Caldwell County Championship 2023

Lenoir, NC
Hosted by Hibriten

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perkins, Paxton South Caldwell
Guzman, Rolando Hibriten
Hackett, Immanuel West Caldwell
Wilson, Coby 10.88 Hibriten
Arnold, Dorian 11.34h South Caldwell
Ransby, Nigel 11.37 West Caldwell
Morales, Miguel 11.55 Hibriten
Gibbs, Chris 11.73 West Caldwell
Symons, Austin 11.74h South Caldwell
Barlowe, Brody 11.84h South Caldwell
Davidson, Rylan 12.02 Hibriten
Foxx, Nehemiah 12.04 West Caldwell
Brinkley, Trenton 12.10 South Caldwell
Price, Riley 12.24 South Caldwell
Miller, Zarrian 12.35 Hibriten
Whitt, Collin 12.44h South Caldwell
Ramseur, Trenton 12.63 West Caldwell
Albright, Elijah 12.95 South Caldwell
Banks, Malachi 13.00 South Caldwell
Edmiston, Bryson 13.19 West Caldwell
Simmons, Micah 13.23 West Caldwell
Patterson, Jaylen 13.24h West Caldwell
Logan, Jacorian 13.32 West Caldwell
Goodson, Brandon 13.34h Hibriten
Kidd, Brody 13.37 West Caldwell
O'Shields, Patrick (Connor) 13.44 Hibriten
Urbina, Carlos 13.53 West Caldwell
Harris, Jakhi 13.97 West Caldwell
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parker, Jace Hibriten
Moore, Suan 16.86 South Caldwell
Freeman, Zach 20.71 South Caldwell
Harris, Jakhi 21.04 West Caldwell
Greer, Hayden 22.84h South Caldwell
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sedlacek, Rylan 4:51.20 Hibriten
Bowman, Levi 4:57.10 South Caldwell
Buchholz, Jadent 4:59.19 Hibriten
Bowman, Parker 5:06.18 South Caldwell
Sanderlin, Lukas 5:21.03 Hibriten
Davis, Jonathan 5:33.69 West Caldwell
Roberts, Luke 5:41.66 West Caldwell
Haas, Ethan 5:48.92 South Caldwell
Hocsak, George 5:55.95 West Caldwell
Suttles, Coan 5:56.79 South Caldwell
Edwards, Landon 5:56.84 South Caldwell
Spencer, Jacob 5:58.50 West Caldwell
Corpening, Bryce 6:07.00 South Caldwell
Young, David 6:18.85 West Caldwell
Church, Christopher 6:19.42 Hibriten
Pina, Jayson 6:19.70 West Caldwell
Teniente, Fernando 6:23.63 West Caldwell
Hogan, Sully 6:50.77 Hibriten
Alvarenga, Abiel 7:17.62 Hibriten
Norman, Barrett 7:22.01 Hibriten
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guzman, Rolando Hibriten
Ransby, Nigel 23.01 West Caldwell
Wilson, Coby 23.17 Hibriten
Arnold, Dorian 23.44h South Caldwell
Gibbs, Chris 23.84h West Caldwell
Symons, Austin 24.04h South Caldwell
Brinkley, Trenton 24.09 South Caldwell
Morales, Miguel 24.21 Hibriten
Freeman, Zach 24.40 South Caldwell
Barlowe, Brody 24.74h South Caldwell
Watson, Kyle 25.01 Hibriten
Davidson, Rylan 25.14h Hibriten
Foxx, Nehemiah 25.50 West Caldwell
Albright, Elijah 25.64h South Caldwell
Price, Riley 25.73 South Caldwell
Miller, Zarrian 27.01 Hibriten
Kidd, Brody 27.09 West Caldwell
Logan, Jacorian 27.27 West Caldwell
Banks, Malachi 27.54h South Caldwell
Patterson, Jaylen 27.54h West Caldwell
Simmons, Micah 27.83 West Caldwell
Goodson, Brandon 27.94h Hibriten
Edmiston, Bryson 28.25 West Caldwell
Urbina, Carlos 28.87 West Caldwell
Stewart, Michael 29.53 West Caldwell
Harris, Jakhi 30.02 West Caldwell
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bentley, Grayson Hibriten
Edwards, Dominic Hibriten
Goodson, Brandon Hibriten
Moore, Suan 42.98 South Caldwell
Robbins, Caleb 45.74 Hibriten
