Asheboro Home Meet 2023

Asheboro, NC
Hosted by Asheboro

Athlete Entries

Girls 4x200m Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Asheboro
Relay Team A Jordan-Matthews
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Craig, Danny Wheatmore High School
Glover, Nick Jordan-Matthews
Ludwick, Dakota Wheatmore High School
Alston, Dakarius Asheboro
Helton, Zach Wheatmore High School
Hughes, Elijah Jordan-Matthews
Driggers, Weston Wheatmore High School
Mark, Michael Asheboro
McSwain, Rashaad Jordan-Matthews
Ludwick, Daylin Wheatmore High School
McCrimmon, Ahmod Jordan-Matthews
Nyamongo, Robert Wheatmore High School
Howard, Gabe Wheatmore High School
Prater, Wisdom Asheboro
Wiley, Neil Jordan-Matthews
Peterson, River Wheatmore High School
Dula, Kenneth Jordan-Matthews
Simpson, Wyatt Wheatmore High School
Smith, Jamari Jordan-Matthews
Floyd, Jo'Nathan Wheatmore High School
Krigger, Kevin Wheatmore High School
Moore, Jaylon Asheboro
Morgan, Alex Jordan-Matthews
Stepp, Wyatt Wheatmore High School
Hadley, Kamarie Jordan-Matthews
Goldston, Tyshawn 00.00 Randleman
Bowman, Matthew 00.00 Randleman
Nall, Bryson 00.00 Randleman
Brown, Caleb 00.00 Randleman
Chriscoe, Tristan 00.00 Randleman
Woodle, Elijah 11.54h Asheboro
Maryland, Sa'Cory 11.61 Wheatmore High School
Martinez, Jaden 11.94h Randleman
Gorham, Jaiden 12.09 Jordan-Matthews
Herrera, Elian 12.10 Jordan-Matthews
Causey, Kevin 12.16 Jordan-Matthews
Timmons, Jalial 12.22 Asheboro
Mark, Valentino 12.24h Asheboro
Thurston, Micah 12.31 Randleman
McDevitt, Peyton 12.36 Wheatmore High School
Jones, Zacheus 12.44h Asheboro
Green, Jerron 12.70 Jordan-Matthews
Farlow, Chase 12.74h Randleman
Dobias, Thomas 13.03 Randleman
Kelly, Johnathan 13.04h Wheatmore High School
Norton, Cameron 13.05 Randleman
Gneiting, Tanner 13.14h Randleman
Currie, Michael 13.14h Jordan-Matthews
Swaim, Lane 13.41 Randleman
Bennett, Ashtin 14.54h Wheatmore High School
Ortiz, Jason 14.54h Randleman
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chavez, Nicolas 17.26 Asheboro
Richards, Jay 19.13 Randleman
Vargas, Emir 19.16 Jordan-Matthews
Larios, Emanuel 19.39 Jordan-Matthews
Leonard, Jude 19.45 Wheatmore High School
Sampson, Jonathan 19.70 Randleman
Martinez, Jeffrey 20.74 Randleman
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fuentes, Oscar Asheboro
Galena, Carlo Jordan-Matthews
Leveille, Jacob Asheboro
Watson, Noah Asheboro
Garcia Tores, Christian Jordan-Matthews
Cowan, Cordell Wheatmore High School
Andrews, Christian Asheboro
Sanchez, Alexis Jordan-Matthews
Martinez Nie, John Asheboro
Hernandez, Aiden Jordan-Matthews
Mitchell, Connor 10:00.00 Randleman
Bane, Neil 10:00.00 Randleman
Martinez, Luis 5:33.43 Asheboro
Harrison, Aiden 5:35.03 Jordan-Matthews
Allred, Kevin 5:39.02 Randleman
Herrea, Marvin 5:52.72 Jordan-Matthews
Mercado, Freddie 6:04.10 Randleman
Goodwin, Will 6:05.00 Randleman
Leonard, Andrew 6:12.01 Randleman
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McSwain, Rashaad Jordan-Matthews
Nyamongo, Robert Wheatmore High School
Howard, Gabe Wheatmore High School
Alston, Dakarius Asheboro
Hughes, Elijah Jordan-Matthews
Peterson, River Wheatmore High School
Simpson, Wyatt Wheatmore High School
Wiley, Neil Jordan-Matthews
