Buccaneer Classic 2011

Charlotte, NC

Meet Info

2011 CCDS Buccaneer Classic

Charlotte Country Day School

April 30, 2011

8am coaches meeting

Field events (3 athletes make a team, schools may enter a B team if possible) 8:30am Girls shot put relay

Boys discus relay

Boys long jump relay

Girls long jump relay

Girls pole vault (2 athletes make a team)

Boys high jump

10:00am Girls discus relay

Boys Shot put relay

Girls triple jump relay

Boys triple jump relay

Boys Pole Vault relay (2 athletes make a team)

Girls High Jump relay

Running events (tentative times based upon number of relay entries)

10:30 Girls 4 X 800m Relay (1 heat) 10:50 Boys 4 X 800m Relay (1 heat) 11:10 Girls 100m Invitational (Max 16 entries timed final) 11:20 Boys 100m Invitational (Max 16 entries timed final) 11:30 Girls 400m Invitational (Max 16 entries timed final) 11:40 Boys 400m Invitational (Max 16 entries timed final) 11:50 Girls 4 X 200m Relay 12:05 Boys 4 X 200m Relay 12:25 Girls 400m hurdles Invitational (Max 16 entries timed final) 12:35 Boys 400m hurdles Invitational (Max 16 entries timed final) 12:50 Girls 4 X 100m Relay 1:05 Boys 4 X 100m Relay 1:15 Girls 1600m Invitational (Max 16 entries timed final) 1:30 Boys 1600m Invitational (Max 16 entries timed final) 1:45 Girls 4 X 400m Relay 1:55 Boys 4 X 400m Relay

ALL entries must be done via athletic.net at: QuickReg# T1199204 - Teams may use this number for quick entry into your meet by visiting: http://www.Athletic.net/Wizard/ Or you may use this shortcut link: http://www.Athletic.net/Wizard/Default.aspx?Reg=T1199204

Note: the CISAA has a rule that does not allow Middle School (grade 7-8) athletes to compete against/with Upper School athletes. So this meet is only grade 9-12.

2011 CCDS Buccaneer Classic

Charlotte Country Day School

April 30, 2011

Dear Coach,

You are invited to attend the 2011 first annual CCDS Buccaneer Classic at Charlotte Country Day School’s Belk Stadium Track and Field in Charlotte. This meet will have select individual races along with the mainstay relays and should give schools a great opportunity to race very competitive relays. In addition to the 100m dash, the 400m dash and the 1600m run individual races we are going to offer the 400m IH run, which is typically not run in area High Schools, but is run in colleges, so this could be an opportunity for the top 300mIH runners to see what they can do.

We will limit the number of entries in the individual events (100mDash, 400m Dash, 1600m run and 400mIH). We will have a maximum of 16 entries (two heats) for these events. Coaches must send entry times that are verifiable from the 2011 season. (Send verification to Joe Vignolini: joe.vignolini@charlottecountryday.org). For the 400m IH we will use the 300mIH times. All entries in the 1600 must meet the minimum qualifying time of 5:30 for the boys and 6:30 for the girls. Depending upon number of entries teams may be limited to 3 entries per individual event.

The entry fee will be the lesser of $50 per team (boys and girls count separately) or $15 per individual relay team entry and $10 per individual entry.

We will have a maximum of 25 teams participating and we would like to hear back from you with your intent to run by April 1, 2011.

Should we have rain and need to cancel the entire event, we will not be able to reschedule. We will refund entry fees. If we begin the meet and then need to cancel due to rain, we will not be able to reschedule and we will not be able to refund entry fees (as we will still need to pay workers). We will do our best to either conduct the meet or cancel it before we begin.

TO RSVP please send an email by April 1st to Coach Joseph Vignolini @ (joe.vignolini@charlottecountryday.org). Be sure to include team gender (M or F or both), approximate number of athletes.

Additionally, please send entry fee and completed form (below) to Joseph Vignolini, Charlotte Country Day School, 1440 Carmel Road. Charlotte, NC 28226

2011 CCDS Buccaneer Classic

Charlotte Country Day School

April 30, 2011 Registration

Name of School ______________________________________

Coach(es) name(s), email, and phone (for cancelling on meet day) :




Approximately ______ boys and _____ girls will be attending.

Indicate appropriate entry fees (maximum $50/boys team, maximum $50/girls team)

Boys Individual Relay Teams@ $15 each x _________ = _______

Boys Individual Participants @ $10 each x _________ = _______

Boys Team $50 ____

Girls Individual Relay Teams@ $15 each x _________ = _______

Girls Individual Participants @ $10 each x _________ = _______

Girls Team $50 ____

Total Entry Fee Due ______________

Make checks payable to Charlotte Country Day School and send to the attention of Joseph Vignolini, 1440 Carmel Road, Charlotte, NC 28226.

NOTE: IF you can provide a coach to help work at an event you will be refunded some of your entry fees after the meet. Please write the name of the coach and event that they would like to work.

Coach ________________________ Event ________________________

Coach ________________________ Event ________________________