Be patient and you will be rewarded with plenty of photos and videos capturing this weekend's great track and field action including the Javell Bullard interview photographed above by photographer John Herzog while in progress. Being added to the site throughout Sunday and Monday from the three major meets this weekend held at Virginia Tech, St. Christopher's, and UNC... Virginia Tech Invite Videos by Brandon Miles - Videos to be continually added overnight Sunday into Monday. We shot over four hours worth of footage! Virginia Tech Invite Interviews by Brandon Miles including Javell Bullard, Peter Dorrell, Kyle Satterwhite, David Wilson, Kelvin Griffin, Logan Collins, Octavia Rinehardt, and the Degfae twins Virginia Tech Invite Photo Gallery by John Herzog - All photos posted. Over 1,900 total! St. Christopher's Invite Photo Gallery by David Fleenor - All photos posted. Over 1,700 total. St. Christopher's Invite Photo Gallery by Tom Hoerner - All of Friday's photos posted (610 total). Saturday's photos to be posted on Monday. Eastern Challenge (UNC) Videos by Ben Hovis of Boys & Girls 55 Finals - Boys & Girls 55H Finals - Boys 55 Prelims - Girls 55 Prelims - Boys 55H Prelims - Girls 55H Prelims - Boys 1600 Seeded - Boys 3200 Seeded - Girls 3200 Seeded - Girls 4x800 - Girls 300 - Boys 1000 More being added
Pendleton sophomore Jasmin Stowers upset the nation's top hurdler, Jacquelyn Coward, a senior from Tennessee, in the 60-meter hurdlers at the KTC Classic Saturday. Podcast | Stowers competing in North Carolina this weekend
Kelsey McCorkle of South Central will lead the girl's sprints. The Eastern High School Challenge is the 2nd meet this season at the Eddie Field House on Chapel Hill's campus. There was a bit of confusion leading up to the NC Opener as the Durham Striders had to create performance standards because the entries were so abundant.This meet looks to be great as many of NC's best will be in attendance, however - there are still issues with entries. Performance standards have been set for this meet since it's beginnings. However, coaches often only look at these standards like, "How fast will I have to fudge my athletes marks to get them into the meet?"I'm still amazed, after all the talk, that coaches continue to enter marks which aren't even close to what their athletes can do.I know some athletes will have bad races and will not meet the standards due to that reason. After the meet, NCRunners will definitely revisit the standards and do a bit of analysis. Take a look at this analysis from the NC Opener (scroll down).
Pendleton sophomore Jasmin Stowers held on to the fastest time of the day at the Eastern High School Challenge in Durham, N.C. earlier today in 8.01 seconds to win the 55-meter hurdles, tying the meet record (Gabby Mayo, SE Raleigh 2006). Video courtesy of
After such a great weekend for North Carolina at the Eastern High School Challenge and the Virginia Tech Invitationa, it seems crazy to bring up something negative. However, this must be SEEN! Here is a closer look at the Eastern High School Challenge. There were obvious problems with the entry times and the performance standards. Many coaches are entering athletes with seeded times to simply get them into the meet. I talked with many coaches during the meet and most coaches are upset with all the "tweaking" of times. Obviously, this does not take into account falls, injuries, bad races, etc. So, I have highlighted all the marks that didn't meet the performance standards. Then I figured out a number of averages . . . hope you find this interesting.