PAC-7 2A Conference Championships 2021

Trinity, NC

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Preston Wheatmore High School
Kines, Parker Wheatmore High School
Greene, Sam Wheatmore High School
Gardner, Brody 18:33.61 Eastern Randolph High School
Pritchard, Aiden 19:01.00 Southwestern Randolph
Green, Ayden 19:18.00 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Burton, Robert 19:30.06 Providence Grove
Johnson, Trajan 19:30.32 Trinity High
Busk, Justin 19:47.16 Providence Grove
Meadows, Evan 20:00.00 Providence Grove
Shoptaw, Kaden 20:10.23 Providence Grove
Hazelwood, Zach 20:34.81 Wheatmore High School
Stover, Logan 20:39.90 Providence Grove
Yates, Hayden 20:44.86 Wheatmore High School
Barker, Alijah 21:33.05 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Allred, Kevin 21:52.67 Randleman
St. Clair, Chase 21:53.00 Wheatmore High School
Fuentes-Garcia, Jose 21:58.00 Eastern Randolph High School
Scott, Cooper 22:05.82 Randleman
Presnell, Alexandria 22:06.56 Eastern Randolph High School
Hussey, Kamrin 22:08.60 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Beasley, Jayten 22:19.80 Providence Grove
Connelly, Michael 22:38.00 Trinity High
Garland, Jackson 22:42.50 Providence Grove
Watson, Jonathan 23:12.14 Eastern Randolph High School
Rich, Mavin 23:15.25 Eastern Randolph High School
Smith, Jimmy 23:21.90 Wheatmore High School
Morales Aguirre, Juan Felipe 23:26.30 Wheatmore High School
Poe, Reece 23:32.00 Southwestern Randolph
Chriscoe, Zack 24:15.00 Southwestern Randolph
Hildreth, Christian 24:18.00 Wheatmore High School
Shoptaw, Mason 24:47.42 Providence Grove
Owens, Ben 25:27.53 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Gaines, Riley 25:58.70 Providence Grove
Lopez, Brandon 26:47.00 Southwestern Randolph
Auman, Drew 26:47.00 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Auler, Ryland 27:09.15 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Spivey, Johnathan 27:12.00 Southwestern Randolph
Oldham, Christopher 27:29.99 Eastern Randolph High School
Earls, Ashton 27:44.00 Randleman
Hanson, Sam 28:16.00 Southwestern Randolph
Johnson, Alex 28:45.68 Eastern Randolph High School
Stickle, Carter 29:01.34 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Heraldo, Jonathan 29:24.00 Wheatmore High School
Briles, Mason 29:55.00 Eastern Randolph High School
Stevens, Riley 30:25.00 Wheatmore High School
Elliott, Jake 31:22.00 Southwestern Randolph
Delgado Benitez, Noe 31:28.27 Eastern Randolph High School
Wall, Tyler 32:15.00 Wheatmore High School
Holder, Charles 34:05.00 Randleman
Thomas, Connor 36:17.00 Trinity High
Holder, William 37:01.00 Randleman
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Presnell, Alexandria Eastern Randolph High School
Hill, Brianna Wheatmore High School
McPherson, Brianna Eastern Randolph High School
Seagraves, Haley Eastern Randolph High School
Kinder, Devan 22:40.00 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Auman, Jensen 23:55.61 Providence Grove
Luther, Dorothy 24:45.78 Eastern Randolph High School
Browder, Mia 24:52.50 Providence Grove
Keller, Patience 25:08.80 Providence Grove
Frederick-Luther, Rori 25:21.00 Providence Grove
DuVall, Caroline 25:23.66 Providence Grove
Majors, Sarah 25:27.19 Providence Grove
Palma, Jazmin 25:32.99 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Robbins, Alexis 25:33.06 Randleman
McDaniel, Lanie 25:48.09 Eastern Randolph High School
Sterling, Parker 26:27.58 Randleman
Thomas, Hillary 26:35.58 Randleman
Currin, Kaylan 27:07.60 Providence Grove
Marin, Samantha 27:14.76 Randleman
Gudino, Abbie 27:34.00 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Jones, Autumn 27:44.90 Southwestern Randolph
Hill, Allison 28:06.00 Wheatmore High School
Jones, Callie 28:20.00 Trinity High
Miller, Kaitlyn 28:21.00 Wheatmore High School
Beane, Isabella 28:22.00 Trinity High
Stout, Taylor 29:48.12 Randleman
Jones, Madeline 29:53.00 Trinity High
Jennings, Victoria 31:04.15 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Avila, Diana 31:41.66 Randleman
Ingram, Brooke 31:48.37 Providence Grove
Andrews, MacKenzie 32:14.00 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Peace, Faith 32:42.61 Eastern Randolph High School
Ijaz, Saleha 32:46.31 Trinity High
Maynor, Laurel 32:52.51 Providence Grove
Ijaz, Muqqdas 32:57.00 Trinity High
Edge, Willow 34:10.51 Trinity High
Suits, Layla 34:54.48 Eastern Randolph High School
Hartley, Macy 35:20.76 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Gee, Mackenzie 35:41.00 Eastern Randolph High School
Wise, Autumn 36:03.00 Eastern Randolph High School
Vuong, Heather 36:23.00 Trinity High
Nixon, Jada 36:48.00 Providence Grove
Hargett, Meredith 39:08.00 Uwharrie Charter Academy
Foshie, Mattie 41:24.00 Wheatmore High School
Cribbs, Emily 41:27.00 Wheatmore High School
Greenlee, Savannah 42:42.00 Wheatmore High School
White, Kinsley 45:49.00 Eastern Randolph High School
Bello, Yanery 46:41.00 Trinity High
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