Freeman, Zach 47.48 South Caldwell
Dula, Thaxton 49.40 West Caldwell
Taylor, Jesse 53.21 Hibriten
Harris, Jakhi 54.34 West Caldwell
Greer, Hayden 58.62 South Caldwell
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Norman, Barrett Hibriten
Hocsak, George West Caldwell
Teniente, Fernando West Caldwell
Pina, Jayson West Caldwell
Haas, Ethan South Caldwell
Bowman, Parker 11:10.58 South Caldwell
Bowman, Levi 11:22.84 South Caldwell
Sedlacek, Rylan 12:00.64 Hibriten
Harris, Samuel 12:49.21 South Caldwell
Corpening, Bryce 13:44.27 South Caldwell
Hogan, Sully 15:41.54 Hibriten
Alvarenga, Abiel 17:36.59 Hibriten
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Buchholz, Jadent Hibriten
Dula, William South Caldwell
Jarrell, Eathan 1:01.12 South Caldwell
Hedrick, Josh 1:01.24h South Caldwell
Mabry, Alex 1:01.58 South Caldwell
Foddrell, Camdyn 1:03.23 Hibriten
Johnson, Kaidence 1:03.50 West Caldwell
Stewart, Michael 1:03.60 West Caldwell
Simmons, Micah 1:03.97 West Caldwell
Craven, Walker 1:03.98 West Caldwell
Dula, Lathan 1:05.78 West Caldwell
Huang, Richard 1:06.24 South Caldwell
Fulcher, Holden 1:06.44h South Caldwell
Campbell, Tyrek 1:06.54 West Caldwell
Logan, Jacorian 1:07.40 West Caldwell
Burgos Salazar, Jose 1:10.37 West Caldwell
Regino, D'Alexander Julian 1:11.04 Hibriten
O'Shields, Patrick (Connor) 1:11.77 Hibriten
Brown, Daniel 1:12.04h Hibriten
Castro, Jayco 54.94 West Caldwell
Quesenberry, Jayden 55.43 West Caldwell
Hinson, Logan 57.77 South Caldwell
Garcia, Lorenzo 58.32 Hibriten
Mosley, Dexter 59.52 Hibriten
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.94 South Caldwell
Relay Team A 46.08 West Caldwell
Relay Team A 46.84 Hibriten
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:36.12 West Caldwell
Relay Team A 1:37.45 Hibriten
Relay Team A 1:40.41 South Caldwell
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:51.72 West Caldwell
Relay Team B 3:51.72 West Caldwell
Relay Team C 3:51.72 West Caldwell
Relay Team A 3:56.77 Hibriten
Relay Team A 4:02.00 South Caldwell
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:22.49 South Caldwell
Relay Team A 9:37.45 Hibriten
Relay Team A 9:50.69 West Caldwell
Relay Team B 9:50.69 West Caldwell
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Buchholz, Jadent 2:12.17 Hibriten
Thompson, Sawyer 2:15.89 South Caldwell
Bowman, Levi 2:17.10 South Caldwell
Fulcher, Holden 2:27.77 South Caldwell
Rivera, Joseph 2:29.18 West Caldwell
Sanderlin, Lukas 2:30.66 Hibriten
Henline, Jerry 2:37.49 West Caldwell
Suttles, Coan 2:41.35 South Caldwell
Davis, Jonathan 2:41.70 West Caldwell
Edwards, Landon 2:42.11 South Caldwell
Pina, Jayson 2:42.60 West Caldwell
Young, David 2:42.61 West Caldwell
Guzman, Rolando 2:47.52 Hibriten
Craven, Walker 2:49.23 West Caldwell
Hackett, Immanuel 2:52.00 West Caldwell
Brown, Daniel 3:06.67 Hibriten
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HS Boys Discus Throw 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Suddreth, Gabriel 125-1 Hibriten
Taylor, Jesse 111-6 Hibriten
Patterson, Silas 111-1 Hibriten
Morrison, Jakeb 93-0 South Caldwell
Jenkins, Taloun 90-1 South Caldwell
Surratt, Nate 89-1 West Caldwell
Dula, Lathan 87-3 West Caldwell
Patterson, Tyler 85-11 West Caldwell
