OPAC Middle School Championships 2024

Hillsborough, NC
Hosted by Orange

Athlete Entries

MS Boys 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roach, John 11.58 Smith Middle School
Wade Smith, Kamari 11.81 Northern Middle School
Torian, Jakai 11.93 Orange Middle School
Torain, Jameson 11.96 Orange Middle School
Shuster, Cole 12.00 Phillips Middle School
Comer, Chevy 12.05 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Thomas, Markus 12.11 Orange Middle School
Companioni, Leovon 12.17 Stanback Middle School
Jackson, Chris 12.4 Smith Middle School
Jenkins, Chris 12.46 Smith Middle School
Thomas, Cameron 12.49 Northern Middle School
Wilbur, Fletcher 12.58 McDougle Middle School
Harris, Mario 12.78 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Silva, Augustin 13.00 Phillips Middle School
Cruz, Kevin 13.00 Phillips Middle School
Waldrop, Grant 13.00h Culbreth Middle School
Swinehart, Kolton 13.05 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Tisdale Williams, Trenton 13.70 McDougle Middle School
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MS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Kameron 15.00 Phillips Middle School
Torian, Jakai 15.59 Orange Middle School
Zheng, Michael 15.87 Phillips Middle School
OBriant, Trenton 15.87 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Hamilton, A’son Ace 15.87 McDougle Middle School
McFee, Owen 15.98 Smith Middle School
Sepluveda, Josue 16.16 Culbreth Middle School
Montgomery, Kai 16.46 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Lee, James 16.5 Smith Middle School
Betts, Lucas 17.00h Northern Middle School
Alston, Taylan 17.18 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Wade, Aaron 17.50h Northern Middle School
Gramata, Jaxon 18.00h Stanback Middle School
Born, Jamison 19.30h Gravelly Hill Middle School
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MS Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Caress, Baxter 5:07.31 McDougle Middle School
Petrow, Maximilian 5:08.22 McDougle Middle School
Lovelady, Ben 5:11 Smith Middle School
DeBrigard, David 5:23 Smith Middle School
Guidry, Velo 5:23.00 McDougle Middle School
Clipp, Robert 5:28.25 Phillips Middle School
Kelm, Jude 5:33 Smith Middle School
Crandell, Jack 5:38.45 Orange Middle School
Cullen, Elijah 5:42.00h Culbreth Middle School
Walker, Nathan 5:42.00h Southern Roxboro Middle School
Zeplin, Carson 5:44.00h Orange Middle School
Gramata, Jaxon 5:46.00h Stanback Middle School
Rios, Cameron 5:48.00h Orange Middle School
Vernon, Jake 5:54.00h Culbreth Middle School
Finken, Noah 5:55.00h Culbreth Middle School
Born, Jamison 6:07.00h Gravelly Hill Middle School
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MS Boys 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roach, John 24.11 Smith Middle School
Cottrell, Elliott 25.30 McDougle Middle School
Companioni, Leovon 25.40 Stanback Middle School
Thomas, Markus 25.87 Orange Middle School
Thomas, Cullen 26.11 Smith Middle School
Comer, Chevy 26.20h Southern Roxboro Middle School
Jia, Brandon 26.27 Smith Middle School
Bush, Jason 26.34 Orange Middle School
Taylor, Cash 26.50h Southern Roxboro Middle School
Lyons, Jaiden 26.75 Stanback Middle School
Huin, Jacques 27.34 McDougle Middle School
Brayshaw, Eloy 27.55 McDougle Middle School
Hamlett, Camden 27.70h Southern Roxboro Middle School
Dixon, Jaylin 28.00 Northern Middle School
Winstead, Chamarri 28.00 Northern Middle School
Moore, Jaydin 28.00 Northern Middle School
Staib, Carter 28.20h Culbreth Middle School
Bradsher, Tequan 29.63 Gravelly Hill Middle School
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MS Boys 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Albright, Jayden Gravelly Hill Middle School
McGowan, Tristian 1:01.00h Culbreth Middle School
Petrow, Maximilian 1:01.30 McDougle Middle School
Doherty, Liam 1:02.00h Orange Middle School
McFee, Owen 1:03.37 Smith Middle School