Floyd, Jo'Nathan Wheatmore High School
Krigger, Kevin Wheatmore High School
McCrimmon, Ahmod Jordan-Matthews
Stepp, Wyatt Wheatmore High School
Craig, Danny Wheatmore High School
Morgan, Alex Jordan-Matthews
Prater, Wisdom Asheboro
Dula, Kenneth Jordan-Matthews
Ludwick, Dakota Wheatmore High School
Smith, Jamari Jordan-Matthews
Helton, Zach Wheatmore High School
Driggers, Weston Wheatmore High School
Davis, Aiden Asheboro
Hadley, Kamarie Jordan-Matthews
Ludwick, Daylin Wheatmore High School
Nall, Bryson 00.00 Randleman
Bowman, Matthew 00.00 Randleman
Brown, Caleb 00.00 Randleman
Chriscoe, Tristan 00.00 Randleman
Maryland, Sa'Cory 24.15 Wheatmore High School
Matthews, Kai 24.15 Asheboro
Woodle, Elijah 24.55 Asheboro
Gorham, Jaiden 24.94 Jordan-Matthews
Headen, Dwight 25.09 Jordan-Matthews
Timmons, Jalial 25.14h Asheboro
Herrera, Elian 25.43 Jordan-Matthews
Kelly, Johnathan 25.94h Wheatmore High School
Martinez, Jaden 26.00 Randleman
Thurston, Micah 26.44h Randleman
Norton, Cameron 26.49 Randleman
Currie, Michael 26.49 Jordan-Matthews
Green, Jerron 26.62 Jordan-Matthews
Strickland, Riley 27.14h Wheatmore High School
Dobias, Thomas 27.63 Randleman
Swaim, Lane 27.90 Randleman
Ortiz, Jason 29.57 Randleman
Bennett, Ashtin 30.04h Wheatmore High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palmieri, Ashton Asheboro
Everhart, Lance Asheboro
Sampson, Jonathan 00.00 Randleman
Martinez, Jeffrey 00.00 Randleman
Chavez, Nicolas 43.40 Asheboro
Richards, Jay 48.04h Randleman
Leonard, Jude 49.59 Wheatmore High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguilar, Christian Asheboro
Hernandez, Aiden Jordan-Matthews
Fuentes, Oscar Asheboro
Garcia Tores, Christian Jordan-Matthews
Watson, Noah Asheboro
Hazelwood, Zach 11:12.10 Wheatmore High School
Martinez, Luis 12:39.00 Asheboro
Allred, Kevin 13:26.00 Randleman
Mercado, Freddie 13:50.00 Randleman
Leonard, Andrew 14:04.97 Randleman
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adams, Connor Asheboro
Ludwick, Dakota Wheatmore High School
Andrews, Christian Asheboro
Currie, Michael Jordan-Matthews
Nyamongo, Robert Wheatmore High School
Craig, Danny Wheatmore High School
Ludwick, Daylin Wheatmore High School
Alonso, Camden Asheboro
Davis, Aiden Asheboro
McSwain, Rashaad Jordan-Matthews
Floyd, Jo'Nathan Wheatmore High School
Driggers, Weston Wheatmore High School
Prater, Wisdom Asheboro
Stepp, Wyatt Wheatmore High School
Howard, Gabe Wheatmore High School
Tyson, Aaron Asheboro
Helton, Zach Wheatmore High School
Cooper, Tanner 00.00 Randleman
Cassidy, Connor 00.00 Randleman
Dorado, Alan 00.00 Randleman
Waldon, Ayden 00.00 Randleman
McCauley, Ryan 00.00 Randleman
Cassidy, Jazai 00.00 Randleman
Schauminger, Pacey 00.00 Randleman
Headen, Dwight 1:00.67 Jordan-Matthews
McDevitt, Peyton 1:02.34h Wheatmore High School
Allred, Isreal 1:04.24h Asheboro
Duranceau, Cayne 55.52 Asheboro
Maryland, Sa'Cory 57.34h Wheatmore High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Asheboro
Relay Team B Asheboro
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jordan-Matthews
Relay Team A Asheboro
Relay Team B Asheboro
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Randleman
Relay Team A Jordan-Matthews
Relay Team A Asheboro
Relay Team B Asheboro