Cartajena Sa, Jonathan 82-4 South Caldwell
Suddreth, Brandon 82-2 West Caldwell
Greer, Noah 80-1 South Caldwell
Kidd, Brody 77-9 West Caldwell
Amaya Perez, Daniel 73-8 Hibriten
Fox, Dallas 68-8 West Caldwell
Jud, Myers 68-7 South Caldwell
Beane, Greyson 68-3 West Caldwell
Goudas, Garrett 65-11 Hibriten
Keller, Patrick 65-7 South Caldwell
Covington, Amare 63-11 West Caldwell
Hartley, Hayden 60-8 West Caldwell
Moran, Jace 59-10 South Caldwell
Rivera, Isai 47-10 Hibriten
Okubanjo, Ola 43-6 South Caldwell
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HS Boys High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maxwell, Javier 5-10 Hibriten
Flores, Ricky 5-10 South Caldwell
Gibbs, Chris 5-8 West Caldwell
Foddrell, Camdyn 5-2 Hibriten
Perkins, Paxton 5-2 South Caldwell
Hinson, Logan 5-0 South Caldwell
Simmons, Micah West Caldwell
Parker, Jace Hibriten
Crawford, Avin Hibriten
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HS Boys Long Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Ricky 18-4 South Caldwell
Davidson, Rylan 17-9.5 Hibriten
Ramseur, Trenton 17-9 West Caldwell
Foddrell, Camdyn 17-6 Hibriten
Crawford, Avin 15-11 Hibriten
Edmiston, Bryson 15-9.75 West Caldwell
Whitt, Collin 15-5 South Caldwell
Robbins, Caleb 15-5 Hibriten
Taylor, Jesse 15-3.5 Hibriten
Banks, Malachi 14-11.5 South Caldwell
Parker, Jace 14-10 Hibriten
Albright, Elijah 14-6.5 South Caldwell
Flores-Martin, Kaleb South Caldwell
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HS Boys Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robbins, Caleb 12-6 Hibriten
Roberts, Luke 11-5.5 West Caldwell
Henline, Jerry 11-5.5 West Caldwell
Jarrell, Eathan 10-0 South Caldwell
Flores, Ricky 9-6 South Caldwell
Gragg, Jacob 9-0 Hibriten
Watson, Kyle 8-0 Hibriten
Greer, Hayden 8-0 South Caldwell
Mabry, Alex 8-0 South Caldwell
Spencer, Jacob 7-6 West Caldwell
Regino, Giovanni 7-0 Hibriten
Flores-Martin, Kaleb 7-0 South Caldwell
Rivera, Joseph 6-3.5 West Caldwell
Campbell, Tyrek 6-3.5 West Caldwell
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HS Boys Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Jesse 42-11.5 Hibriten
Suddreth, Gabriel 41-7 Hibriten
Morrison, Jakeb 35-5 South Caldwell
Patterson, Silas 34-9 Hibriten
Roberts, Luke 33-6 West Caldwell
Fox, Dallas 32-1 West Caldwell
Surratt, Nate 32-1 West Caldwell
Greer, Noah 31-9.5 South Caldwell
Patterson, Tyler 30-11 West Caldwell
Hartley, Hayden 30-11 West Caldwell
Jud, Myers 30-10.5 South Caldwell
Jenkins, Taloun 30-5 South Caldwell
Logan, Jacorian 29-6 West Caldwell
Cartajena Sa, Jonathan 29-6 South Caldwell
Covington, Amare 29-4 West Caldwell
Moran, Jace 27-3 South Caldwell
Amaya Perez, Daniel 26-8 Hibriten
Goudas, Garrett 26-5 Hibriten
Urbina, Carlos 26-4 West Caldwell
Keller, Patrick 24-11 South Caldwell
Suddreth, Brandon 23-8 West Caldwell
Beane, Greyson 23-4 West Caldwell
Okubanjo, Ola 22-9 South Caldwell
Rivera, Isai 19-1 Hibriten
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HS Boys Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibbs, Chris 39-9 West Caldwell
Dula, Thaxton 39-5 West Caldwell
Moore, Suan 39-1 South Caldwell
Davidson, Rylan 35-10 Hibriten
Perkins, Paxton 35-2.25 South Caldwell
