Mid Piedmont Meet 1 2020

Graham, NC

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Akins, Adam 10.2 Southeast Guilford
McAllister, Ervin 10.50 Southeast Guilford
Stone, Aiden 11.00 Southeast Guilford
Graham, Tony 11.00 Southeast Guilford
Fleming, Zion 11.00 Southeast Guilford
Ingram, Kudoun 11.00 Southeast Guilford
Logan, Dallas 11.00 Southeast Guilford
Vaughn, Landon 11.00h Southeast Guilford
McKee, Kaleb 11.20 Southeast Guilford
Hall, Jamauvi 11.20 Southeast Guilford
Walker, Devon 11.50 Southeast Guilford
Newby, Hezekia 11.60h Eastern Guilford High School
Gattis, Navaeh 11.85 Southern Alamance
Jordan, Harrison 11.94 Burlington Christian Academy
Neverson, Joshua 12.00 Southeast Guilford
Coleman, Da'Mon 12.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Ballentine, Nicholas 12.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Lloyd, Gerrod 12.12 Southern Alamance
Pulliam, Taezion 12.19 Southern Alamance
Jones, Kalib 12.22 Southern Alamance
Myles, Dwayne 12.44 Burlington Christian Academy
Bunn, Kemitt 12.5 River Mill Academy
Horn, Jonathan 12.90h Burlington Christian Academy
Gorman, Nick 12.98 Burlington Christian Academy
Fitzgerald, Tyler 13.00 Southern Alamance
Stewart, Daniel 13.00 River Mill Academy
Dailey, Josiah 13.00 River Mill Academy
Hancock, Will 13.20h Burlington Christian Academy
Bass, Riley 13.22 Southern Alamance
Johns, Ben 14.10h Burlington Christian Academy
Payne, Chris 15.00 The Burlington School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fleming, Justin 14.40 Southeast Guilford
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
King, Daniel 4:30.23 Southern Alamance
Welch, Spody 4:35.00h Southeast Guilford
Coble, Jadon 4:35.00h Southeast Guilford
Villeda-Pineda, Adrian 4:54.27 Southern Alamance
Ursery, Luke 4:59.23 Southern Alamance
Hinshaw, Clark 5:00.00h Southeast Guilford
Tumey, Carter 5:08.46 Southern Alamance
Lemu, Ifaa 5:11.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Joines, Adam 5:15.25 Southern Alamance
Bryant, David 5:18.22 Southern Alamance
King, Nathan 5:20.00h Southeast Guilford
Bridges, Eddison 5:20.00h Southeast Guilford
Cockerham, Jacob 5:21.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Eusantos, Gabriel 5:22.21 Southern Alamance
Edmondson, Evan 5:24.00h Southeast Guilford
Howe, Noah 5:36.13 Eastern Guilford High School
Morton, Josiah 5:43.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Moore, Carson 5:50.00h Southeast Guilford
Horn, Caleb 5:59.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Deese, Christian 6:00.00 Southeast Guilford
Walker, Donovan 6:00.00h Southeast Guilford
Murray, Preston 6:23.45 Southern Alamance
Gunnell, Cameron 6:29.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Lambert, Andrew 6:32.00 Southern Alamance
Aquino, Emanuel 6:32.00 Southern Alamance
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McAllister, Ervin 22.00 Southeast Guilford
Akins, Adam 22.20h Southeast Guilford
Jackson, Tyler 22.60h Southeast Guilford
Graham, Tony 22.80h Southeast Guilford
Gaydon, Jackson 23.80h Southeast Guilford
Edwards, Tony 24.00h Southeast Guilford
Royster, Anthony 24.25 Eastern Guilford High School
Shoffner, Ashton 24.50h Southeast Guilford
Mosley, Khaleb 24.50h Southeast Guilford
Walker, Devon 24.50h Southeast Guilford
Kuhlenkamp, Walter 24.50h Southeast Guilford
Bayron, Jalen 24.64 Eastern Guilford High School
