Nick Symmonds wins over a field of college and pro runners.
Nick Symmonds wins over a field of college and pro runners.
Heather Kampf wins narrowly over Phoebe Wright and a field of pros, collegians, and one high-schooler
Duncan Phillips defeats a field of college and pro runners with a powerful finish.
Sara Vaughn pulls away late from a small field of pros.
Craig Forys and Bobby Mack both go under 8 minutes, leading a field of college and pro runners.
Deb Maier kicks past Jessica Tebo for the win and a 6th-place world ranking for the season.
Nick Symmonds and Maggie Vessey headline the series of races, which has grown from one last year to six this year.
Redshirt sophomore Sarah Graham and freshman Alexandre Asselin had career days in the multi events while freshman Precious Holmes claimed her second-consecutive 400-meter dash win at the Hilton Garden Invitational and PSU National on Friday. (via www.gamecocksonline.com)