Johnson, Kaidence 32-2 West Caldwell
Crawford, Avin 30-10 Hibriten
Brinkley, Trenton South Caldwell
Flores-Martin, Kaleb South Caldwell
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spann, Sarah Hibriten
Brown, Jada 12.60 Hibriten
Lambert, Kayleigh 14.12 South Caldwell
Howell, KaMauri 14.31 Hibriten
Evans, Trysten 14.32 Hibriten
Logan, Faith 14.58 West Caldwell
Summerlin, Chloe 14.73 South Caldwell
Bolick, Chloe 15.25 South Caldwell
Hillis, Emma 15.37 Hibriten
Wilson, Jaziah 15.38 Hibriten
Lail, Asha 15.60 West Caldwell
Dunst, Zoey 15.63 West Caldwell
Perkins, D' Asia 15.92 West Caldwell
Lewis, Janey Lane 16.04 South Caldwell
Price, Izabella 16.39 South Caldwell
Hood, Jae'den 16.46 West Caldwell
Craig, Serenity 17.31 Hibriten
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Natalie Hibriten
Wilson, Jaziah Hibriten
Zambrano, Jannelle Hibriten
Williams, Savannah 18.28 South Caldwell
Eaches, Madison 20.37 West Caldwell
Lackey, Kylie 20.82 South Caldwell
Morrison, Haven 21.88 Hibriten
Corey, Skyla 21.97 South Caldwell
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Noble, Clara 6:22.40 South Caldwell
Gardner, Charlotte 6:57.50 Hibriten
Waechter, Marie-Claire 7:00.00 Hibriten
Bailey, Karagan 7:53.51 South Caldwell
Childers, Madison 8:06.62 South Caldwell
Hurtado, Trina 8:37.90 South Caldwell
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Craig, Serenity Hibriten
Brown, Jada 26.30 Hibriten
Suddreth, Jenna 31.04h South Caldwell
Bridges, Bella 31.57 South Caldwell
Evans, Trysten 31.58 Hibriten
Hillis, Emma 31.78 Hibriten
Bolick, Chloe 31.79 South Caldwell
Covington, Kali 31.80 South Caldwell
Dunst, Zoey 32.64 West Caldwell
Logan, Faith 32.64h West Caldwell
Lail, Asha 33.45 West Caldwell
Wilson, Jaziah 34.71 Hibriten
Price, Izabella 35.70 South Caldwell
Lewis, Janey Lane 38.34h South Caldwell
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Natalie Hibriten
Lackey, Kylie South Caldwell
Morrison, Haven Hibriten
Zambrano, Jannelle Hibriten
Williams, Savannah 55.33 South Caldwell
Corey, Skyla 55.54 South Caldwell
Eaches, Madison 58.43 West Caldwell
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bailey, Karagan South Caldwell
Hurtado, Trina South Caldwell
Buccholz, Jaelyn Hibriten
Noble, Clara 14:29.00 South Caldwell
Gardner, Charlotte 16:52.82 Hibriten
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lambert, Kayleigh South Caldwell
Summerlin, Chloe South Caldwell
Spencer, Molly 1:11.85 West Caldwell
Bolick, Chloe 1:14.36 South Caldwell
Smith, Landrie 1:16.52 South Caldwell
Buccholz, Jaelyn 1:18.64h Hibriten
Jones, Natalie 1:21.61 Hibriten
Wright, Lily 1:23.51 Hibriten
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A West Caldwell
Relay Team A 1:01.40 South Caldwell
Relay Team A 56.42 Hibriten
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A West Caldwell
Relay Team A 2:01.12 Hibriten
Relay Team A 2:02.90 South Caldwell
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 5:03.25 South Caldwell
Relay Team A 5:21.27 West Caldwell
Relay Team A 5:45.76 Hibriten
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 12:31.10 South Caldwell
Relay Team A 13:20.27 Hibriten
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wright, Ria 2:57.30 West Caldwell
