NCHSAA 1A State Championship 2018

Greensboro, NC

Girls Long Jump

 Durham Striders Timing and Meet Mgt.  - Contractor License       5/20/2018 - 9:08 PM
                  2018 NCHSAA 1A/3A State Championships - 5/20/2018                  
                                    Track & Field                                    
                         North Carolina A&T State University                         
Event 113  Girls Long Jump NCHSAA 1A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind Points
  1 Breah Taylor              11 East Carteret       17-11.50   18-03.00  +0.0  10   
  2 Eminey Redmond            12 Southside Hi        17-02.50   17-03.50   2.6   8   
  3 Clarke Alexander          12 Community Sc        16-10.00   17-01.25   2.6   6   
  4 Lakelyn Bass              11 Hobbton High School 16-02.25   16-08.00   1.2   5   
  5 Adrienne Dobbins          12 Queens Grant        16-03.50   16-03.00   1.6   4   
  6 Brianna Moore             11 Murphy              16-11.75   15-11.00   1.8   3   
  7 Jenna Robinson             9 Gray Stone D        16-06.00   15-08.25  -0.1   2   
  8 Brinn Kimrey              10 North Stanly        16-00.50   15-03.00  -0.2   1   
  9 Zoe Byrd                  11 Princeton           14-10.75   15-01.25  +0.0       
 10 Tylyia Triggs             10 Neuse Charte        14-02.50   15-01.00   0.5       
 11 Marissa Twitty             9 Polk County         15-10.50   15-00.00   0.8       
 12 Kayla Stewart             12 East Carteret       15-04.00   14-11.00   3.4       
 13 Nadallee Beasley          11 Robbinsville        15-08.50   14-08.50   0.1       
 14 Rashauna Grant            11 Northampton County  14-10.50   14-01.50   1.1       
 15 Brianne Davis             11 Bessemer City       15-11.00   14-01.00   0.7       
 -- Taylor Marshall           12 Pender              15-11.25       FOUL             
                  Women - NCHSAA 1A - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored               
    1) Murphy                      60        2) Research Triangle          57        
    3) Princeton                   40        4) Polk County                37        
    5) Southside High School       36        5) East Carteret              36        
    7) Franklin Academy            34        8) Mount Airy                 33        
    9) West Montgomery             30       10) Albemarle                  28        
   11) Community School of Davids  25       12) Bessemer City              23        
   13) Swain County                22       13) North Stokes               22        
   15) Hobbton High School         21       16) Pine Lake Preparatory      16        
   17) Pender                      14       18) Northampton County         12        
   19) North Stanly                11       20) KIPP Pride HS              10        
   20) Mitchell                    10       20) Pamlico County             10        
   20) Voyager Academy             10       24) Mountain Island Charter S   9        
   25) Highland Tech                8.50    26) Queens Grant                8        
   26) Jones                        8       26) Riverside (1A)              8        
   29) Lejeune                      7       29) Gray Stone Day School       7        
   31) North Rowan                  6       32) Cherokee                    5        
   32) Robbinsville                 5       32) South Davidson              5        
   32) Cherryville                  5       36) Neuse Charter School        4        
   37) Camden County                3       37) North Moore                 3        
   39) Hayesville                   2       39) South Creek                 2        
   39) Thomas Jefferson Classical   2       39) Louisburg                   2        
   39) Rosewood                     2       44) Plymouth                    1        
   44) Winston-Salem Prep Academy   1       44) Elkin                       1        
   47) Rosman                       0.50