Caress, Baxter 1:04.00 McDougle Middle School
Staib, Carter 1:04.00h Culbreth Middle School
Dixon, Jaylin 1:04.00h Northern Middle School
Goldsmith, Griffin 1:04.06 Phillips Middle School
Cundiff, Ellis 1:04.14 Smith Middle School
Usher, EJ 1:04.80h Stanback Middle School
Moore, Jaydin 1:05.00 Northern Middle School
Winstead, Chamarri 1:05.00h Northern Middle School
Swinehart, Austin 1:14.86 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Companioni, Leovon 57.0 Stanback Middle School
Ware, Malachi 57.01 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Ng'etich, Jonathan 57.99 Smith Middle School
Baumler, Zac 58.90h Culbreth Middle School
Brisbon, Aiden 60.78 Southern Roxboro Middle School
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MS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.37 Smith Middle School
Relay Team A 50.30 Orange Middle School
Relay Team A 51.60h Southern Roxboro Middle School
Relay Team A 53.21 Northern Middle School
Relay Team A 53.90h McDougle Middle School
Relay Team A 53:05.00 Phillips Middle School
Relay Team A 54.06 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Relay Team A 54.90h Culbreth Middle School
Relay Team A 55.00h Stanback Middle School
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MS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:43.00h McDougle Middle School
Relay Team A 1:44.9 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Relay Team A 1:46.00 Smith Middle School
Relay Team A 1:49.00h Culbreth Middle School
Relay Team A 1:49.58 Orange Middle School
Relay Team A 1:50.00h Stanback Middle School
Relay Team A 1:52:34. Northern Middle School
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MS Boys 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez, Diego 2:04.00h Northern Middle School
Faulkner, Andrew 2:04.00h Northern Middle School
Ng'etich, Jonathan 2:19.45 Smith Middle School
Warrington, Samuel 2:21.00h Culbreth Middle School
Fitzgerald, Shane 2:23.00h Culbreth Middle School
Lovelady, Ben 2:26 Smith Middle School
Su, Jacob 2:26.30 Smith Middle School
Brown, Luke 2:29.00 McDougle Middle School
Crandell, Jack 2:33.00h Orange Middle School
Gramata, Jaxon 2:34.00h Stanback Middle School
Clipp, Robert 2:34.58 Phillips Middle School
Jobe, Jacob 2:37 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Guidry, Velo 2:37.72 McDougle Middle School
Shaw, Solis 2:39.00h Culbreth Middle School
Martin, Cohen 2:39.40 McDougle Middle School
Walker, Nathan 2:42.00h Southern Roxboro Middle School
Gehm, Thomas 2:43.78 Orange Middle School
Rios, Cameron 2:47.00h Orange Middle School
Baker, James 2:48.00h Southern Roxboro Middle School
olmstead, sam 2:48.00h Stanback Middle School
Mbaiku, Trevor 2:49.00h Phillips Middle School
Aharon, Logan 2:56.65 Gravelly Hill Middle School
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MS Boys Discus 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
OBriant, Trenton 102-3 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Turchi, Henry 99-1 Smith Middle School
Huin, Jacques 97-3 McDougle Middle School
Peed, Abel 94-6 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Garibaldi, Alex 90-6.5 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Whitt, Karsen 90-0 Northern Middle School
Aguirre, Ian 86-5 Stanback Middle School
Marks, Logan 86-0 Culbreth Middle School
Kalavsky, Bryer 85-1 Smith Middle School
Ruggles, Alfred 81-9 Orange Middle School
Downing, Deonte 80-0 Phillips Middle School
Swinehart, Austin 55-4 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Whitman, Cooper Northern Middle School
Higgins, Anthony Northern Middle School
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MS Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baumler, Zac 5-6 Culbreth Middle School
Jackson, Chris 5-4 Smith Middle School
Lee, James 5-4 Smith Middle School
Nervo-Jabaut, Liam 5-4 McDougle Middle School
Wade Smith, Kamari 5-2 Northern Middle School
