Cape Fear Valley Meet 2011

Fayetteville, NC
Hosted by Douglas Byrd

Cape Fear Valley Meet 2011 vs Cape Fear Valley Meet 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +10 73 63
Overall Average -2:18.82 22:53.17 25:11.99
1st-10th Place -1:43.03 18:18.40 20:01.43
1st-25th Place -2:07.26 19:15.48 21:22.74
1st-50th Place -2:44.46 20:49.46 23:33.93
1st-100th Place +49.86 16:42.41 15:52.55
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster 38 39 1
Ran Season Best 1 40 39
Average Time -2:47.99 21:50.66 24:38.65
Median Time -2:25.45 20:53.00 23:18.45
Middle 80% Times -2:45.17 21:38.32 24:23.49
Top 10% Times -1:22.72 18:06.00 19:28.72
Top 25% Times -1:39.04 18:40.50 20:19.54
Top 50% Times -1:56.58 19:27.10 21:23.68
Bottom 50% Times -3:39.40 24:14.21 27:53.62
Bottom 25% Times -4:20.38 25:43.61 30:03.99
Bottom 10% Times -4:35.82 27:14.00 31:49.82
Average Difference -2:47.99 -- --
Median Difference -2:25.45 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:30.86 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:22.47 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:53.78 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:33.14 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:53.78 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -3:42.20 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -4:55.39 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -6:30.55 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Tre' Egerton Union Pines -1:34.77 17:41.00 19:15.77
Sidney Carrier Overhills -1:32.89 18:01.00 19:33.89
Nick Boyce Overhills -1:11.20 18:19.00 19:30.20
Ben White Union Pines -1:13.05 18:23.00 19:36.05
De'Mond Dearing Overhills -1:11.03 18:24.00 19:35.03
Jeffrey Hood Overhills -2:56.92 19:02.00 21:58.92
Shane Medlin Union Pines -2:09.14 19:06.00 21:15.14
Abby Verchick Union Pines -2:04.31 19:12.00 21:16.31
Anthony Heinauer Union Pines -2:24.56 19:18.00 21:42.56
Joseph Dimaio Union Pines -1:46.94 19:19.00 21:05.94
Emily Vance Overhills -2:46.22 19:26.00 22:12.22
Ira Vanpelt Union Pines -2:41.66 19:45.00 22:26.66
Waylin Owsley Union Pines -1:54.47 20:00.00 21:54.47
Daniel Kaminski Union Pines -23.48 20:01.00 20:24.48
Michael Booth Overhills -2:49.33 20:19.00 23:08.33
Nick Campbell Union Pines -4:09.14 20:24.00 24:33.14
Clayton Davis Union Pines -1:28.42 20:30.00 21:58.42
Jared Richardson Overhills -1:49.31 20:34.00 22:23.31
Peter Whitehouse Union Pines -1:50.44 20:37.00 22:27.44
Quintin Buss Overhills -2:26.61 20:41.00 23:07.61
April Sherlin Overhills -2:25.45 20:53.00 23:18.45
Daniela Garrett Overhills -1:40.81 21:20.00 23:00.81
Brian Porter Union Pines -1:51.60 22:43.00 24:34.60
Robert Sivley Union Pines -5:53.08 22:44.20 28:37.28
Brianna Stoots Overhills -2:21.45 22:57.00 25:18.45
Jake Strickland Union Pines -5:36.47 23:11.00 28:47.47
Robert Nesbit Overhills -8:43.50 23:14.00 31:57.50
Erin Metcalf Union Pines -2:25.52 23:22.00 25:47.52
Debbie Gibson Union Pines -2:35.69 23:31.00 26:06.69
Tyler Ross Union Pines -3:48.27 23:33.00 27:21.27
Luis Hernandez Overhills -6:17.67 23:41.00 29:58.67
Hannah Phillips Union Pines -5:40.77 24:35.00 30:15.77
Landon Thomas Overhills -7:22.09 24:35.10 31:57.19
Brooklyn Nunemaker Overhills -2:35.52 24:45.00 27:20.52
Nina Rhoades Union Pines -1:13.98 25:17.00 26:30.98
Laura Haulsee Union Pines -1:23.58 25:27.00 26:50.58
Addison Buss Overhills -6:42.48 25:50.00 32:32.48
Kaitlin Lein Overhills -1:50.18 26:30.00 28:20.18
David Rhodes Overhills +2:06.47 28:58.00 26:51.53
Savannah Mangrum Union Pines -3:14.11 27:38.00 30:52.11