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Asheboro
Relay Team A Randleman
Relay Team A Jordan-Matthews
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allred, Isreal Asheboro
McDevitt, Peyton Wheatmore High School
Sanchez, Alexis Jordan-Matthews
Leveille, Jacob Asheboro
Hernandez, Aiden Jordan-Matthews
Cowan, Cordell Wheatmore High School
Martinez Nie, John Asheboro
Galena, Carlo Jordan-Matthews
Bigelow, Bearik Asheboro
Fuentes, Oscar Asheboro
Garcia Tores, Christian Jordan-Matthews
Bane, Neil 10:00.00 Randleman
Mitchell, Connor 10:00.00 Randleman
Harrison, Aiden 2:20.40 Jordan-Matthews
Hazelwood, Zach 2:21.80 Wheatmore High School
Herrea, Marvin 2:28.83 Jordan-Matthews
Goodwin, Will 2:38.00 Randleman
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HS Boys Discus Throw 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McGee, Landon 104-9 Randleman
Clark, Ethan 97-0 Jordan-Matthews
Lundsford, Caden 92-3 Randleman
Moton, Amarion 83-4 Randleman
Davis, Ty 79-2.5 Randleman
Causey, Kevin 76-2 Jordan-Matthews
Moton, Ty 74-5 Randleman
Stokes, Jonathan 73-9 Randleman
Blankenship, Jonathan 70-3 Randleman
Wilson, George 66-11 Asheboro
Gullet, Jamel 61-10 Asheboro
Wyse, Elijah 0-00 Randleman
Hinesley, Boone Asheboro
Pablo Munoz, Juan Asheboro
Dilshod, Muhammad Asheboro
Caceres Dominguez, Jorge Asheboro
Curtis, David Asheboro
Domingez, Angelo Jordan-Matthews
Bennett, Ashtin Wheatmore High School
DeWitt, Dominic Wheatmore High School
Kelly, Johnathan Wheatmore High School
Krigger, Kevin Wheatmore High School
Nuckols, Gordy Wheatmore High School
Peterson, River Wheatmore High School
Santibanez, Brandon Wheatmore High School
Simpson, Wyatt Wheatmore High School
Roberts, Ethen Wheatmore High School
Boone, Brandon Randleman
McCrimmon, Ahmod Jordan-Matthews
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HS Boys High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Farlow, Chase 5-10 Randleman
Woodle, Elijah 5-6 Asheboro
Allred, Isreal 5-2 Asheboro
Strickland, Riley 5-2 Wheatmore High School
Gneiting, Tanner 5-0 Randleman
Boone, Brandon 0-00 Randleman
Bowman, Matthew 0-00 Randleman
Nall, Bryson 0-00 Randleman
Everhart, Lance Asheboro
Tyson, Aaron Asheboro
Trogdon, Cole Asheboro
Goldston, Tyshawn 0-00 Randleman
Glover, Nick Jordan-Matthews
Adams, Connor Asheboro
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HS Boys Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matthews, Kai 19-2 Asheboro
Palmieri, Ashton 19-2 Asheboro
Mark, Valentino 17-1.5 Asheboro
Maryland, Sa'Cory 17-0 Wheatmore High School
Gorham, Jaiden 16-11 Jordan-Matthews
Causey, Kevin 16-10 Jordan-Matthews
Leonard, Jude 16-9 Wheatmore High School
Green, Jerron 13-2 Jordan-Matthews
Cassidy, Jazai 0-00 Randleman
Chriscoe, Tristan 0-00 Randleman
Schauminger, Pacey 0-00 Randleman
Sampson, Jonathan 0-00 Randleman
Everhart, Lance Asheboro
Moore, Jaylon Asheboro
Andrews, Christian Asheboro
Mark, Michael Asheboro
Alston, Dakarius Asheboro
McCrimmon, Ahmod Jordan-Matthews
Glover, Nick Jordan-Matthews
Floyd, Jo'Nathan Wheatmore High School
Strickland, Riley Wheatmore High School
Howard, Gabe Wheatmore High School
Cassidy, Connor Randleman
Adams, Connor Asheboro
Wiley, Neil Jordan-Matthews
