Cummings, Jordan Matthews, North Moore 2023

Burlington, NC

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:29.50 Southern Guilford
Relay Team A 1:30.46 Cummings, Hugh M.
Relay Team A 1:36.64 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paylor, Jonathan 10.44h Cummings, Hugh M.
Myles, Dewayne 10.80 Eastern Guilford High School
Hightower, Khavarie 10.84h Cummings, Hugh M.
Creech, Caleb 11.04h Eastern Guilford High School
McRae, Bramond 11.14h Cummings, Hugh M.
Manning, Jakyri 11.24h Southern Guilford
Bullock, Ta'Vion 11.34h Eastern Guilford High School
Davis, Kameron 11.54 Southern Guilford
Oates, James 11.64 Southern Guilford
Green, Jerron 11.76 Jordan-Matthews
Vaughn, Damian 11.84h Southern Guilford
Gorham, Jaiden 11.89 Jordan-Matthews
Quarles Jr., Robert 11.94h Eastern Guilford High School
King-Cox, Haiden 12.01 Southern Guilford
Hughes, Elijah 12.04h Jordan-Matthews
Herrera, Elian 12.10 Jordan-Matthews
Ware, Armeka 12.14h Eastern Guilford High School
Headen, Dwight 12.16 Jordan-Matthews
Smith, Nathan 12.21 Piedmont Classical High School
Hipply, David 12.74h Piedmont Classical High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clements, Jamear 15.04h Cummings, Hugh M.
Hackett, Jassai 15.54h Eastern Guilford High School
Vargas, Emir 19.16 Jordan-Matthews
Larios, Emanuel 19.39 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Josiah Southern Guilford
Drewery, Austin 4:59.30 Eastern Guilford High School
Clay, Joshua 5:08.40 Piedmont Classical High School
Garcia Tores, Christian 5:10.16 Jordan-Matthews
Galena, Carlo 5:23.68 Jordan-Matthews
Evans-Robinson, Paul 5:28.83 Eastern Guilford High School
Diaz, Aaron 5:31.50 Southern Guilford
Harrison, Aiden 5:35.03 Jordan-Matthews
Thompson, Aaron 5:39.16 Eastern Guilford High School
Hernandez, Aiden 5:42.00 Jordan-Matthews
Herrea, Marvin 5:52.72 Jordan-Matthews
Smith, Christian 6:01.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Robles, Rafael 6:05.30 Southern Guilford
Williams, Ryan 6:29.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Younts, Elijah 6:35.00 Southern Guilford
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Nathan Piedmont Classical High School
Paylor, Jonathan 21.44h Cummings, Hugh M.
Manning, Jakyri 22.44h Southern Guilford
Hightower, Khavarie 22.52 Cummings, Hugh M.
Myles, Dewayne 22.64h Eastern Guilford High School
Glover, Nick 23.54h Jordan-Matthews
Oates, James 23.64h Southern Guilford
Hughes, Elijah 23.64h Jordan-Matthews
McRae, Bramond 23.65 Cummings, Hugh M.
Davis, Kameron 23.70 Southern Guilford
Green, Jerron 23.94h Jordan-Matthews
Creech, Caleb 24.22 Eastern Guilford High School
Copper, Jerron 24.24h Southern Guilford
Brewer, Gabriel 24.74 Jordan-Matthews
Gorham, Jaiden 24.74h Jordan-Matthews
Brevard, Kenneth 24.94 Eastern Guilford High School
Harper, Jason 25.00 Southern Guilford
Ware, Armeka 25.04h Eastern Guilford High School
Washington, Avery 25.44h Eastern Guilford High School
Clements, Jamear 25.74h Cummings, Hugh M.
Hipply, David 26.64h Piedmont Classical High School
Cruz Vergara, Cornelio 28.74h Cummings, Hugh M.
