Meet Information
This year's Midwest 4A Regional will once again be held at the Ivey M Redmon Sports Complex in Kernersville, NC.
Reporting Deadline:Friday, Oct 22, by 9 PM
4A Midwest Cross Country Regional
Regional Director: Paul Egleston- Northwest Guilford HS
School #: 336 605 3300
Cell #: 336 509 5877To: All Midwest 4A Regional Cross-Country Coaches
From: Paul Egleston - Regional Cross-Country Director, Northwest
Guilford High School
Re: Midwest 4A Cross Country Championships
Coaches:This year's Midwest 4A Regional Cross-Country
Championships will be held at Ivey M. Redmond Sports Complex (Beeson Park Cross
Country Park) in Kernersville, NC on Saturday, October 30, 2021.The meet will begin at 10:00 a.m. with a
coaches meeting beginning at 9:00 a.m. near the finish line.A few things you need to be aware about this
- Entries
are due to me by using the online entry through milesplit (see number 6
below) by 9 p.m. Friday, October
22, 2021.Remember you can
only have seven (7) members per boys' and girls' team. Any runner changes should
be sent to me by email or made the day of the event.
Below is a time schedule for the
7:30 am - Facility opens
9:00 am - 4A Coaches Meeting (Coaching MeetingMandatory)
10:00 am - 4A Boys Race
10:30 am - 4A Girls Race
11:00 am - 4A Awards
Allscoring will be done by Computer. The clock at the finish line is not the
official time for the runners. Rodney King is timing the race.- Athletes
will be assigned bib numbers that you will place on the front of your
uniform. - If you
would like to practice at Beeson Park any time before October 30th,
you will need to make a reservation at the Park.You can do this by e-mailing Curtis
Swisher at - Regional entries are done online at Instructions on how to use Milesplit are
attached to this.You do not need
to send me your entries as it is all done online. - Packet
pick-up will at the tent near the white trailer near the finish line. - The
course is exactly a 5K Cross Country Course.It has some rolling hills, with one
brief dirt trail in the woods, rock dust, and grass.There is a mixture of running in the
woods and in open fields.Excellent
for Regional Competition and preparation for the State Meet. - Spectator
parking is permitted across the road in the open field. Cost for parking
is $10.00 per car. Buses will park in the lower parking lot. Meet
officials and volunteers will park in the parking lot near the finish. - Please
review the uniform and jewelry rules and have your athletes in appropriate
uniforms.I recommend bringing
extra uniforms in case athletes forget their uniform or any have a
mismatched uniform.I also
recommend checking uniforms at your conference championship meets to get
teams accustomed to being checked.The uniform rule, and all NFHS and NCHSAA rules, will be
enforced.It is the coach's
responsibility to know and communicate the rules to their athletes,
including the uniform rule. - NCHSAA
State Meet Qualification:
The top 25% of teams (minimum of 4
teams qualify) at Regionals and the top 7 individuals not on one of the
qualifying teams will qualify for the State XC Meet.The 25% (any fraction .5 or above will be
rounded up) will be determined by the number of scoring teams (at least 5
athletes) that start the race.Boys' and
girls' teams are considered separately, so 25% of the scoring boys' teams to
start the race and 25% of the scoring girls' teams to start the race will
qualify for the State XC Meet.There are
29 schools in the 4A Midwest Regional; so, 29 teams = 8 qualifying teams; 28
teams = 7 qualifying teams.
11) The
qualifiers for the State XC Meet will automatically be entered for the State
Meet after the Regional XC Meet.Make
sure to check spelling of athletes'
names when you enter them on NC MileSplit.If you have any change to team members to run at the State Meet, make
sure to contact State meet director with your changes.
12) Regional
T-Shirts will be available for purchase on site.I will have the pricing information in the
final email.
13) There will
be a $10 parking fee for spectators at the Midwest Regional.Parking location may change due to weather
14) Hotel
15) State XC
Championships Meet Information:
November 6, 2021 at Ivey M. Redmon
Sports Complex in Kernersville, NC.
Gates will open for teams and spectators:
8:00 am
- Coaches'Meeting: 8:15AM
- 1AMen: 9:00AM
- 3AMen: 9:40AM
- 1A Women:10:20AM
- 3AWomen: 11:00AM
Awards Presentation: 11:15
4A/2ACoaches'Meeting: 1:15PM
- 2AMen: 2:00PM
- 4AMen: 2:40PM
- 2A Women:3:20PM
- 4AWomen: 4:00PM
Awards Presentation: 4:15 pm
State XC Meet Admission:$10; no charge for children 5 years old and younger
$5 for non-competing athletes, but
they MUST be on the bus with the team.