Pennell, Lexi 3:00.89 South Caldwell
Waechter, Marie-Claire 3:04.82 Hibriten
Anderson, Payton 3:05.00 South Caldwell
Capula Leon, Mayra 3:11.16 Hibriten
Childers, Madison 3:44.31 South Caldwell
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HS Girls Discus Throw 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Maggie 87-0 Hibriten
Lail, Kendra 78-6 South Caldwell
Watson, Carley 78-0.5 Hibriten
Winkler, Jozlyne 72-10 West Caldwell
Allyson, Rawls 69-0 South Caldwell
Parlier, Elaina 63-11 South Caldwell
Kirby, Karley 60-4 West Caldwell
Hackett, Desare 59-9 South Caldwell
Huitt, Carleigh 59-7 South Caldwell
Westerfield, Meea 59-1 Hibriten
Williams, Mayce 58-11 West Caldwell
Lambert, Kayleigh 58-7 South Caldwell
Perkins, D' Asia 51-8 West Caldwell
Summerlin, Chloe 51-5 South Caldwell
Dacoerri, Elettra 51-0 Hibriten
Cruz, Ivania 50-9 West Caldwell
Azua Martin, Yesenia 47-9 Hibriten
Dixon, Alayha 46-9 Hibriten
Dupell, Shauna 46-6 South Caldwell
Keller, Lindsey 46-4 South Caldwell
Hood, Jae'den 45-10 West Caldwell
Futrell, Carsyn 40-5 South Caldwell
Lara, Katherine 40-0 Hibriten
Hernandez Rivera, Mileidi 30-0 Hibriten
Gill, Kimora West Caldwell
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HS Girls High Jump 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Higginbothom, Brady 4-2 South Caldwell
Westerfield, Meea 4-0 Hibriten
Smith, Landrie South Caldwell
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HS Girls Long Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Jada 18-6.5 Hibriten
Capula Leon, Mayra 12-9 Hibriten
Charles, Iva 12-5 Hibriten
Covington, Kali 12-2.75 South Caldwell
Lackey, Kylie 12-0.5 South Caldwell
Higginbothom, Brady 11-4 South Caldwell
Hood, Jae'den 10-8.5 West Caldwell
Bridges, Bella South Caldwell
Price, Izabella South Caldwell
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HS Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Corey, Skyla 7-0 South Caldwell
Suddreth, Jenna 6-6 South Caldwell
Hillis, Emma 6-0 Hibriten
Capula Leon, Mayra 6-0 Hibriten
Wright, Lily 5-6 Hibriten
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HS Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Maggie 34-1 Hibriten
Winkler, Jozlyne 28-3 West Caldwell
Watson, Carley 27-8 Hibriten
Rawls, Ally 27-0 South Caldwell
Williams, Mayce 25-7 West Caldwell
Hackett, Desare 25-5 South Caldwell
Huitt, Carleigh 24-8 South Caldwell
Lail, Kendra 24-2.75 South Caldwell
Kirby, Karley 24-2 West Caldwell
Parlier, Elaina 23-10 South Caldwell
Dixon, Alayha 23-5 Hibriten
Dacoerri, Elettra 22-5 Hibriten
Lambert, Kayleigh 22-2 South Caldwell
Keller, Lindsey 22-0 South Caldwell
Westerfield, Meea 21-7.5 Hibriten
Futrell, Carsyn 20-6.5 South Caldwell
Perkins, D' Asia 20-5 West Caldwell
Azua Martin, Yesenia 20-1 Hibriten
Dupell, Shauna 19-7 South Caldwell
Cruz, Ivania 18-6 West Caldwell
Summerlin, Chloe 18-2 South Caldwell
Gill, Kimora West Caldwell
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HS Girls Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Jada 34-7 Hibriten
Hood, Jae'den 21-4.5 West Caldwell
Smith, Landrie South Caldwell
Suddreth, Jenna South Caldwell
Covington, Kali South Caldwell
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