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hadley, Kamarie Jordan-Matthews
Wiley, Neil Jordan-Matthews
Blackston, Nick 41.21 Southern Guilford
Bullock, Ta'Vion 42.63 Eastern Guilford High School
Hackett, Jassai 43.24h Eastern Guilford High School
Vargas, Emir 44.94 Jordan-Matthews
Hill, Quincey 45.00h Cummings, Hugh M.
Ware, Armeka 46.16 Eastern Guilford High School
Enoch, Marione 47.04h Cummings, Hugh M.
Larios, Emanuel 50.47 Jordan-Matthews
Lowery, Dustin 52.16 Southern Guilford
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Younts, Elijah Southern Guilford
Robles, Rafael Southern Guilford
Diaz, Aaron Southern Guilford
Sanchez, Alexis Jordan-Matthews
Garcia Tores, Christian 11:17.05 Jordan-Matthews
Galena, Carlo 11:54.46 Jordan-Matthews
Herrera, Marvin 11:56.00 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Herrera, Elian Jordan-Matthews
Ascencio, Izaiah Eastern Guilford High School
Smith, Samari 1:00.24h Eastern Guilford High School
Gray, Kahli 1:00.64h Cummings, Hugh M.
Griffith, Aiden 1:01.37 Southern Guilford
Kelly, Christopher 1:01.94 Southern Guilford
Paylor, Jonathan 49.24 Cummings, Hugh M.
Burgess, Corey 52.20 Southern Guilford
Dixon, Jakaii 53.44h Southern Guilford
Myles, Dewayne 54.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Clay, Joshua 55.14h Piedmont Classical High School
Quarles Jr., Robert 55.18 Eastern Guilford High School
Taylor, John 56.54h Cummings, Hugh M.
Ruiz, Jair 56.58 Jordan-Matthews
Brevard, Kenneth 57.90 Eastern Guilford High School
Headen, Dwight 58.04h Jordan-Matthews
Morgan, Alex 58.44 Jordan-Matthews
Harper, Jason 59.44h Southern Guilford
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Piedmont Classical High School
Relay Team A 43.24h Southern Guilford
Relay Team A 43.44h Cummings, Hugh M.
Relay Team B 45.00h Southern Guilford
Relay Team A 46.04 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:29.01 Southern Guilford
Relay Team A 3:48.78 Cummings, Hugh M.
Relay Team A 3:57.30 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:00.96 Southern Guilford
Relay Team A 9:37.19 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Josiah Southern Guilford
Drewery, Austin 2:07.29 Eastern Guilford High School
Ascencio, Izaiah 2:14.47 Eastern Guilford High School
Evans-Robinson, Paul 2:16.95 Eastern Guilford High School
Harrison, Aiden 2:20.40 Jordan-Matthews
Hall, Daivion 2:22.0 Southern Guilford
Thompson, Aaron 2:23.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Donohue, Ryan 2:23.90 Southern Guilford
Hernandez, Aiden 2:27.17 Jordan-Matthews
Galena, Carlo 2:28.20 Jordan-Matthews
Morgan, Alex 2:28.58 Jordan-Matthews
Herrea, Marvin 2:28.83 Jordan-Matthews
Hodges, Chrishawn 2:30.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Gray, Kahli 2:41.06 Cummings, Hugh M.
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HS Boys Discus Throw 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lipscomb, Donte 124-10 Eastern Guilford High School
Causey, Kevin 112-9 Jordan-Matthews
Poteat, Kavon 107-0 Cummings, Hugh M.
Lowery, Dustin 102-0 Southern Guilford
Enoch, Marione 101-4 Cummings, Hugh M.
Riley, Christopher 99-9 Eastern Guilford High School
Watkins, Damane 94-1.5 Cummings, Hugh M.
Logan, Bobby 93-2 Cummings, Hugh M.
