ECC 3A/4A Championship 2019

Winterville, NC
Hosted by D.H. Conley

Athlete Entries

Championship Boys 5000 Meter Run 103 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kinlaw, Aaron D.H. Conley
Jones, Issac New Bern
Farina, Dominic New Bern
Peele, Chris South Central
Ellis, Jaekwon Southern Wayne
McKenzie, Connor New Bern
Outlaw, Garrison South Central
Adamski, Riley South Central
Gooding, Bryce D.H. Conley
Tran, Quang Rose, J.H.
Pinon, Eduardo Aycock, Charles B
Stout, Matthew Aycock, Charles B
Liu, Jackie D.H. Conley
Heritage, James D.H. Conley
Thomas, Malik Southern Wayne
Seif, Quinn New Bern
Amaro, Jace New Bern
Bizzell, Jaiden South Central
Norton, Ryan Southern Wayne
Graham, Aubrey Greyson South Central
Humphreys, Hayden Rose, J.H.
Adrias, Carter D.H. Conley
Thorndike, Owen D.H. Conley
Bailey, Andrew Rose, J.H.
Francisco, Greyson Aycock, Charles B
Peartree, Jordan South Central
Lawhorn, Logan Aycock, Charles B
Payton, Kevin D.H. Conley
Viera, Josue New Bern
Gorman, Richard New Bern
Riggs, Matthew South Central
Velasquez, Jose Southern Wayne
Seif, Blake New Bern
Roeder, Justin South Central
Valazquez, Lester Southern Wayne
Adkins, James South Central
Williams, Landen D.H. Conley
Woodall, Parker Rose, J.H.
Gardner, Todd Aycock, Charles B
Denius, Mason South Central
Anariba, Juan Aycock, Charles B
Hardee, Kyle D.H. Conley
Hills, Zach D.H. Conley
Tucubal, Melvin Southern Wayne
Fraiser, Creed New Bern
Barnette, Nathaniel New Bern
Duke, Brody South Central
Rojas, Randy Southern Wayne
Hill, Matthew South Central
Fairbrother, Noah Rose, J.H.
Anderson, Noah D.H. Conley
Geyer, Nathan D.H. Conley
Jamadar, Aman Rose, J.H.
Balli, Stephen Aycock, Charles B
Cannaday, Steve South Central
McDiermid, Hunter Aycock, Charles B
Bryson, Toby D.H. Conley
Wheelis, Matthew New Bern
Nelson, John New Bern
Dail, Jayden South Central
Jernigan, Graham Southern Wayne
Jones, Jacob New Bern
Corey, Jalen South Central
Wilder, Simeon Southern Wayne
Brantley, Griffin South Central
Castro, Deus Eastern Wayne
Arriagada, Ben D.H. Conley
Garland, Brad Rose, J.H.
Lupton, Seth Aycock, Charles B
Higgins, Cole South Central
Aycock, Matthew Aycock, Charles B
McKinney, Seth D.H. Conley
Miller, Garrett D.H. Conley
Sabin, Alexander Southern Wayne
Wilson, Jalen D.H. Conley
Flores, James New Bern
Cottrell, Payton New Bern
Leitch, Connor South Central
Perez, Edwin Southern Wayne
Martin, Joshua South Central
Wagoner, Landen Rose, J.H.
Bowen, Bryson D.H. Conley
Hill, Scout D.H. Conley
Tran, Minh Rose, J.H.
Moorefield, Michael Aycock, Charles B
Adee, Drake South Central
Stevens, Breydon Aycock, Charles B
Crane, Guy Aycock, Charles B
Walters, Peyton D.H. Conley
Robson, Josh New Bern
Thomas, Simon South Central
Muston, Luke Southern Wayne
Luckett, Ja'Quan New Bern
Pierce, Carrington South Central
Daly, Carson Southern Wayne
Behm, Brody South Central
Atkinson, Bradley D.H. Conley
Hamlin, Griffin Rose, J.H.
Simmons, Curtis Aycock, Charles B
Williamson, Phillip South Central
Heath, Zackery Aycock, Charles B
McPherson, Nate D.H. Conley
Parker, Jared D.H. Conley
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Championship Girls 5000 Meter Run 67 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Ashlyn Aycock, Charles B
Greenberg, Grace South Central
Lamm, Katelyn South Central
Chiancone, Olivia D.H. Conley
Soler, Xiomara Southern Wayne
Williams, Jasmine South Central
O'beirne, Madeline D.H. Conley
Castro, Danielle Eastern Wayne
Carr, Reagan New Bern
Werderman, Mackenzie Rose, J.H.
Simpson, Abby New Bern
Robinson, Alexis South Central
LaTour, Jasmine Aycock, Charles B
Uczategui, Anny South Central
Halsall, Hadlee D.H. Conley
Ferrell, Hayley D.H. Conley
Bost, Mary South Central
Senatus, Carla Southern Wayne
Frinsko, Emma South Central
Murray, Grace New Bern
Lorio, Caroline New Bern
Martin, Haley Aycock, Charles B
Hogan, Eilis South Central
Odom, Mackenzie South Central
Yoon, Abby D.H. Conley
Abulabda, Bayan South Central
O'beirne, Anna D.H. Conley
Reitz, Liberty Eastern Wayne
English, Emily New Bern
Damm, Alayna Rose, J.H.
Boeck, Madison New Bern
Casey, Brianna Aycock, Charles B
Grubbs, Emily South Central
Rambert, Alyssa D.H. Conley
Guth, Alice D.H. Conley
Eubanks, Peyton South Central
Gutierrez, Alejandra Southern Wayne
Witteborg, Paige South Central
Smith, Gabrielle New Bern
Wallace, Katelyn New Bern
Russell, Anna Aycock, Charles B
Odom, Kyndell South Central
Quinn, Madison South Central
Brown, Caitlin D.H. Conley
Ibarra, Angeles South Central
Mitchell, Channing D.H. Conley
Ezzell, Alison New Bern
VanHavere, Ashley Rose, J.H.
Smith, Hana New Bern
Edmonds, Elizabeth Aycock, Charles B
Lopez-Cruz, Melissa South Central
Stoakes, Annika D.H. Conley
Hudson, Holly South Central
St. Julien, Lehyssa Southern Wayne
Powell, Alyssa South Central
Gudaitis, Ella New Bern
Brice, Kyla New Bern
Ribera, Adriana South Central
Sales, Jordan Rose, J.H.
Renfrow, Mackenzie South Central
Curtis, Eve D.H. Conley
Baldwin, Natalie South Central
Anderson, Alisha D.H. Conley
Best, Caroline Southern Wayne
Gratz, Kaitlyn New Bern
Billings, Mary-Bennett Rose, J.H.
Hancock, Caroline New Bern
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