Boys Team Returning Rankings Using Top 3 Only...

Raghav Gopalakrishnan leads a top 3 for Ardrey Kell alongside Nicholas Grace and Joey Wells ...

Class of 2026 Girls Returning Rankings...

There is a lot of star power in this class! Will they capture any state titles?...

Class of 2026 Boys Returning Rankings...

With a year under their belt, how will these sophomores do in their second year of high scho...

Post State Meet Class of 2026 Rankings...

There are some big time athletes that should quickly turn into household names...

NCHSAA + NCISAA Girls Merged Individual and Team Results...

We merged the NCISAA and NCHSAA state meets to see which individuals and teams ended up on t...

NCHSAA + NCISAA Boys Merged Individual and Team Results...

Did the NCISAA have a faster state championship than the NCHSAA?...

NCISAA State XC Championship Merged Results...

We merged the four classifications from the NCISAA State XC Championships to see who came ou...


More Headlines
Girls Indoor Track Squad Rankings: 1000m, 1600m, 3200m...

Looking at the best four girl squads for all schools across North Carolina in the 1000m, 160...

Boys Indoor Track Squad Rankings: 1000m, 1600m, 3200m...

What schools have the best four man squad in each event group? We kick things off on the bo...

NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championship Photos!...

Photos from Doug Hague and Dan Loughlin of the NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships!...