Roberson, Jiwan 92-4 Southern Guilford
Dudley, Bruce 88-4 Southern Guilford
Rodriquez, Giancarlo 80-9 Southern Guilford
Domingez, Angelo 79-4 Jordan-Matthews
Herbin, Rydell 75-3 Southern Guilford
Teague, Larenzo 69-10 Eastern Guilford High School
Washington, Avery 63-1 Eastern Guilford High School
Ta'Bon, David 58-3 Jordan-Matthews
Myles, James Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Boys High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCrimmon, Ahmod 6-2 Jordan-Matthews
Diggs, Jayden 6-2 Southern Guilford
Glover, Nick 5-8 Jordan-Matthews
Oates, James 5-4 Southern Guilford
Donohue, Ryan 5-4 Southern Guilford
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HS Boys Long Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Myles, Dewayne 21-5.5 Eastern Guilford High School
McCrimmon, Ahmod 20-9 Jordan-Matthews
Hackett, Jassai 19-11.25 Eastern Guilford High School
Ware, Zach 18-11.5 Southern Guilford
Copper, Jerron 18-5 Southern Guilford
Smith, Nathan 18-1 Piedmont Classical High School
Roberson, Jiwan 17-8 Southern Guilford
Hill, Quincey 17-6.5 Cummings, Hugh M.
Wiley, Neil 17-5 Jordan-Matthews
Donohue, Ryan 17-2.5 Southern Guilford
Causey, Kevin 17-0 Jordan-Matthews
Hadley, Kamarie 16-8 Jordan-Matthews
Gray, Kahli 16-5.5 Cummings, Hugh M.
Roberson-Carpente, Kayden 14-8 Southern Guilford
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HS Boys Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lipscomb, Donte 44-8 Eastern Guilford High School
Riley, Christopher 42-1 Eastern Guilford High School
Enoch, Marione 39-3 Cummings, Hugh M.
Poteat, Kavon 39-3 Cummings, Hugh M.
Herbin, Rydell 38-9.75 Southern Guilford
Roberson, Jiwan 38-2 Southern Guilford
Logan, Bobby 34-11.5 Cummings, Hugh M.
Causey, Kevin 33-9 Jordan-Matthews
Lowery, Dustin 33-4 Southern Guilford
Teague, Larenzo 31-0 Eastern Guilford High School
Watkins, Damane 30-4 Cummings, Hugh M.
Dudley, Bruce 28-5 Southern Guilford
Domingez, Angelo 28-0 Jordan-Matthews
Lee, Isaiah 28-0 Southern Guilford
Ta'Bon, David 27-7 Jordan-Matthews
Washington, Avery 25-6.5 Eastern Guilford High School
Myles, James Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCrimmon, Ahmod 40-2 Jordan-Matthews
Roberson, Jiwan 38-4 Southern Guilford
Ware, Zach 37-11.25 Southern Guilford
Dawkins, Zeroun 35-10 Eastern Guilford High School
Roberson-Carpenter, Kayden 33-8 Southern Guilford
Smith, Kaiden 30-6 Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rorie, Janiah Piedmont Classical High School
Frazier, Nevaeh Eastern Guilford High School
Moore, Diamond 12.64h Cummings, Hugh M.
Tillery, Jada 12.91 Piedmont Classical High School
Walters, Uria 13.04h Eastern Guilford High School
Richardson, Heaven 13.14h Eastern Guilford High School
Olla, Esther 13.64h Southern Guilford
Jaylyn, Baldwin 13.69 Jordan-Matthews
Price, Taylor 13.74h Southern Guilford
Tripp, Zabria 13.74h Eastern Guilford High School
Jones, Jamoni 13.94h Cummings, Hugh M.
Timbo, Rachel 13.94h Southern Guilford
Farriss, Pilar 14.30 Southern Guilford
White, Saniya 14.34h Jordan-Matthews
Edwards, Zariya 14.44h Jordan-Matthews
Dixon, Hannah 14.44h Jordan-Matthews
Kopela, Sophia 14.74h Jordan-Matthews
Kelly, Symara 15.14h Cummings, Hugh M.
Whitehead, Tyanna 16.14h Piedmont Classical High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Deen, Elizabeth 14.74h Southern Guilford
Cotton, D’Anna 14.94h Cummings, Hugh M.
Packingham, Brooke 16.54 Cummings, Hugh M.
Jordan, Taylor 17.74h Cummings, Hugh M.