Dula, Kenneth Jordan-Matthews
Hadley, Kamarie Jordan-Matthews
Nyamongo, Robert Wheatmore High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chavez, Nicolas 9-6 Asheboro
Bigelow, Bearik 7-0 Asheboro
Everhart, Lance Asheboro
Trogdon, Cole Asheboro
Tyson, Aaron Asheboro
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HS Boys Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lundsford, Caden 39-7 Randleman
Moton, Amarion 37-3.75 Randleman
McGee, Landon 35-2.25 Randleman
Moton, Ty 35-0 Randleman
Clark, Ethan 34-11 Jordan-Matthews
Wilson, George 32-4 Asheboro
Gullet, Jamel 31-9.5 Asheboro
Kelly, Johnathan 31-1 Wheatmore High School
Davis, Ty 30-7.5 Randleman
Bennett, Ashtin 30-5 Wheatmore High School
Stokes, Jonathan 29-9 Randleman
Causey, Kevin 28-10 Jordan-Matthews
Blankenship, Jonathan 25-4 Randleman
Wyse, Elijah 0-00 Randleman
Hinesley, Boone Asheboro
Pablo Munoz, Juan Asheboro
Dilshod, Muhammad Asheboro
Caceres Dominguez, Jorge Asheboro
Curtis, David Asheboro
Duranceau, Cayne Asheboro
Domingez, Angelo Jordan-Matthews
DeWitt, Dominic Wheatmore High School
Krigger, Kevin Wheatmore High School
Nuckols, Gordy Wheatmore High School
Peterson, River Wheatmore High School
Santibanez, Brandon Wheatmore High School
Roberts, Ethen Wheatmore High School
Simpson, Wyatt Wheatmore High School
McCrimmon, Ahmod Jordan-Matthews
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mark, Valentino 41-3.5 Asheboro
Palmieri, Ashton 36-8 Asheboro
Farlow, Chase 34-0.25 Randleman
Richards, Jay 33-8 Randleman
McCrimmon, Ahmod Jordan-Matthews
Strickland, Riley Wheatmore High School
Leonard, Jude Wheatmore High School
Causey, Kevin Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Sayre Asheboro
Everhart, Emerie Wheatmore High School
Herrera Gabriel, Diana Asheboro
Ramon, Tanasia Jordan-Matthews
Fuller Taylor, Kamora Asheboro
Lewis, Abigail Wheatmore High School
Dickerson, Chloe Jordan-Matthews
Martin, Janayah Asheboro
Diaz, Reanna Asheboro
White, Saniya Jordan-Matthews
Hobdy, JaNila Asheboro
Pereira, Amy Wheatmore High School
Gray, Amanda Jordan-Matthews
Price, Christy Asheboro
Dixon, Hannah Jordan-Matthews
Williams, Samara Asheboro
Mason, Morgan Jordan-Matthews
Dix, Lillyanne 00.00 Randleman
Mebane, Z'Khya 00.00 Randleman
Schrimsher, Kagan 00.00 Randleman
Hall, Mollie 00.00 Randleman
Showers, Jalaya 13.10 Asheboro
Cheek, Ey'Mya 13.12 Asheboro
Wilson, Peyton 13.32 Wheatmore High School
Deshazo, Cassidy 14.18 Jordan-Matthews
Green, Sadessa 14.36 Jordan-Matthews
Hobdy, Kimyah 14.54h Asheboro
Edwards, Zariya 14.64h Jordan-Matthews
Culberson, Maddie 15.22 Jordan-Matthews
Gentry, Chloe 15.24h Wheatmore High School
Vickery, Camryn 15.33 Randleman
Kopela, Sophia 15.44 Jordan-Matthews
Phillips, Madison 16.15 Jordan-Matthews
Green, Kamori 16.28 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McNeill, Kahmarii Wheatmore High School
Martin, Ariel Wheatmore High School
Harris, Brooklyn 0.00 Randleman
Morgan, Katelyn 00.00 Randleman
Harris, Ariana 19.29 Jordan-Matthews
Wilson, Rebecca 19.94h Asheboro
Edwards, Rinnah 21.91 Wheatmore High School
Tobey, Trista 23.64h Wheatmore High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
De La Sancha, Jacqueline Jordan-Matthews
Barreri, Marta Asheboro