Bailes, Brandon 24.84 Eastern Guilford High School
Brown, Aaron 25.00 Southeast Guilford
Stone, Aiden 25.00 Southeast Guilford
Moore, Ben 25.64 Burlington Christian Academy
Silva, Juan 25.70 Burlington Christian Academy
Gattis, Navaeh 26.00 Southern Alamance
Davis, Elijah 26.00 Southeast Guilford
Fitzgerald, Tyler 26.10 Southern Alamance
Wilburn, Luke 26.21 Burlington Christian Academy
Gorman, Nick 26.22 Burlington Christian Academy
Williams, Nathan 26.84 Burlington Christian Academy
Jones, Kalib 27.01 Southern Alamance
Lloyd, Gerrod 27.10 Southern Alamance
Pulliam, Taezion 27.13 Southern Alamance
Bass, Riley 27.40 Southern Alamance
Payne, Chris 29.00 The Burlington School
Nixon, Spencer 30.00 Southeast Guilford
Shelton, Thomas 38.00 River Mill Academy
Moore, Garrett 40.00 Southeast Guilford
Cole, Aaron 40.00 Southeast Guilford
Bunn, Kemitt 42.00 River Mill Academy
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fleming, Justin 42.00 Southeast Guilford
Wilburn, Luke 46.35 Burlington Christian Academy
Horn, Jonathan 47.06 Burlington Christian Academy
Huffine, Holden 55.02 Burlington Christian Academy
Hancock, Will 56.84 Burlington Christian Academy
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coble, Jadon 10:50.00 Southeast Guilford
Gaydon, Jackson 11:15.00 Southeast Guilford
Bridges, Eddison 11:20.00 Southeast Guilford
Gum, Dylan 11:22.00 Burlington Christian Academy
Ursery, Luke 11:33.73 Southern Alamance
Hinshaw, Clark 11:40.00 Southeast Guilford
Urquhart, Collin 11:44.55 Eastern Guilford High School
Tumey, Carter 11:47.23 Southern Alamance
Bryant, David 11:50.00 Southern Alamance
Howe, Noah 12:18.46 Eastern Guilford High School
Joines, Adam 12:20.65 Southern Alamance
Edmondson, Evan 12:50.00 Southeast Guilford
Moore, Carson 13:00.00 Southeast Guilford
Morton, Josiah 13:12.00 Burlington Christian Academy
Gunnell, Cameron 13:30.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Gilbert, Maxton 14:25.00 Burlington Christian Academy
Jordan, Niles 15:41.00 Burlington Christian Academy
King, Daniel 9:40.00h Southern Alamance
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shelton, Thomas 1.08 River Mill Academy
Rivera, Cameron 1:00.00 Southern Alamance
Molinari, Dominick 1:00.00 Southern Alamance
Bass, Riley 1:00.22 Southern Alamance
Pulliam, Taezion 1:01.22 Southern Alamance
Williams, Hayden 1:02.34 Southern Alamance
Jones, Kalib 1:04.00h Southern Alamance
Toney, Cameron 1:05.75 Southern Alamance
Cole, Aaron 1:20.00 Southeast Guilford
Moore, Garrett 1:20.00 Southeast Guilford
King, Joshua 51.18 Southeast Guilford
Bailes, Brandon 55.05 Eastern Guilford High School
Wilson, Colin 55.93 Burlington Christian Academy
Edwards, Tony 56.00h Southeast Guilford
Alston, Dominik 56.25 Southern Alamance
Orel, Hunter 56.43 Burlington Christian Academy
Kuhlenkamp, Walter 56.60h Southeast Guilford
Logan, Dallas 57.00h Southeast Guilford
Mosley, Khaleb 57.00h Southeast Guilford
Shoffner, Ashton 57.00h Southeast Guilford
Nixon, Spencer 57.80h Southeast Guilford
Brown, Aaron 58.00 Southeast Guilford
Guardado, Luis 58.54 Southern Alamance
Silva, Juan 58.54 Burlington Christian Academy
Stone, Aiden 59.00 Southeast Guilford
Fitzgerald, Tyler 59.00 Southern Alamance
Penn, Kristopher 59.00 Southern Alamance
Davis, Elijah 59.00 Southeast Guilford
Vaughn, Landon 59.00h Southeast Guilford
Mundy, Charlie 59.13 Burlington Christian Academy
Lloyd, Gerrod 59.50 Southern Alamance