Womack, Raven 19.24h Eastern Guilford High School
Harris, Ariana 19.29 Jordan-Matthews
Parker, Anaria 20.14h Eastern Guilford High School
Spencer, Chareena 20.24h Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robertson, Rhiley Piedmont Classical High School
Basilio, Jasmine 6:15.00 Jordan-Matthews
Cuanalo, America 6:46.80 Jordan-Matthews
Vazquez, Aileen 7:40.88 Southern Guilford
Bennett, Alexandria 7:57.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Rudisill, Ava 8:10.00 Eastern Guilford High School
De La Sancha, Jacqueline 8:14.00 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frazier, Nevaeh Eastern Guilford High School
Goins, Gekayla Piedmont Classical High School
Deen, Elizabeth 26.64h Southern Guilford
Vicente, Anna 27.24h Jordan-Matthews
Harris, Raigan 27.37 Piedmont Classical High School
Womack, Raven 28.64h Eastern Guilford High School
Tripp, Zabria 28.84h Eastern Guilford High School
Timbo, Rachel 29.00 Southern Guilford
Duke, Julianna 29.53 Piedmont Classical High School
Olla, Esther 29.86 Southern Guilford
Kopela, Sophia 29.94h Jordan-Matthews
White, Saniya 30.03 Jordan-Matthews
Richardson, Faith 30.04h Eastern Guilford High School
Dixon, Hannah 31.04h Jordan-Matthews
Edwards, Zariya 31.14h Jordan-Matthews
Griffis, Whitney 31.14h Cummings, Hugh M.
Miller, Saniah 31.74h Eastern Guilford High School
Jenkins, Kiyana 32.00 Cummings, Hugh M.
Farriss, Pilar 32.04h Southern Guilford
Kelly, Symara 32.24h Cummings, Hugh M.
Furges, Kelilah 35.34h Cummings, Hugh M.
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spencer, Chareena Eastern Guilford High School
Cotton, D’Anna 45.57 Cummings, Hugh M.
Jordan, Taylor 48.14 Cummings, Hugh M.
Packingham, Brooke 49.28 Cummings, Hugh M.
Jones, Jamoni 52.35 Cummings, Hugh M.
Womack, Raven 52.60 Eastern Guilford High School
Moore, Diamond 55.54h Cummings, Hugh M.
Harris, Ariana 59.54h Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rorie, Janiah Piedmont Classical High School
Dixon, Hannah Jordan-Matthews
Woods, Rachel 1:02.61 Jordan-Matthews
Gattis, Khaleah 1:08.76 Eastern Guilford High School
Kopela, Sophia 1:10.24h Jordan-Matthews
Richardson, Faith 1:10.44h Eastern Guilford High School
Morehead, Lamya 1:10.64h Eastern Guilford High School
Green, Rachel 1:11.84h Eastern Guilford High School
Lemons, Charley 1:12.13 Jordan-Matthews
Fairley, Karentin 1:13.45 Southern Guilford
Pettiford, Aniyah 1:13.94h Eastern Guilford High School
Jenkins, Kiyana 1:15.84h Cummings, Hugh M.
Rush, Quarisma 1:16.34 Southern Guilford
Edwards, Zariya 1:17.84h Jordan-Matthews
Dawson, Kayla 1:19.34h Cummings, Hugh M.
Kelly, Symara 1:27.54h Cummings, Hugh M.
Furges, Kelilah 1:27.89 Cummings, Hugh M.