Bradsher, Tequan 5-0 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Lott, Jayden 5-0 Smith Middle School
Martin, Alex 5-0 Orange Middle School
Chance, Jasiah 5-0 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Cruz, Kevin 5-0 Phillips Middle School
Finken, Noah 5-0 Culbreth Middle School
Betts, Lucas 5-0 Northern Middle School
Silinski, Jake 4-10 Orange Middle School
Torain, Jameson 4-10 Orange Middle School
Smith, Holden 4-10 McDougle Middle School
Moore, Kaiden 4-8 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Aguirre, Ian 4-6 Stanback Middle School
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MS Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ware, Malachi 18-0 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Kpaw, Eh Htoo 17-3 Smith Middle School
Miller, Dominic 17-3 Phillips Middle School
Sepluveda, Josue 16-8 Culbreth Middle School
Harris, Mario 16-5 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Brayshaw, Eloy 16-1 McDougle Middle School
Ng'etich, Jonathan 16-0 Smith Middle School
Pulley, Matthew 16-0 Orange Middle School
Thomas, Cameron 16-0 Northern Middle School
McGowan, Tristian 15-9 Culbreth Middle School
akbari, erfan 15-2.5 Stanback Middle School
Cundiff, Ellis 15-1 Smith Middle School
Nervo-Jabaut, Liam 15-1 McDougle Middle School
Wade Smith, Kamari 15-0 Northern Middle School
Scott, Jamari 14-6 Phillips Middle School
Scott, Owen 14-6 McDougle Middle School
Mitchell, Vaiduin 12-11 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Born, Jamison 11-11 Gravelly Hill Middle School
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MS Boys Shot Put 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
OBriant, Trenton 35-6 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Zuicker, Oliver 35-6 Culbreth Middle School
Whitt, Karsen 35-0 Northern Middle School
Huin, Jacques 34-2 McDougle Middle School
Becerra, J Cruz 32-5 Stanback Middle School
Johnson, Brayden 32-3 Orange Middle School
Moore, Kaiden 32-0.5 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Garibaldi, Alex 32-0 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Burgess, Ben 31-0 Phillips Middle School
Marks, Logan 31-0 Culbreth Middle School
Swinehart, Kolton 30-9.25 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Higgins, Anthony 30-0 Northern Middle School
Whitman, Cooper 30-0 Northern Middle School
Collins, Baxter 26-1 Smith Middle School
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MS Girls 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lamb, Ally 12.9 Smith Middle School
Louthan, Mae 13.21 Smith Middle School
Wade Smith, Kayari 13.27 Northern Middle School
Cousins, Mikayla 13.37 Northern Middle School
Pacley, Rockiya 13.5 Stanback Middle School
Cheng, Sophia 13.50 Phillips Middle School
Albright, Mia 13.55 Orange Middle School
Hyatt, Kaylee 13.67 Orange Middle School
Hanig-Gillis, Eliza 13.70h Culbreth Middle School
Drumwright, Chyna 13.71 Northern Middle School
Munroe, Tillora 14.02 McDougle Middle School
Ford, Isla 14.11 Smith Middle School
Hyers, Keeley 14.26 Stanback Middle School
Davis , Elise 14.38 McDougle Middle School
Barker, Hadley 14.40h Gravelly Hill Middle School
Hansen, Julia 14.48 Culbreth Middle School
Owen, Florence 14.50 Phillips Middle School
Cavender, Catherine 14.50h Culbreth Middle School
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MS Girls 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jermyn, Reilly 5:32.59 Orange Middle School
OBrien , Lily 5:38.22 McDougle Middle School
Parnell, Norah 5:39.15 Phillips Middle School
Mersereau , Sadie 5:40 Smith Middle School
Mintor, Elorie 5:55.00h Culbreth Middle School
Scaglione, Cora 5:57.00 McDougle Middle School
Olley, Violet 6:00.00 McDougle Middle School
Pascarelli, Flynn 6:21.00h Culbreth Middle School
Bogguss, Riley 6:31.00h Orange Middle School
Shaw, Peyton 6:32 Stanback Middle School
Williams, Angel (Elizabeth) 6:44.00h Stanback Middle School
