Wake Forest Polar Bear #1 2024

Wake Forest, NC

Athlete Entries

Boys 1000 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heasley, Holden Wake Forest HS
Barnwell, Alexander Wake Forest HS
Raitano, Tyler Wake Forest HS
Hasket, Evan Wake Forest HS
Dragon, Bryce Wake Forest HS
Schnegelberger, Alexander Wake Forest HS
Powers, Xander Wake Forest HS
Bell, Leslie Wake Forest HS
Fenton, Kaleb Knightdale
Smith, Garrison Wake Forest HS
Patterson, Seth Wake Forest HS
Roer, Alex Heritage
Holland, Landen Wake Forest HS
Mistak, Toby 2:53.58 Wake Forest HS
Colone, James 3:06.40 Heritage
Chang, Miller 3:12.62 Wake Forest HS
Tillman, Micah 3:14.07 Wake Forest HS
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fenton, Kaleb Knightdale
Wright, Spencer Wake Forest HS
Barricklow, Dean Wake Forest HS
Colone, James Heritage
Shail, Finian Wake Forest HS
Kelly, Alexander Wake Forest HS
Carlyle, Michael Heritage
Thomason, James Heritage
Kastendike, Sam 5:14.95 Heritage
Roer, Alex 5:19.65 Heritage
Guzman, Nathaniel 5:31.45 Wake Forest HS
Parrella, Jordan 5:52.43 Wake Forest HS
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Boys 300 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schulz, Joshua Wake Forest HS
Norris, Weston Heritage
Stanton, Tyson Wake Forest HS
McHale, James Wake Forest HS
Acquah, Darren Heritage
Baldovino, Matthew Heritage
Smith, Connor Heritage
Nguiamba, Christian Wake Forest HS
Warrington, Calvin Heritage
Kastendike, Sam Heritage
Aung, Yel Wake Forest HS
Onofre, Brody Heritage
Harrison, Jacob Knightdale
Crudup, Elijah Wake Forest HS
Flores, Matthew Wake Forest HS
Lalone, Gavin Wake Forest HS
Parrott, Jeremy Wake Forest HS
Lucas, Mason Heritage
Pirog, Alex Wake Forest HS
Dockery, Justus Wake Forest HS
Thomason, James Heritage
Amadi, David Heritage
Lange, Bryson Heritage
Atkins, Kalib Heritage
Alston, Shane Wake Forest HS
Thompson, James Wade Heritage
Campbell, Foster Heritage
Shafiq-Khan, Imran Knightdale
Luvisi, Drake Wake Forest HS
Erwin, Caiden Heritage
Tucker, Nasaj Knightdale
Bagirishya, Cedric Wake Forest HS
Lewis, Enrique Knightdale
Kingsbury, Josh Wake Forest HS
King, Ethan Wake Forest HS
Lymus, Alphonso Wake Forest HS
Simms-Lassiter, Tristian 38.05 Wake Forest HS
Sloan, Alex 38.50 Wake Forest HS
Carr, Joshua 39.75 Heritage
Valgardson, Andrew 40.13 Heritage
Simmons, Michael 40.57 Wake Forest HS
Simms-Lassiter, Chase 40.87 Wake Forest HS
Caulfield, Alex 41.32 Heritage
Arukwe, Daniel 42.02 Heritage
Thomas, Nikolai 42.48 Knightdale
Walker, Zion 42.85 Wake Forest HS
Arnold, Christopher 43.36 Heritage
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Boys 500 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lucas, Mason Heritage
Schulz, Joshua Wake Forest HS
Acquah, Darren Heritage
Warrington, Calvin Heritage
Campbell, Foster Heritage
Shafiq-Khan, Imran Knightdale
Onofre, Brody Heritage
Carr, Joshua Heritage
Norris, Weston Heritage
Thompson, James Wade Heritage
Luvisi, Drake Wake Forest HS
Clemson, Brice Heritage
Lewis, Enrique Knightdale
Arukwe, Daniel Heritage
Dockery, Justus 1:12.52 Wake Forest HS
Valgardson, Andrew 1:13.27 Heritage
VanFleet, Nathaniel 1:13.41 Wake Forest HS
Atkins, Kalib 1:15.42 Heritage
Parrott, Jeremy 1:18.52 Wake Forest HS
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Boys 55 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Connor Heritage
Nguiamba, Christian Wake Forest HS
Warrington, Calvin Heritage
Tucker, Nasaj Knightdale
Bagirishya, Cedric Wake Forest HS
Kingsbury, Josh Wake Forest HS
Lymus, Alphonso Wake Forest HS
Flores, Matthew Wake Forest HS
Stanton, Tyson Wake Forest HS
McHale, James Wake Forest HS
VanFleet, Nathaniel Wake Forest HS
Baldovino, Matthew Heritage
Alston, Shane Wake Forest HS
Thompson, James Wade Heritage
Aung, Yel Wake Forest HS
Erwin, Caiden Heritage
Harrison, Jacob Knightdale
Crudup, Elijah Wake Forest HS
Lalone, Gavin Wake Forest HS
Pirog, Alex Wake Forest HS
King, Ethan Wake Forest HS
Sloan, Alex Wake Forest HS
Acquah, Kobby Heritage
Simms-Lassiter, Tristian 6.72 Wake Forest HS
Parks, Evan 6.98 Knightdale
Simms-Lassiter, Chase 7.01 Wake Forest HS
Thomas, Nikolai 7.09 Knightdale
Carr, Joshua 7.12 Heritage
Arukwe, Daniel 7.23 Heritage
Caulfield, Alex 7.23 Heritage
Simmons, Michael 7.25 Wake Forest HS
Pair, Noah 7.27 Knightdale
Williams, Jeremy 7.48 Knightdale
Walker, Zion 7.57 Wake Forest HS