Tucker, Caleb 59.89 Eastern Guilford High School
Smith, Kamell 59.98 Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.20h Southeast Guilford
Relay Team A 46.74 Burlington Christian Academy
Relay Team A 53.80h Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:33.00h Southeast Guilford
Relay Team A 1:44.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Relay Team A 1:44.50h Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:34.01 Southeast Guilford
Relay Team B 3:36.01 Southeast Guilford
Relay Team A 3:57.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Relay Team A 3:59.50h Eastern Guilford High School
Relay Team C 6:00.00h Southeast Guilford
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:25.00 Southeast Guilford
Relay Team B 8:45.00 Southeast Guilford
Relay Team A 9:00.00 Southern Alamance
Relay Team B 9:20.00 Southern Alamance
Relay Team A 9:30.00h Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Penn, Kristopher 2:02.12 Southern Alamance
Falls, Dalton 2:05.00h Southeast Guilford
Villeda-Pineda, Adrian 2:08.95 Southern Alamance
Alston, Dominik 2:10.46 Southern Alamance
Guardado, Luis 2:12.29 Southern Alamance
Molinari, Dominick 2:15.22 Southern Alamance
Rivera, Cameron 2:15.45 Southern Alamance
Tabiri, Cornelius 2:18.36 Eastern Guilford High School
Eusantos, Gabriel 2:18.45 Southern Alamance
Nixon, Spencer 2:20.00 Southeast Guilford
Williams, Hayden 2:22.33 Southern Alamance
Aleman, Adrian 2:25.33 Southern Alamance
Gabriel, Jadon 2:29.00h Burlington Christian Academy
King, Nathan 2:30.00h Southeast Guilford
Toney, Cameron 2:30.34 Southern Alamance
Hogan, A.J. 2:33.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Walker, Donovan 2:35.00h Southeast Guilford
Batts, Blake 2:40.00h Southeast Guilford
Moore, Carson 2:40.00h Southeast Guilford
Deese, Christian 2:40.00h Southeast Guilford
Neverson, Joshua 2:40.00h Southeast Guilford
Gunnell, Cameron 2:48.80 Eastern Guilford High School
James-Nunez, Jeremiah 2:55.20 Eastern Guilford High School
Larow, Lukus 3:00.00h Southeast Guilford
Dobson, Max 3:10.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Canovai, Colton 3:10.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Buckler, Shane 3:20.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Moore, Garrett 3:20.00h Southeast Guilford
Cole, Aaron 3:40.00 Southeast Guilford
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HS Boys Discus Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Christa, Kris 112-5 Southeast Guilford
Blackstock, Austin 100-0 Southern Alamance
Foust, Darius 90-0 Southern Alamance
Lee, Zach 90-0 Southern Alamance
Miller, Nathan 90-0 Southern Alamance
Ray, Anthony 86-3.5 Southeast Guilford
Khashchuk, Dariy 86-0 Southeast Guilford
Wilson, Colin 84-3 Burlington Christian Academy
Gabriel, Jadon 74-7 Burlington Christian Academy
Neal, Kamron 70-0 Southeast Guilford
Wall, Keshawn 70-0 Southeast Guilford
Black, Aaron 70-0 Southeast Guilford
Washington, Kaleb 69-7 Eastern Guilford High School
Huffine, Holden 62-9 Burlington Christian Academy
Vandiver, Andrew 60-0 Southeast Guilford
Ainsworth, Eric Eastern Guilford High School
Howell, Solomon Eastern Guilford High School
Newby, Hezekia Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilburn, Luke 5-4 Burlington Christian Academy
Horn, Jonathan 5-0 Burlington Christian Academy
Ingram, Kudoun 5-0 Southeast Guilford
