Eastern Plains Conference Championship 2014 vs Eastern Plains Conference Championship 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +9 109 100
Overall Average +56.96 25:35.10 24:38.14
1st-10th Place -5.30 18:40.90 18:46.20
1st-25th Place -7.32 19:35.76 19:43.08
1st-50th Place -2.70 21:00.72 21:03.42
1st-100th Place -10.03 24:28.11 24:38.14
Common Athletes -- -- 37
Ran Faster -11 13 24
Ran Season Best 1 14 13
Average Time +58.32 25:21.32 24:23.00
Median Time +54.00 24:04.00 23:10.00
Middle 80% Times +53.00 24:57.70 24:04.70
Top 10% Times +2.25 18:16.75 18:14.50
Top 25% Times +26.90 19:23.10 18:56.20
Top 50% Times +46.26 21:03.58 20:17.32
Bottom 50% Times +1:07.32 28:19.00 27:11.68
Bottom 25% Times +1:25.90 32:51.50 31:25.60
Bottom 10% Times +2:26.75 37:06.75 34:40.00
Average Difference +58.32 -- --
Median Difference -3.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +59.80 -- --
Top 10% Difference +2.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference +41.05 -- --
Top 25% Difference +12.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference +41.05 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:12.37 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:07.70 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:45.25 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Chris Sulc Washington +46.00 18:30.00 17:44.00
Jacob Varnell Beddingfield, E.T. -19.00 17:46.00 18:05.00
Chris Lee Beddingfield, E.T. -1:04.00 17:57.00 19:01.00
Brent Dawson-jackson North Pitt +46.00 18:54.00 18:08.00
Josh James North Pitt +4:17.00 23:23.00 19:06.00
Steven (Corey) Johnson North Pitt -3.00 19:12.00 19:15.00
Alex Taylor Beddingfield, E.T. +1:05.00 20:17.00 19:12.00
James Anderson Southwest Edgecombe +26.00 19:39.00 19:13.00
Jacob Smith Washington +59.00 20:27.00 19:28.00
Jeshon Smith Southwest Edgecombe +2:14.00 22:24.00 20:10.00
Win Martin Washington -31.00 20:11.00 20:42.00
Nick Everette Washington +1.00 20:58.00 20:57.00
Silas Albright Farmville Central +1:26.00 22:36.00 21:10.00
Austin Koonce Washington +27.00 21:50.00 21:23.00
Madeline Tripp North Pitt +1:40.00 23:05.00 21:25.00
Simeon Pope Washington +2:03.00 24:04.00 22:01.00
Eric Crozier Washington -31.00 22:21.00 22:52.00
Kennedy Landen Washington +6:39.00 29:06.00 22:27.00
Robert Mayo Washington -39.00 22:31.00 23:10.00
Stephanie Flores North Pitt -1:15.00 24:03.00 25:18.00
Meghan Sherrod North Johnston -3.00 24:20.00 24:23.00
Madison Parker North Pitt -16.00 24:22.00 24:38.00
Adiel Nunez Beddingfield, E.T. +1:37.00 26:09.00 24:32.00
Katelyn Schwieterman Farmville Central +2:02.00 27:19.00 25:17.00
Raven Warren North Pitt -49.00 25:20.00 26:09.00
Lucy Legacy North Pitt +4.00 25:44.00 25:40.00
Ashley Schwieterman Farmville Central +4:06.00 30:35.00 26:29.00
John Tripp North Pitt +22.00 27:23.00 27:01.00
Anna Frisbie Washington -4.00 28:49.00 28:53.00
Cassidy Goodwin North Johnston -4:35.00 28:56.00 33:31.00
Abby Bass North Johnston +1:39.00 30:55.00 29:16.00
Alyssa Krajewski Washington -2:23.00 29:25.00 31:48.00
Carolyna Padilla Washington +1:41.00 31:11.00 29:30.00
Hailey Respess Washington +2:34.00 32:16.00 29:42.00
Caily Devenport Washington +4:40.00 35:54.00 31:14.00
Sydney Moore Farmville Central +1:06.00 32:57.00 31:51.00
Kadejah Harding Washington +5:50.00 47:20.00 41:30.00