Arnold, Christopher 7.72 Heritage
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Boys 55 Meter Hurdles 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ezeobi, Treasure 8.50 Knightdale
Caulfield, Alex 9.60 Heritage
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Boys Long Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ezeobi, Treasure 18-9.5 Knightdale
Parks, Evan 18-6 Knightdale
Williams, Jeremy 15-10 Knightdale
Thomas, Nikolai Knightdale
Tucker, Nasaj Knightdale
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Boys Shot Put 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Allex 40-0 Leesville Road
Groff, Colton 37-4.5 Leesville Road
Acquah, Kobby 28-9 Heritage
Willis, James Heritage
Kotynski, John Wake Forest HS
Simmons, Kenneth Wake Forest HS
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Boys Triple Jump 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ezeobi, Treasure 35-5.5 Knightdale
Parks, Evan Knightdale
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Girls 1000 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Chloe Heritage
Korir, Abighael Heritage
Kelly, Isabella Wake Forest HS
Montanez, Emmaline Wake Forest HS
Kozar, Brayden Wake Forest HS
Henderson, Jordan Heritage
Sharp, Lila Wake Forest HS
Brown, Michaela Heritage
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pittman, Laci Heritage
Baker, Natalie Wake Forest HS
Haught, Savannah Wake Forest HS
Bais, Alexa Heritage
Raitano, Allie Wake Forest HS
Callahan, Jillian Wake Forest HS
Ishak, Halla Wake Forest HS
Groves, Madison 5:41.27 Heritage
Alston, Lily 6:00.03 Wake Forest HS
McCommons, Clare 6:19.37 Heritage
Collupy, Abbey 6:26.50 Wake Forest HS
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Girls 300 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Taylor Wake Forest HS
Lora Perez, Amy Wake Forest HS
VanTassel, Charlotte Wake Forest HS
Faris, Emmerson Heritage
Hunt, SyNia Knightdale
Capps, Kayden Wake Forest HS
McCaskill, Aryiel Wake Forest HS
Beyene, Delina Wake Forest HS
Eboigbodin, Jordan Wake Forest HS
Herranz Rubira, Chloe Wake Forest HS
Kisse, Taylor Wake Forest HS
Parker, Amber Wake Forest HS
Farris, Addison Heritage
Green, Gabrielle Wake Forest HS
Nyakoni, Grayce Wake Forest HS
Corradi, Beatrice Wake Forest HS
Eisenberg, Emerson Wake Forest HS
Olu, Elizabeth 44.41 Wake Forest HS
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Girls 500 Meter Dash 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Faris, Emmerson Heritage
Wold, Amalie Heritage
Farris, Addison Heritage
Wagner, Thandiwe Heritage
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Girls 55 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Farris, Addison Heritage
Jones, Taylor Wake Forest HS
Lora Perez, Amy Wake Forest HS
Garnett, Ma'Kayia Knightdale
VanTassel, Charlotte Wake Forest HS
Allen, Zoe Knightdale
Capps, Kayden Wake Forest HS
McCaskill, Aryiel Wake Forest HS
Beyene, Delina Wake Forest HS
Eboigbodin, Jordan Wake Forest HS
Brown, Michaela Heritage
Herranz Rubira, Chloe Wake Forest HS
Campbell, Jordin Heritage
Kisse, Taylor Wake Forest HS
Parker, Amber Wake Forest HS
Perry, Samone Knightdale
Hunt, SyNia Knightdale
Green, Gabrielle Wake Forest HS
Nyakoni, Grayce Wake Forest HS
Corradi, Beatrice Wake Forest HS
Eisenberg, Emerson Wake Forest HS
Olu, Elizabeth 7.62 Wake Forest HS
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Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henderson, Jordan 8.61 Heritage
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Girls High Jump 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Janely 4-4 Knightdale
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Girls Long Jump 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Zoe Knightdale
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Girls Shot Put 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibson, Halle 29-4.5 Leesville Road
Walter, Alice 29-0 Leesville Road
Bernat, Etain 25-0 Leesville Road
Nyabaro, Megan 20-9.5 Heritage
Rogers, Teyana Heritage
Wagner, Thandiwe Heritage
Mascardi, Marissa Wake Forest HS
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Girls Triple Jump 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Zoe Knightdale
Martinez, Janely Knightdale
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