The Big East 2A/3A - at Southern Nash 2021

Bailey, NC
Hosted by Northern Nash

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coble, Matthew Southern Nash
Santos, Daniel Franklinton
Harrison, Xzavien Northern Nash
Aguilar-Velazquez, Nelson Bunn
Skinner, John Roanoke Rapids
Leonard, Mason Louisburg
Baker, Trevon Southern Nash
Murphy, Grayson Franklinton
Renner, Shane Northern Nash
Hall, Caleb Roanoke Rapids
Frazier, Elijah Rocky Mount
Beard, James Franklinton
Beach, Caleb Bunn
Spillane, Bryce Roanoke Rapids
Hines, Jonathan Southern Nash
Caldwell, Robert Franklinton
Rivers, Marc Northern Nash
Midgette, Jackson Roanoke Rapids
Rivera-Villatoro, Emerson Bunn
Mettu, Pranav Rocky Mount
Jones, Jeremiah Nash Central
Toler, Ben Franklinton
Roberson, Robert Louisburg
Mowatt, Aaron Northern Nash
Thigpen, Elijah Bunn
Duncan, Carson Roanoke Rapids
Ordess, Owen Southern Nash
Kempen, Caden Franklinton
Harris, Derrick Northern Nash
Sanderford, Riley Roanoke Rapids
Colon, Gabriel Franklinton
Champion, Will Louisburg
Romero, Mauricio Southern Nash
Caggiano, Dylan Franklinton
Lee, Brennan Northern Nash
Morrow, Ethan Bunn
Beasley, AJ Rocky Mount
Taylor, Reagan Roanoke Rapids
Lynch, Jackson Nash Central
Martinez, Joshua 17:33.88 Rocky Mount
Pippen, Malachi 17:43.02 Rocky Mount
Estrada-Rios, Jose 18:51.41 Louisburg
Lord, Owen 19:23.21 Rocky Mount
Hamrick, Nathan 19:34.24 Franklinton
Saunders, Logan 19:41.00 Southern Nash
Britt, Benjamin 19:52.10 Louisburg
Holloman, Landen 20:05.56 Nash Central
Arrington, JaHeem 20:11.55 Rocky Mount
Coggins, Braxton 20:36.25 Roanoke Rapids
Vines, Ahnage 20:40.13 Northern Nash
Arrington, ShaHeem 20:41.63 Rocky Mount
Braxton, Eric 20:57.00 Southern Nash
Woodard, Daniel 21:04.15 Nash Central
Velazquez-Rodriguez, Edwin 21:07.04 Bunn
Qasem, Arafat 21:43.70 Roanoke Rapids
Rackley, Bryson 21:45.00 Southern Nash
Coggins, Brandall 21:46.12 Roanoke Rapids
Brown, Aaron 21:46.79 Nash Central
Gray, Camden 22:05.08 Roanoke Rapids
Thompson, Andrew 22:40.32 Southern Nash
Hinton, Emmanuel 22:45.00 Northern Nash
Marshall, Braden 26:28.00 Roanoke Rapids
Wynn, Jake 28:05.55 Roanoke Rapids
Williams, Drew 28:35.00 Roanoke Rapids
Sykes, Desmond 30:09.89 Nash Central
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Webb, Griffin Northern Nash
Deans, Grayson Southern Nash
Toro, Jada Franklinton
Baird, Kara Roanoke Rapids
Hicks, Aliya Franklinton
Salazar, Miriam Southern Nash
Wade, Kylie Roanoke Rapids
Bledsoe, Raine Nash Central
Puryear, Samantha Bunn
Lavely, Ava Rocky Mount
Mabrey, Alexandria Franklinton
Wells, Keeleigh Franklinton
Romero, Jenna Northern Nash
Nowell, Harley Roanoke Rapids
Girouard, Maddie Rocky Mount
Neal, Cameron Roanoke Rapids
Bridgers, Madison Nash Central
McKinney, Rebekah Franklinton
Garcia, Jessica Southern Nash
Modlin, Ashleigh Northern Nash
Medlin, Savannah Roanoke Rapids
Smith, Dayshia Nash Central
Morrow, Brooke Bunn
Jackson, Ellory Rocky Mount
Golla, Isabell Franklinton
Morningstar, Molly Rocky Mount
Skinner, Hanna Roanoke Rapids
Faile, Kaylee Nash Central
Carlos-Sias, Stephanie Franklinton
Delgado-Baker, Marbella Southern Nash
Modlin, Elisabeth Northern Nash
Wade, Skyler Roanoke Rapids
Lewis, Kayla Nash Central
Harrah, Kalea Bunn
Hicks, Anayia Franklinton
Jackson, Holidae Rocky Mount
Wade, Rylie Roanoke Rapids
Ricks, Shaniya Nash Central
Zelinack, Scarlett Franklinton
Jimenez, Jadiza 20:16.06 Southern Nash
Griffin, Elana 20:45.42 Northern Nash
Weeks, Ana Katherine 23:06.28 Rocky Mount
Dunn, Camille 23:39.45 Northern Nash
Bray, Preslie 23:52.56 Franklinton
King, Anna Grace 24:00.34 Roanoke Rapids
Jean, Kamdyn 25:20.61 Roanoke Rapids
Ras, Adrianna 25:32.93 Northern Nash
Farmer, Alysa 25:51.06 Northern Nash
Romero, Dahilia 26:54.00 Southern Nash
King, Ella 26:54.18 Roanoke Rapids
Alonso, Leslie 27:50.00 Southern Nash
Bryant, Janiah 28:15.91 Rocky Mount
Lee, Hope 28:23.09 Nash Central
Alford, Emilie 29:07.00 Nash Central
Moseley, Kayla 29:08.20 Roanoke Rapids
Robinson, Taylor 29:55.94 Franklinton
Golla, May 30:49.00 Franklinton
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