SAC#5 2021

Laurinburg, NC

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Corbin Lee County
Sutherland, Cooper 17:47.00 Scotland County
Ward, Nathaniel 20:11.00 Union Pines
O'Donnell, Luke 21:19.30 Union Pines
Hatfield, Daniel 21:22.00 Union Pines
Edwards, Raley 21:23.00 Hoke County
Hill, Andrew 21:48.00 Union Pines
Fitzptrick, Isaiah 22:00.77 Hoke County
Feree, Aiden 22:01.68 Union Pines
Jester, Charles 22:03.00 Lee County
Wood, Joseph 22:28.00 Union Pines
Hill, Nathan 22:31.10 Union Pines
Jones, Nathan 22:42.70 Lee County
Ross, Dominic 23:03.80 Union Pines
Allen, Noah 23:26.26 Hoke County
Cox, Garrett 23:53.50 Union Pines
Hafer, Harrison 24:44.55 Union Pines
Fitzpatrick, Isaac 25:13.98 Hoke County
Hogan, Cameron 25:28.19 Union Pines
Cole, Justin 25:33.86 Union Pines
Isbell, Eli 25:36.81 Union Pines
Schlosser, Rainer 25:47.94 Hoke County
Reed, Ta'veon 26:02.84 Hoke County
Redmon, Poter 26:27.23 Hoke County
Coleman, Devion 27:36.00 Hoke County
Borman, Jacob 28:01.56 Hoke County
Hunt, Zechariah 28:26.00 Hoke County
Muse, Ian 28:27.00 Union Pines
Vela, Josh 29:00.00 Union Pines
Deskins, Jacob 29:59.00 Union Pines
Rembert, Nolan 30:23.00 Union Pines
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelly, Katie Scotland County
Reinhardt, Svea Union Pines
Kelley, Madison Scotland County
Aguirre, Azalea Hoke County
Buie, Carson 21:17.78 Scotland County
Richard, Lillian 21:35.25 Union Pines
Matthews, Bethany 21:48.00 Scotland County
Edwards, Chloe 22:50.50 Lee County
Fraley, Maya 23:13.00 Union Pines
Crowder, Lailah 23:41.10 Hoke County
Tucker, Mikayla 23:51.00 Scotland County
Paris, Julianna 23:57.00 Union Pines
Worth, Qiara 25:12.17 Scotland County
Blanc, Monique 25:23.00 Union Pines
Gagnard, Madeline 25:59.92 Union Pines
Grace, Breanna 26:15.00 Hoke County
Siquig, Sophia 26:24.00 Union Pines
Flewwellin, Allyson 26:34.70 Union Pines
Lee, Chelsea 26:59.00 Hoke County
Brown, Claire 27:16.79 Union Pines
Barnes, Samantha 27:18.00 Scotland County
Mabe, Alyssa 27:23.00 Union Pines
Brown, Melody 28:16.00 Union Pines
Beltran, Karime 29:42.00 Union Pines
Martindale, Catherine 30:54.90 Union Pines
Ganus, Chloe 31:21.00 Scotland County
White, Baylee 31:48.00 Hoke County
Clark, Olivia 32:33.80 Union Pines
Hafer, Arebella 32:46.00 Union Pines
Terrill, Alina 34:04.00 Union Pines
Bonillo, Isabelle 34:13.26 Union Pines
Tabon, Cally 35:53.90 Lee County
Haywood, MaKenzie 37:04.00 Scotland County
Harrelson, Morgan 40:34.39 Hoke County
Lopez-Nunez, Thalia 44:05.00 Union Pines
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