Wilmington Beach Blast - Nighttime Cross Country 2024

Wilmington, NC

Wilmington Beach Blast - Nighttime Cross Country 2024 vs Wilmington Beach Blast - Nighttime Cross Country 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +537 856 319
Overall Average -2:56.96 23:26.95 26:23.91
1st-10th Place -2:36.97 15:50.96 18:27.93
1st-25th Place -3:03.54 16:11.16 19:14.70
1st-50th Place -3:33.08 16:32.55 20:05.63
1st-100th Place -3:55.83 17:07.67 21:03.50
Common Athletes -- -- 27
Ran Faster 25 26 1
Ran Season Best 22 22 --
Average Time -4:43.29 22:50.79 27:34.08
Median Time -3:54.85 22:49.20 26:44.05
Middle 80% Times -4:47.04 22:34.19 27:21.23
Top 10% Times -2:53.31 16:19.17 19:12.48
Top 25% Times -3:39.15 17:17.29 20:56.44
Top 50% Times -4:00.92 19:14.08 23:15.00
Bottom 50% Times -5:05.43 24:49.59 29:55.02
Bottom 25% Times -6:18.04 29:03.00 35:21.03
Bottom 10% Times -7:56.04 32:59.97 40:56.01
Average Difference -4:43.29 -- --
Median Difference -1:43.05 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -4:37.49 -- --
Top 10% Difference -2:45.45 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:39.11 -- --
Top 25% Difference -3:18.59 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:39.11 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -6:34.60 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -7:33.24 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -7:56.04 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Taylor Anthony UNC Wilmington -1:32.66 16:09.80 17:42.46
Dylan Park Ashley High School -3:14.24 16:11.90 19:26.14
Roman Mock Enloe -4:49.16 16:35.80 21:24.96
Nolan Zerda Enloe -3:29.44 16:59.40 20:28.84
Derek Lopez Santiago Heide Trask -11:00.48 18:08.70 29:09.18
Owen Alford New Hanover -3:00.67 18:25.20 21:25.87
Donovan Bird White Oak -4:39.86 18:30.20 23:10.06
Emily Jong Enloe -6:04.28 19:32.30 25:36.58
Brady Sexton South Lenoir -8:58.56 20:18.60 29:17.16
Ethan Zuege Ashley High School -2:24.13 20:32.60 22:56.73
Yahir Sanchez Santiago Heide Trask -7:39.78 20:56.70 28:36.48
Jacqueline Hung Enloe -7:11.48 22:00.40 29:11.88
Ian McDonaugh Grace Christian School (Sanford) -1:32.37 22:06.30 23:38.67
Reese Perry Ashley High School -4:36.80 22:49.20 27:26.00
Jairo Sanchez Ramirez Heide Trask -2:36.73 23:04.60 25:41.33
Taylor Bohlmann Southeastern Homeschool -5:25.97 23:08.40 28:34.37
Nyla Bell White Oak -7:10.08 23:28.60 30:38.68
Claudia Castillo South Lenoir -38.29 24:43.90 25:22.19
Juli Buie Lee Christian School -1:45.57 24:46.80 26:32.37
Priya Belle Cape Fear Academy -1:43.05 25:01.00 26:44.05
Madison Mashburn Lee Christian School +22.96 25:42.70 25:19.74
Jayden Hoffman Heide Trask -5:58.66 25:27.30 31:25.96
Tessa Zuker Cape Fear Academy -6:57.22 26:20.20 33:17.42
Rachel Noble South Lenoir -1:34.24 26:50.90 28:25.14
Sara Biagini Coastal Christian HS -15:47.17 27:38.30 43:25.47
Lauryann Long Southeastern Homeschool -6:20.31 31:32.00 37:52.31
Adriana Martinez South Lenoir -1:40.65 39:49.60 41:30.25