Hildreth, Olivia Wheatmore High School
Mohamed, Jasmine Asheboro
Vega Rodriguez, Kimberly Asheboro
Cox, Natalie 10:00.00 Randleman
Hay, Addison 10:00.00 Randleman
Herring, Emma 10:00.00 Randleman
Hill, Aubri 10:00.00 Randleman
Basilio, Jasmine 6:39.37 Jordan-Matthews
Hill, Allison 6:48.20 Wheatmore High School
Robbins, Alexis 6:54.49 Randleman
Long, Ellen 7:01.87 Asheboro
LeRoy, Anna Grace 7:42.00 Asheboro
Adams, Liberty 7:43.52 Asheboro
Avila, Diana 7:54.40 Randleman
Daniela, Any 8:47.54 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hobdy, JaNila Asheboro
Everhart, Emerie Wheatmore High School
Ramon, Tanasia Jordan-Matthews
Pereira, Amy Wheatmore High School
Dickerson, Chloe Jordan-Matthews
Williams, Samara Asheboro
Lewis, Abigail Wheatmore High School
White, Saniya Jordan-Matthews
Becker, Megan Asheboro
Gray, Amanda Jordan-Matthews
Herrera Gabriel, Diana Asheboro
Martin, Ariel Wheatmore High School
Dixon, Hannah Jordan-Matthews
Smith, Sayre Asheboro
Mason, Morgan Jordan-Matthews
McNeill, Kahmarii Wheatmore High School
Vickery, Camryn 00.00 Randleman
Schrimsher, Kagan 00.00 Randleman
Hall, Mollie 00.00 Randleman
Dix, Lillyanne 00.00 Randleman
Mebane, Z'Khya 00.00 Randleman
Murrain, Sion 27.24h Asheboro
Wilson, Peyton 28.42 Wheatmore High School
Woods, Rachel 28.78 Jordan-Matthews
Showers, Jalaya 29.14h Asheboro
Green, Sadessa 29.33 Jordan-Matthews
Deshazo, Cassidy 29.71 Jordan-Matthews
Gentry, Chloe 30.78 Wheatmore High School
Kopela, Sophia 31.19 Jordan-Matthews
Edwards, Zariya 31.51 Jordan-Matthews
Culberson, Maddie 31.66 Jordan-Matthews
Edwards, Rinnah 32.00 Wheatmore High School
Green, Kamori 33.73 Jordan-Matthews
Phillips, Madison 34.22 Jordan-Matthews
Ricks, Cameron 35.34h Asheboro
Tobey, Trista 36.64h Wheatmore High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Price, Nyla Asheboro
Harris, Brooklyn 0.00 Randleman
Edwards, Rinnah 1:02.07 Wheatmore High School
Tobey, Trista 1:11.24h Wheatmore High School
Wilson, Rebecca 58.48 Asheboro
Harris, Ariana 59.54h Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hildreth, Olivia Wheatmore High School
Adams, Liberty Asheboro
Barreri, Marta Asheboro
Hill, Allison 15:54.00 Wheatmore High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martin, Janayah Asheboro
Martin, Ariel Wheatmore High School
Lyons, Isabella Asheboro
McNeill, Kahmarii Wheatmore High School
Fuller Taylor, Kamora Asheboro
Everhart, Emerie Wheatmore High School
Pereira, Amy Wheatmore High School
Herrera Gabriel, Diana Asheboro
Ricci, Ida Jordan-Matthews
Lewis, Abigail Wheatmore High School
Diaz, Reanna Asheboro
Hains, Halie 00.00 Randleman
Woods, Rachel 1:02.61 Jordan-Matthews
Wilson, Peyton 1:03.95 Wheatmore High School
Miller, Kaitlyn 1:09.90 Wheatmore High School
Deshazo, Cassidy 1:11.08 Jordan-Matthews
Robbins, Alexis 1:11.54h Randleman
Cornejo, Jasmin 1:12.24 Randleman
Kopela, Sophia 1:15.08 Jordan-Matthews
Smith, Sarah 1:20.94h Wheatmore High School
Gentry, Chloe 1:21.24h Wheatmore High School
Morgan, Katelyn 1:21.46 Randleman
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Asheboro
Relay Team A Jordan-Matthews
Relay Team B Asheboro
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Randleman
Relay Team A Asheboro