Parker, Saniyah 1:35.72 Southern Guilford
Burke, Zena 1:37.24h Piedmont Classical High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.82 Eastern Guilford High School
Relay Team A 54.28 Southern Guilford
Relay Team A 54.65 Jordan-Matthews
Relay Team A 55.84h Piedmont Classical High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:50.54 Eastern Guilford High School
Relay Team A 1:52.50 Piedmont Classical High School
Relay Team A 1:55.65 Southern Guilford
Relay Team A 1:56.75 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Piedmont Classical High School
Relay Team A 4:47.01 Jordan-Matthews
Relay Team A 5:23.63 Southern Guilford
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 14:09.00 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Farah Eastern Guilford High School
Basilio, Jasmine 2:57.35 Jordan-Matthews
Rudisill, Ava 3:07.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Johnson, DeAnna 3:08.31 Southern Guilford
Jones, Chase 3:13.49 Eastern Guilford High School
Daniela, Any 3:25.33 Jordan-Matthews
Bennett, Alexandria 3:25.39 Eastern Guilford High School
Vazquez, Aileen 3:30.28 Southern Guilford
De La Sancha, Jacqueline 3:46.00 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls Discus Throw 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eubanks, Madelyn 88-7 Jordan-Matthews
Brown, Janiya 87-9 Southern Guilford
Taylor-Ramsey, Alexandra 78-8.5 Eastern Guilford High School
Mason, Morgan 68-6 Jordan-Matthews
Mixon, Neine 68-1 Eastern Guilford High School
Farriss, Pilar 64-5 Southern Guilford
Burgess, Morgan 58-2 Southern Guilford
Griffis, Whitney 57-5 Cummings, Hugh M.
Headen, Kalayah 56-6 Jordan-Matthews
Teague, Brenna 53-4 Jordan-Matthews
Murdock, Jordyn 47-9.5 Eastern Guilford High School
Fogleman, Callie 47-6 Jordan-Matthews
DiMeo, Leela 44-5 Eastern Guilford High School
Picone, Julia 43-11.5 Southern Guilford
Garner, Iyaunia 37-11 Southern Guilford
Jerman, Gizelle Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Girls High Jump 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cotton, D’Anna 5-4 Cummings, Hugh M.
Lemons, Charley 4-4 Jordan-Matthews
Lynch, Azianne 4-4 Southern Guilford
DePriest, Jeaniyah 4-4 Southern Guilford
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HS Girls Long Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Deen, Elizabeth 18-4.75 Southern Guilford
Jordan, Taylor 17-5 Cummings, Hugh M.
Packingham, Brooke 17-2.5 Cummings, Hugh M.
Woods, Rachel 16-7 Jordan-Matthews
Moore, Diamond 16-3.75 Cummings, Hugh M.
Deshazo, Cassidy 14-6 Jordan-Matthews
Jones, Jamoni 14-2 Cummings, Hugh M.
Dixon, Hannah 13-10 Jordan-Matthews
Lemons, Charley 13-0 Jordan-Matthews
De La Sancha, Daniela 12-10 Jordan-Matthews
Walters, Uria Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Janiya 34-1 Southern Guilford
Eubanks, Madelyn 27-5.5 Jordan-Matthews
Griffis, Whitney 27-4 Cummings, Hugh M.
Taylor-Ramsey, Alexandra 26-9.5 Eastern Guilford High School
Headen, Kalayah 23-7.5 Jordan-Matthews
Burgess, Morgan 23-5 Southern Guilford
Farriss, Pilar 22-5 Southern Guilford
Mixon, Neine 21-8 Eastern Guilford High School
DiMeo, Leela 21-5 Eastern Guilford High School
Mason, Morgan 20-5.5 Jordan-Matthews
Fogleman, Callie 19-10 Jordan-Matthews
Teague, Brenna 19-4 Jordan-Matthews
Garner, Iyaunia 17-8 Southern Guilford
Picone, Julia 17-3 Southern Guilford
Murdock, Jordyn 17-0.25 Eastern Guilford High School
Chambers, Ariana Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cotton, D’Anna 39-0 Cummings, Hugh M.
Jordan, Taylor 36-4 Cummings, Hugh M.
Packingham, Brooke 36-2 Cummings, Hugh M.
Deen, Elizabeth 34-0 Southern Guilford
Jones, Jamoni 31-4 Cummings, Hugh M.
Moore, Diamond 29-11 Cummings, Hugh M.
De La Sancha, Daniela 26-11.25 Jordan-Matthews
Dickerson, Chloe Jordan-Matthews
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