Allan, Sophie 6:56 Smith Middle School
Parr, Emilee 6:59.00h Culbreth Middle School
Neuman, Anna 7:06.00h Gravelly Hill Middle School
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MS Girls 200 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Shannon McDougle Middle School
Toledo, Elia 27.90h Culbreth Middle School
Pacley, Rockiya 28.70 Stanback Middle School
Cousins, Mikayla 29.00 Northern Middle School
Adams, Corrine 29.52 Orange Middle School
Ingold, Natalie 29.52 Orange Middle School
Allen, Jordyn 29.80h Southern Roxboro Middle School
Adamou, Zarah 29.99 Smith Middle School
Blackwell, Wisdom 30.00 Northern Middle School
Van, Margo 30.00h Culbreth Middle School
Rone, Taylor 30.00h Culbreth Middle School
Wurzinger, Julie Anna 30.18 Orange Middle School
Umenwaliri, Lemachi 30.3 Smith Middle School
Smith, Taraji 30.60h Southern Roxboro Middle School
King, Penelope 30.81 Phillips Middle School
Sheikhli, Sadie 30.84 McDougle Middle School
Dingess, Alyvia 30.90 Stanback Middle School
Barazandeh, Maya 31.00 Phillips Middle School
BonHomme, Lyric 31.12 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Peretin Sanchez, Andrea 31.40 McDougle Middle School
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MS Girls 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woodside, Eleanor 1.04 Phillips Middle School
Hyers, Keeley 1.11 Stanback Middle School
Walter, Ada 1.12 Phillips Middle School
Charbois, Constance 1.13 Stanback Middle School
Spinelli, Trinity 1.15 Northern Middle School
Louthan, Mae 1:04 Smith Middle School
Claffey, Ginny 1:05.00h Culbreth Middle School
Wurzinger, Julie Anna 1:05.52 Orange Middle School
Krein , Jenna 1:08.05 McDougle Middle School
Lloyd, Eve 1:10.00h Culbreth Middle School
Turner, Dolly 1:10.00h Culbreth Middle School
hoffman, hannah 1:11.00 McDougle Middle School
Carneiro, Amelie 1:11.52 Smith Middle School
O'Brien, Nora 1:12.68 McDougle Middle School
Bakmaz , Addison 1:13.2 Smith Middle School
Gilbert, Rylee 1:14.00h Southern Roxboro Middle School
Barker, Hadley 1:14.86 Gravelly Hill Middle School
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MS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northern Middle School
Relay Team A 54.81 Smith Middle School
Relay Team A 56.87 Orange Middle School
Relay Team A 57.90h Culbreth Middle School
Relay Team A 58.60h Stanback Middle School
Relay Team A 58.80h Southern Roxboro Middle School
Relay Team A 59.03 Phillips Middle School
Relay Team A 59.92 McDougle Middle School
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MS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northern Middle School
Relay Team A 1:55.83 Smith Middle School
Relay Team A 1:59.84 Orange Middle School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Culbreth Middle School
Relay Team A 2:05.00h Southern Roxboro Middle School
Relay Team A 2:08.09 Stanback Middle School
Relay Team A 2:09.00 McDougle Middle School
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MS Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lamb, Ally 08.87 Smith Middle School
Cousins, Mikayla 10.55 Northern Middle School
Bolduc, Maggie 10.72 Orange Middle School
Cummings, Annabelle 10.74 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Crabtree, Michaela 10.81 Stanback Middle School
Charbois, Constance 10.86 Stanback Middle School
Gilbert, Rylee 10.87 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Lloyd, Eve 10.90 Culbreth Middle School
Pensakovic, Elizabeth 10.91 Culbreth Middle School
D'Agostino, Cassie 10.95 Orange Middle School
Spinelli, Trinity 11.00 Northern Middle School
Ramirez, Raquel 11.00 Northern Middle School
Mintor, Elorie 11.00 Culbreth Middle School
Zimmermon, Kaili 11:18 McDougle Middle School
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MS Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parnell, Norah 2:35.67 Phillips Middle School
OBrien , Lily 2:38.78 McDougle Middle School