Relay Team A Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jordan-Matthews
Relay Team A Wheatmore High School
Relay Team A Randleman
Relay Team A Asheboro
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vega Rodriguez, Kimberly Asheboro
De La Sancha, Jacqueline Jordan-Matthews
Smith, Sarah Wheatmore High School
Hildreth, Olivia Wheatmore High School
Mohamed, Jasmine Asheboro
Hill, Aubri 10:00.00 Randleman
Cox, Natalie 10:00.00 Randleman
Hay, Addison 10:00.00 Randleman
Herring, Emma 10:00.00 Randleman
Hill, Allison 2:56.00 Wheatmore High School
Basilio, Jasmine 3:00.26 Jordan-Matthews
Miller, Kaitlyn 3:01.00 Wheatmore High School
LeRoy, Anna Grace 3:05.90 Asheboro
Long, Ellen 3:14.96 Asheboro
Avila, Diana 3:30.80 Randleman
Daniela, Any 3:30.95 Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls Discus Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Iniyah 94-5 Randleman
Eubanks, Madelyn 82-3 Jordan-Matthews
Stokes, Harly 62-11 Randleman
De La Sancha, Jacqueline 53-3.75 Jordan-Matthews
Dillard, Ava 52-5.5 Randleman
Fogleman, Callie 44-6.5 Jordan-Matthews
Daniela, Any 40-5 Jordan-Matthews
Ross, Destany 0-00 Randleman
Vaughn, Alexis 0-00 Randleman
Milton, Arianna Asheboro
Martin, Trinity Asheboro
Parson, Maya Asheboro
Wilson, Ashley Asheboro
Green, Mahriyah Asheboro
Teague, Brenna Jordan-Matthews
Juarez, Emily Wheatmore High School
Ricci, Ida Jordan-Matthews
Wieber, Samantha Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls High Jump 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Rebecca 4-10 Asheboro
Becker, Megan Asheboro
George, Lia Asheboro
Fuller Taylor, Kamora Asheboro
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HS Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woods, Rachel 16-7 Jordan-Matthews
Patterson, Audrey 14-3.5 Asheboro
Deshazo, Cassidy 14-0.5 Jordan-Matthews
Vickery, Camryn 12-7.5 Randleman
Gentry, Chloe 12-7 Wheatmore High School
De La Sancha, Daniela 12-1 Jordan-Matthews
Hall, Mollie 0-00 Randleman
Morgan, Katelyn 0-00 Randleman
Schrimsher, Kagan 0-00 Randleman
Dix, Lillyanne 0-00 Randleman
Murrain, Sion Asheboro
Hayes, Airiana Asheboro
Allen, Iyanna Asheboro
Price, Nyla Asheboro
Hobdy, JaNila Asheboro
Price, Christy Asheboro
White, Saniya Jordan-Matthews
Dixon, Hannah Jordan-Matthews
Davis, Jada Asheboro
Martin, Janayah Asheboro
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HS Girls Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Iniyah 36-5 Randleman
Eubanks, Madelyn 26-0 Jordan-Matthews
Fogleman, Callie 18-10 Jordan-Matthews
Stokes, Harly 18-5 Randleman
Dillard, Ava 16-6 Randleman
De La Sancha, Jacqueline 16-6 Jordan-Matthews
Daniela, Any 16-6 Jordan-Matthews
Ross, Destany 0-00 Randleman
Vaughn, Alexis 0-00 Randleman
Milton, Arianna Asheboro
Martin, Trinity Asheboro
Parson, Maya Asheboro
Wilson, Ashley Asheboro
Green, Mahriyah Asheboro
Juarez, Emily Wheatmore High School
Ricci, Ida Jordan-Matthews
Teague, Brenna Jordan-Matthews
Wieber, Samantha Jordan-Matthews
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HS Girls Triple Jump 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
De La Sancha, Daniela 22-10 Jordan-Matthews
Patterson, Audrey Asheboro
Allen, Iyanna Asheboro
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