North Surry Home Meet 2024

Dobson, NC
Hosted by North Surry

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harless, Shiloh West Wilkes
Mullins, Dustin West Wilkes
Paredes, Demian West Wilkes
Wood, Jaylin North Wilkes
Cooper, Micah West Wilkes
Bonilla, Gio West Wilkes
Aguilar, Aaron 17:47.36 Surry Central
Dunning, Jackson 17:51.00 North Surry
Parker, Drake 17:52.00 Forbush
Preslar, Isaiah 17:55.03 Forbush
Vega, Miguel 18:05.90 North Surry
Doria, Jacob 18:17.50 Surry Central
Ramirez, Cruz 18:27.46 North Surry
Orozco-Flores, Sony 18:54.80 Surry Central
Keen, Landon 19:13.75 Forbush
Johnson, Elijah 19:14.00 North Surry
Cash, Xavier 19:37.47 West Wilkes
Hairston, Jamarion 19:37.79 West Wilkes
Hernandez-Mata, Hernan 19:40.90 Surry Central
Ramirez Romero, Eduardo 19:42.50 Surry Central
Banks, Nate 19:42.68 Forbush
Reeves, Ridge 19:54.00 North Surry
Eller, Isaac 20:04.00 Surry Central
McMasters, Colt 20:13.00 East Surry
Senter, Jackson 20:19.73 West Wilkes
Rodriguez-Cortez, Issac 20:21.60 Surry Central
Branch, Ben 20:34.00 North Surry
Farmer, Chance 20:42.51 Forbush
Peters, Stephen 21:10.00 North Wilkes
Benge, Ethan 22:19.00 West Wilkes
Hervert, Marco 22:21.26 Surry Central
Blackburn, Bryson 22:22.00 North Wilkes
Manring, Cyrus 22:29.00 East Surry
Mendoza, Josue 22:32.00 North Wilkes
Cockerham, Logan 23:00.20 East Surry
Hamilton, Nolan 23:04.92 West Wilkes
Mays, Thayne 23:08.21 Forbush
Graves, Justice 23:43.00 East Surry
Pelagio, Cristian 23:51.54 Forbush
Pruitt, Coeby 24:33.40 Surry Central
Moser, Phoenix 26:17.00 East Surry
Jenkins, Carl 27:33.71 Forbush
McKinney, Spencer 28:13.00 East Surry
McKinney, Connor 29:09.00 East Surry
Childress, Ethan 29:29.00 East Surry
Stamper, Chandler 30:17.81 West Wilkes
Thompson, Bryson 31:12.00 East Surry
Cain, Hunter 31:14.64 West Wilkes
Wood, George 31:56.00 North Wilkes
Hart, Charles 34:06.00 East Surry
Gifford, Dustin 35:03.00 East Surry
Hardy, Colten 36:56.00 North Wilkes
Gray, Caleb 41:25.00 East Surry
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Jeciline East Surry
Senter, Taylor Forbush
Adams, Chloe East Surry
Price, Kyleigh North Wilkes
Neff, Heidi 22:01.09 Forbush
Chaire, Catherine 22:18.00 North Surry
Kiter, Rylee 23:49.76 Forbush
Compton, Emma 24:31.00 Forbush
Caro, Ilihanie 24:46.00 East Surry
Call, Karly 25:01.00 West Wilkes
Scherler, Anahi 25:01.10 Forbush
Reynolds, Mia 25:32.97 North Surry
Hoots, Annie Kate 25:33.24 Forbush
McPeak, Ava 25:47.00 North Surry
Holbrook, Elizabeth 26:00.97 Forbush
Compton, Braylen 26:22.00 Forbush
Whalen, Krissa 26:22.81 West Wilkes
Brown, Ana 27:30.84 Forbush
Estes, Sofie 27:51.00 West Wilkes
Stone, Ansley 28:39.00 North Wilkes
Cook, Olivia 30:07.85 West Wilkes
Schwarzenbock, Hannah 32:31.00 North Surry
Hardy, Bethanie 32:55.00 West Wilkes
Dancy, Seaira 33:14.00 West Wilkes
Cabrera, Isabella 34:40.00 North Surry
Cynor, Alexis 35:19.79 West Wilkes
Foster, Erika 40:08.00 East Surry
Bethune, Adriana 42:19.00 East Surry
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