Mersereau , Sadie 2:39.46 Smith Middle School
Pascarelli, Flynn 2:41.00h Culbreth Middle School
Bishop, Ava 2:41.71 Orange Middle School
Jermyn, Reilly 2:42.21 Orange Middle School
Lockamy, Amelia 2:45.56 Phillips Middle School
Scaglione, Cora 2:50.50 McDougle Middle School
Pyne, Petra 2:51.00h Culbreth Middle School
Sauceda-Gallegos, Kayli 2:53.00h Orange Middle School
Adelino, Sofia 2:54.86 Smith Middle School
Belval, Henrietta 2:56.78 Phillips Middle School
Olley, Violet 2:56.91 McDougle Middle School
Shaw, Peyton 3:00.59 Stanback Middle School
Williams, Angel (Elizabeth) 3:01.00 Stanback Middle School
Fargo, Sophia 3:01.00h Culbreth Middle School
Neuman, Anna 3:10.00h Gravelly Hill Middle School
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MS Girls Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lucas, Nora 103-7 Smith Middle School
Doty, Mackenzie 87-5 Smith Middle School
Clements, Kenya 75-5.5 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Munroe, Nena 73-00 McDougle Middle School
Obende, Miah 68-00 McDougle Middle School
Sparks, Cam 66-5 Culbreth Middle School
Lewis, Tierryn 64-10 Orange Middle School
Coder, Noel 64-3 Culbreth Middle School
Tippett, Gracie 64-2.5 Southern Roxboro Middle School
McCollum, Tylisa 59-0 Culbreth Middle School
Neville, Tess 58-0 Phillips Middle School
Mandizha, Ava 57-0 Northern Middle School
Hatfield, Rylee 55-1 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Bumpass, Nevaeh 55-0 Northern Middle School
Bumpass, Payton 55-0 Northern Middle School
Bennett, LeAnne 51-6 Stanback Middle School
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MS Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Claffey, Ginny 4-10 Culbreth Middle School
Lindley, Alexa 4-8 Culbreth Middle School
Ogbuoji, Chiamaka 4-6 Smith Middle School
Hyatt, Kaylee 4-6 Orange Middle School
Pascarelli, Flynn 4-6 Culbreth Middle School
Krein , Jenna 4-6 McDougle Middle School
Umenwaliri, Lemachi 4-6 Smith Middle School
Wrenn, Taylor 4-4 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Blackwell, Wisdom 4-4 Northern Middle School
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MS Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bush, Abigail 15-10 Orange Middle School
Hanig-Gillis, Eliza 14-9 Culbreth Middle School
Albright, Mia 14-3 Orange Middle School
Ogbuoji, Chiamaka 14-2 Smith Middle School
Adams, Corrine 14-2 Orange Middle School
Lloyd, Eve 13-11 Culbreth Middle School
Allen, Jordyn 13-5 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Hansen, Julia 13-1 Culbreth Middle School
Allen, Alice 12-9 Smith Middle School
Peretin Sanchez, Andrea 12-3.00 McDougle Middle School
Robinson, Hannah 12-3.00 McDougle Middle School
Smith, Taraji 12-3 Southern Roxboro Middle School
BonHomme, Lyric 12-0 Gravelly Hill Middle School
Stekloff, Amber 12-0 Phillips Middle School
McCain, Kyndall 12-0 Northern Middle School
Butalid, Gold 12-0 Northern Middle School
Newman, Dariya 12-0 Northern Middle School
Shaw, Peyton 11-1 Stanback Middle School
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MS Girls Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Jordyn 31-5 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Lucas, Nora 30-9 Smith Middle School
Clements, Kenya 30-4 Southern Roxboro Middle School
Umenwaliri, Sommy 29-10 Smith Middle School
Doty, Mackenzie 29-4 Smith Middle School
Barrett, Mae 29-0 Phillips Middle School
Obende, Miah 27-6 McDougle Middle School
Guerriro, Madison 27-3 Culbreth Middle School
McCollum, Tylisa 26-7 Culbreth Middle School
Mandizha, Ava 26-0 Northern Middle School
Munroe, Nena 25-9 McDougle Middle School
Neville, Tess 25-7 Phillips Middle School
Johnson, June 24-5 McDougle Middle School
Coder, Noel 24-1 Culbreth Middle School
Bumpass, Nevaeh 24-0 Northern Middle School
Bumpass, Payton 23-0 Northern Middle School
Bennett, LeAnne 22-5.4 Stanback Middle School
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