Stevens, Grant 5-0 Southeast Guilford
Davis, Elijah 5-0 Southeast Guilford
Tillman, Mark 5-0 Southeast Guilford
Thompson, Seth 5-0 Southeast Guilford
Benson, Amari Eastern Guilford High School
Bigelow, Tylin Eastern Guilford High School
Smith, Kamell Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McAllister, Ervin 21-6 Southeast Guilford
Myles, Dwayne 19-9 Burlington Christian Academy
Khashchuk, Dariy 18-0 Southeast Guilford
Coleman, Xavier 18-0 Southeast Guilford
Vaughn, Landon 18-0 Southeast Guilford
Ingram, Kudoun 18-0 Southeast Guilford
Hall, Jamauvi 18-0 Southeast Guilford
Moore, Ben 16-2 Burlington Christian Academy
Edwards, Tony 16-0 Southeast Guilford
Cobler, Sam 14-0 Burlington Christian Academy
Dobson, Max 14-0 Burlington Christian Academy
Johns, Ben 14-0 Burlington Christian Academy
Ballentine, Nicholas Eastern Guilford High School
Coleman, Da'Mon Eastern Guilford High School
Larkin, Raymond Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Colin 40-1 Burlington Christian Academy
Curtis-Edwards, Tyni 33-9 Southeast Guilford
Orel, Hunter 30-2 Burlington Christian Academy
Miller, Nathan 30-0 Southern Alamance
Foust, Darius 30-0 Southern Alamance
Blackstock, Austin 30-0 Southern Alamance
Lee, Zach 30-0 Southern Alamance
Ray, Anthony 30-0 Southeast Guilford
Christa, Kris 30-0 Southeast Guilford
Pegues, Jameson 30-0 Southeast Guilford
Gilbert, Maxton 29-1 Burlington Christian Academy
Black, Aaron 28-10 Southeast Guilford
Washington, Kaleb 28-8 Eastern Guilford High School
Khashchuk, Dariy 28-0 Southeast Guilford
Alexandre, JC 28-0 Southeast Guilford
Canovai, Colton 27-5 Burlington Christian Academy
Stewart, Daniel 25-5.2 River Mill Academy
Ainsworth, Eric Eastern Guilford High School
Howell, Solomon Eastern Guilford High School
Lipscomb, Donte Eastern Guilford High School
Newby, Hezekia Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coleman, Xavier 39-0.5 Southeast Guilford
Myles, Dwayne 38-1 Burlington Christian Academy
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carvey, Anissa 12.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Enoch, Malissa 12.00 River Mill Academy
Baizar, Leah 12.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Loftin, Kyleigha 12.20h River Mill Academy
Mark, Sydney 12.40h Eastern Guilford High School
Stokley, Zynaja 12.54h Eastern Guilford High School
Wallace, Maeghan 12.82 Southern Alamance
Evans, Maha'La 12.82 Southern Alamance
Taylor, Madisyn 13.44 Southern Alamance
Elwlod, Jessica 14.00 Southeast Guilford
Turner, Reagan 14.00 Southeast Guilford
Brannon, Jazlyn 14.00 Southeast Guilford
Carter, Alyssa 14.00 Southeast Guilford
Gamble, Day'ona 14.00 Southeast Guilford
Fogelman, Cailyn 14.13 Burlington Christian Academy
Clark, Ciara 14.50 Southeast Guilford
Thomas, Samatha 14.54 Burlington Christian Academy
Doby, Alexis 14.64 Burlington Christian Academy
Hancock, Millie 14.74 Burlington Christian Academy
Allen-Ridgill, Jannaye 15.00 Southeast Guilford
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tate, Eliana 18.52 Burlington Christian Academy
Petty, Layla 20.11 Eastern Guilford High School
Clark, Emily 27.93 Burlington Christian Academy
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clodfelter, Kayla 10:00.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Copland, Hailey 5:56.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Middlebrook, Autumn 6:20.00h Southeast Guilford
