Team Southeast Regional 2022 vs Nike Cross Nationals Southeast Regional 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -608 726 1334
Overall Average +12.40 19:05.36 18:52.96
1st-10th Place +4.77 15:14.83 15:10.06
1st-25th Place +5.22 15:28.28 15:23.06
1st-50th Place +6.68 15:41.35 15:34.67
1st-100th Place +10.99 16:00.01 15:49.03
Common Athletes -- -- 46
Ran Faster 34 40 6
Ran Season Best -14 12 26
Average Time -1:08.06 18:26.99 19:35.06
Median Time -59.40 17:37.50 18:36.90
Middle 80% Times -1:18.59 18:04.49 19:23.08
Top 10% Times -48.92 15:34.96 16:23.88
Top 25% Times -53.21 15:54.93 16:48.14
Top 50% Times -1:07.17 16:19.25 17:26.42
Bottom 50% Times -1:08.95 20:34.74 21:43.69
Bottom 25% Times -47.68 22:32.91 23:20.59
Bottom 10% Times +1.04 24:57.34 24:56.30
Average Difference -1:08.06 -- --
Median Difference -1:23.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:20.54 -- --
Top 10% Difference -41.68 -- --
Top 50% Difference -59.08 -- --
Top 25% Difference -41.43 -- --
Top 50% Difference -59.08 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:17.05 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:21.14 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1.04 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Caden Townshend Weddington High School -56.90 15:17.20 16:14.10
Gavin Hansen Green Hope -1:20.50 15:32.30 16:52.80
George Johnson Conner -56.90 15:34.20 16:31.10
Brody Chapman Brentwood High School -39.80 15:42.20 16:22.00
Owen Shifflett Western Albemarle -52.70 15:48.90 16:41.60
Irene Riggs Morgantown -1:52.90 16:02.10 17:55.00
Carter Smith Mechanicsville High School -2:19.60 16:04.50 18:24.10
Matthew Calero Belen Jesuit Preparatory School -2:33.50 16:05.20 18:38.70
Carson Rackley Glen Allen High School -1:43.20 16:06.40 17:49.60
Chauncey Chen Weddington High School -37.60 16:15.10 16:52.70
Jared Fortenberry Marietta High School -2.10 16:15.50 16:17.60
Hines Doyle Marietta High School -1:02.10 16:15.60 17:17.70
Alex Fernandez Green Level -36.60 16:20.50 16:57.10
Zach Davis Blacksburg High School -1:43.50 16:21.80 18:05.30
Eric Fagan Glen Allen High School -53.00 16:26.30 17:19.30
Lucas Rohde Gonzaga College High School -1:36.50 16:26.30 18:02.80
Roberto Leon Belen Jesuit Preparatory School -1:53.30 16:31.80 18:25.10
Alex Lecouras Severna Park High School -1:45.50 16:32.20 18:17.70
Josh Gray Mechanicsville High School +20.80 16:55.40 16:34.60
Liam Thomson Gonzaga College High School -39.80 16:57.30 17:37.10
Drew Moore Conner -40.30 17:06.50 17:46.80
Warren Johnson Conner -1:23.90 17:13.00 18:36.90
Jessica Secor Dupont Manual -33.50 17:32.40 18:05.90
Skylar Mwaniki Marietta High School -5:07.40 17:37.50 22:44.90
Gabriel Bustamante Belen Jesuit Preparatory School -1:41.60 17:40.00 19:21.60
John Moranta Cardinal Gibbons -2:56.70 17:58.90 20:55.60
Ryann Aycock Cary Christian -9.70 18:05.60 18:15.30
Meredith Gotzman St. John's College High School -3.60 18:18.80 18:22.40
Evan Callery Cary Christian -1:32.50 18:22.40 19:54.90
Cyrus Jahromi Green Hope -57.30 18:30.50 19:27.80
Cameron Glebocki Severna Park High School -2:29.00 18:58.30 21:27.30
Amelia Summers Morgantown -1:22.90 18:59.00 20:21.90
Liam Raska Cardinal Gibbons +39.50 19:41.10 19:01.60
Cortsen Zaniker Severna Park High School -2:39.20 19:02.00 21:41.20
Jack Moore Conner -3:13.30 19:11.10 22:24.40
Caroline Gotzman St. John's College High School -1:22.90 20:00.00 21:22.90
Mary Kathryn French Dupont Manual -48.40 20:26.80 21:15.20
Seamus Ward Salesianum School +41.80 21:22.50 20:40.70
Alice Emel Green Hope -1:41.10 20:47.40 22:28.50
Mallory Trutenko Severna Park High School -1:10.40 21:23.00 22:33.40
Julia Wallace Blacksburg High School +1.50 22:07.40 22:05.90
Mallory Cox Blacksburg High School -52.30 22:46.00 23:38.30
Hannah Otto Cary Christian +4:11.00 27:13.40 23:02.40
Delaney Finnerin Severna Park High School -40.30 23:24.50 24:04.80
Sarah Dinkel Blacksburg High School -3:49.40 23:58.60 27:48.00
Natalie Matis Assumption +1:16.20 27:24.20 26:08.00