Metrolina Christian Academy -3:50.07 27:18.53 31:08.60
Anne Ward York County Homeschool -2:20.30 27:37.60 29:57.90
Helen Zieber York County Homeschool -2:39.20 28:34.00 31:13.20
Joseph Grube Union Academy -2:41.80 29:42.40 32:24.20