Johnston, Noelle 6:22.24 Southern Alamance
Lee, keegan 6:25.00 The Burlington School
Boone, Nia 6:28.73 Eastern Guilford High School
Alvarez-Valle, Nicole 6:29.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Harrelson, Mallory 6:34.39 Southern Alamance
Pickett, Josie 6:38.80 Southern Alamance
Brown, Yuri 6:40.00h Southeast Guilford
Xayavong, Kyla 6:40.00h Southeast Guilford
Walker, Dominique 6:45.00h Southeast Guilford
Tate, Eliana 6:58.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Hyder, Paige 7:03.00h Burlington Christian Academy
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williamson, Zamore Eastern Guilford High School
Evans, Maha'La 25.22 Southern Alamance
Wallace, Maeghan 25.22 Southern Alamance
Stokley, Zynaja 26.84h Eastern Guilford High School
Taylor, Madisyn 27.22 Southern Alamance
Gillion, Kalani 28.00 Southeast Guilford
Boyd, Taryn 29.00 Southeast Guilford
Carter, Alyssa 29.00 Southeast Guilford
Bracy, Precious 29.00 Southeast Guilford
Carby, Anissa 29.11 Eastern Guilford High School
Yoder, Jesse 29.74 Burlington Christian Academy
Doby, Alexis 31.64 Burlington Christian Academy
Hancock, Millie 32.94 Burlington Christian Academy
Enoch, Malissa 47.00h River Mill Academy
Cutlip, Ainsley 48.00 River Mill Academy
Loftin, Kyleigha 48.00h River Mill Academy
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Petty, Layla 1:03.34 Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Copland, Hailey 12:42.00 Burlington Christian Academy
Middlebrook, Autumn 13:50.00 Southeast Guilford
Pickett, Josie 15:33.67 Southern Alamance
Harrelson, Mallory 16:40.49 Southern Alamance
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cutlip, Ainsley 1.45 River Mill Academy
Patterson, Jazmine 1:01.23 Eastern Guilford High School
Evans, Maha'La 1:04.50 Southern Alamance
Soto, Sofia 1:06.00 Southern Alamance
Thomas, Samatha 1:06.10h Burlington Christian Academy
Graham, Sarah 1:06.21 Southern Alamance
Taylor, Madisyn 1:07.55 Southern Alamance
Fullwood, Kazmyn 1:07.74 Eastern Guilford High School
Waldron, Sophia 1:10.00h Southern Alamance
Lee, keegan 1:12 The Burlington School
McQueen, Josephine 1:12.00h Southeast Guilford
Parham, Caroline 1:12.80 Burlington Christian Academy
Ross, Callie 1:12.84 Burlington Christian Academy
Boyd, Taryn 1:15.00 Southeast Guilford
Pierre, Gabby 1:15.00h Southeast Guilford
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 55.00 Southeast Guilford
Relay Team B 55.00 Southeast Guilford
Relay Team A 55.88 Burlington Christian Academy
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:50.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Relay Team A 1:55.00h Southeast Guilford
Relay Team A 2:04.90h Burlington Christian Academy
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Relay Team A 4:25.00h Southeast Guilford
Relay Team A 4:43.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Relay Team B 4:45.00h Southeast Guilford
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Eastern Guilford High School
Relay Team A 11:20.00 Southeast Guilford
Relay Team A 11:30.00 Southern Alamance
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Graham, Hannah 2:37.45 Southern Alamance
Copland, Hailey 2:40.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Berg, Beth Ann 2:50.00h Southeast Guilford
Xayavong, Kyla 2:50.00h Southeast Guilford
Graham, Sarah 2:50.00h Southern Alamance
Soto, Ana 2:50.00h Southern Alamance
Wood, Ausha 2:51.54 Eastern Guilford High School
Soto, Sofia 2:55.00h Southern Alamance
Brooks, Kelci 2:56.92 Southern Alamance
Lee, keegan 2:59.00 The Burlington School
Alayon, LiJun 2:59.88 Southern Alamance
Walker, Dominique 3:00.00 Southeast Guilford
Boone, Nia 3:08.00 Eastern Guilford High School
Spears, Issy 3:12.50h Burlington Christian Academy
Harper, Breyonne 3:20.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Clark, Emily 3:20.00h Burlington Christian Academy
Alvarez-Valle, Nicole 3:20.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Matthews, Trintiy 3:20.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Clodfelter, Kayla 3:28.10 Eastern Guilford High School
Waldron, Sophia 3:30.00h Southern Alamance
Walker, Jillian 3:30.00h Eastern Guilford High School
Baxley, Raven 3:40.00h Southeast Guilford
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HS Girls Discus Throw 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Doby, Alaceya 99-0 Southern Alamance
Woods, Cierra 90-1 The Burlington School
Smith, Reagan 81-0 Burlington Christian Academy
Brooks, Kelci 80-0 Southern Alamance
Armstrong, Donnetta 76-0 Southeast Guilford
Fogelman, Cailyn 54-0 Burlington Christian Academy
Young, Madelyn 38-3 Burlington Christian Academy
Burks, Jade Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Neal-platt, Asanti 5-0 Eastern Guilford High School
Ross, Janiyah 4-10 Southeast Guilford
Brooks, Kelci 4-10 Southern Alamance
Gamble, Day'ona 4-6 Southeast Guilford
Clark, Ciara 4-6 Southeast Guilford
McQueen, Josephine 4-6 Southeast Guilford
Soto, Ana 4-6 Southern Alamance
Fogelman, Cailyn 4-2 Burlington Christian Academy
Kidd, Kourtney 4-2 Eastern Guilford High School
Tate, Eliana 4-0 Burlington Christian Academy
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HS Girls Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Maeghan 17-2 Southern Alamance
Fullwood, Kazmyn 14-6 Eastern Guilford High School
Carby, Anissa 14-5.5 Eastern Guilford High School
Berg, Beth Ann 14-0 Southeast Guilford
Uzokwe, Divine 14-0 Southeast Guilford
Swann, Kelly 14-0 Southeast Guilford
Pierre, Gabby 14-0 Southeast Guilford
Turner, Reagan 14-0 Southeast Guilford
Neal-platt, Asanti 13-0 Eastern Guilford High School
Mark, Sydney 13-0 Eastern Guilford High School
Enoch, Malissa 12-5.5 River Mill Academy
Loftin, Kyleigha 12-5.5 River Mill Academy
Murrell, Sierra 12-1 Burlington Christian Academy
Clodfelter, Kayla 11-10 Eastern Guilford High School
Willoughby, Jada 11-5 Eastern Guilford High School
Walker, Jillian 0-0 Eastern Guilford High School
Tabiri, Hermoine 0-0 Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Reagan 33-4 Burlington Christian Academy
Uzokwe, Divine 30-0 Southeast Guilford
Armstrong, Donnetta 30-0 Southeast Guilford
Doby, Alaceya 29-0 Southern Alamance
Woods, Cierra 27-01 The Burlington School
Swann, Kelly 25-0 Southeast Guilford
Shade, Catherine 25-0 Southeast Guilford
Little, Victoria 25-0 Southeast Guilford
Williams, Chydai 21-8.5 River Mill Academy
Tate, Eliana 17-2 Burlington Christian Academy
Doby, Alexis 16-8 Burlington Christian Academy
Young, Madelyn 15-5 Burlington Christian Academy
Burks, Jade Eastern Guilford High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Maeghan 31-11 Southern Alamance
Murrell, Sierra 30-9 Burlington Christian Academy
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