South Granville Home Meet 2013

Creedmoor, NC

Complete Results

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit                   Registered to: Skylar Zee, DSA Cross Country

                  South Granville Home Meet - 9/25/2013 1:37:33 PM
                     South Granville High School, Creedmoor, NC

                   Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Nicholas Walker          NC School of Science  17:10.54     1
  2 Josh Rees-Jones          NC School of Science  17:11.52     2
  3 Chatham Ellwanger        NC School of Science  17:13.61     3
  4 Christopher Diaz         Durham School of the  17:37.38     4
  5 Hunter Scaggs            Durham School of the  17:38.32     5
  6 Luis Guillen             Franklinton           18:14.32     6
  7 Nikolas Silva            Durham School of the  18:15.08     7
  8 Duncan Lemay             NC School of Science  18:15.87     8
  9 Steven Tulevech          NC School of Science  18:16.70     9
 10 Sydney Lisanza           NC School of Science  18:18.32    10
 11 darius scott             Franklinton           19:13.41    11
 12 Wyatt Blanchette         Durham School of the  19:20.45    12
 13 Damonte Blash            Southern Vance        19:23.55    13
 14 Cameron Bowes            NC School of Science  19:24.22    14
 15 Dylan Farrow             Roanoke Rapids        19:41.44    15
 16 Jalen Drayton            Durham School of the  19:42.57    16
 17 Joey Kreiling            Durham School of the  19:43.23    17
 18 John Woodbridge          Durham School of the  19:44.12    18
 19 Thomas Little            Durham School of the  19:44.69    --
 20 Thomas Andrews           NC School of Science  19:46.60    --
 21 Asher Yueh               Durham School of the  19:54.49    --
 22 Logan Nixon              NC School of Science  20:05.47    --
 23 Aaron Lucander           NC School of Science  20:10.31    --
 24 Derricke Allen           Roanoke Rapids        20:15.47    19
 25 Austin Balen             Durham School of the  20:42.35    --
 26 Sonny Watson             Roanoke Rapids        20:44.78    20
 27 Will Applewhite          Durham School of the  20:45.42    --
 28 Bryan Diver              Durham School of the  20:47.48    --
 29 Seth Teague              NC School of Science  20:53.48    --
 30 scott elias              Roanoke Rapids        21:12.66    21
 31 shaun fromal             Roanoke Rapids        21:13.38    22
 32 Adam Matthews            NC School of Science  21:14.24    --
 33 Andreas Santos           NC School of Science  21:16.05    --
 34 Jonathan Carlock         Southern Vance        21:31.44    23
 35 Euael Ketema             Durham School of the  21:33.06    --
 36 Noah Mlyn                Durham School of the  21:33.41    --
 37 Nick Loury               Franklinton           21:38.37    24
 38 Sheldon Bowman           Franklinton           21:42.58    25
 39 Dakota Johnson           NC School of Science  21:46.70    --
 40 Sikem Caceres            Southern Vance        22:06.47    26
 41 Nolan jewell             NC School of Science  22:08.62    --
 42 Luke Beyer               Durham School of the  22:10.59    --
 43 Ethan Mock               Durham School of the  22:12.58    --
 44 Ben Ellis                NC School of Science  22:41.48    --
 45 David Patton             Bunn                  22:56.43    --
 46 Josh Strother            Southern Vance        23:01.42    27
 47 Josh McMillan            South Granville       23:10.46    --
 48 Kavrois Perry            Southern Vance        23:32.65    28
 49 jonathan white                                 23:33.96    --
 50 Sean Mickschutz          Franklinton           23:39.55    29
 51 noah joyner              Roanoke Rapids        23:43.54    30
 52 michael an               NC School of Science  24:00.63    --
 53 douglas glasgow          Roanoke Rapids        24:04.71    31
 54 Matthew Hoffman          Franklinton           24:06.44    32
 55 arturo torrecilla        Bunn                  24:50.45    --
 56 William Unger            South Granville       25:00.63    --
 57 Ronald Harris            NC School of Science  25:04.70    --
 58 Dylan Keeler             Durham School of the  25:05.73    --
 59 Keir Schwarze            Durham School of the  25:07.86    --
 60 Raymond Wright           Southern Vance        25:10.59    33
 61 Jared Lopez              Durham School of the  25:14.50    --
 62 josh elias               Roanoke Rapids        26:34.50    --
 63 luke robertson           Roanoke Rapids        26:39.46    --
 64 Bennett Congdon-pric     Durham School of the  27:07.63    --
 65 Micah Wright             Durham School of the  27:08.69    --
 66 david richardson         Durham School of the  27:10.39    --
 67 Fletcher Brooks          Durham School of the  27:11.58    --
 68 dakota sweet                                   28:57.58    --

             Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7)
  1 NC School of Science   23      1    2    3    8    9   10   14
      Total Time: 1:28:09      Average: 17:37.65      1-5 Split: 1:07
  2 Durham School of the   44      4    5    7   12   16   17   18
      Total Time: 1:32:34      Average: 18:30.76      1-5 Split: 2:06
  3 Franklinton            95      6   11   24   25   29   32    -
      Total Time: 1:44:29      Average: 20:53.65      1-5 Split: 5:26
  4 Roanoke Rapids         97     15   19   20   21   22   30   31
      Total Time: 1:43:08      Average: 20:37.55      1-5 Split: 1:32
  5 Southern Vance         117    13   23   26   27   28   33    -
      Total Time: 1:49:36      Average: 21:55.11      1-5 Split: 4:10

                  Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Haley Sheehan            Bunn                  22:16.00     1
  2 Kayla Wetherell          Franklinton           22:26.00    --
  3 Kim Ngo                  NC School of Science  22:57.00     2
  4 Madden Brewster          NC School of Science  23:19.00     3
  5 Riley Reid               NC School of Science  23:47.00     4
  6 Mckenna Reed             NC School of Science  23:53.00     5
  7 Alexis Knox              NC School of Science  24:09.10     6
  8 Regine Palmer            Warren County         24:09.11     7
  9 Genevieve Rella          Durham School of the  24:21.00     8
 10 Grace Rogers             Durham School of the  24:21.10     9
 11 Hana Ratcliffe           Durham School of the  24:21.20    10
 12 Destiny Stevons          Durham School of the  24:22.00    11
 13 Mia Kaplan               Durham School of the  24:23.00    12
 14 Emily Lambeth            NC School of Science  24:25.00    13
 15 Callie Eatman            Bunn                  24:28.00    14
 16 Shyann Clark             Roanoke Rapids        25:02.00    15
 17 Meredith Dorminey        NC School of Science  25:16.00    16
 18 Laura Goodman            NC School of Science  25:24.00    --
 19 Madison Ferrara          Bunn                  25:39.00    17
 20 Rachel Cohn              NC School of Science  25:47.00    --
 21 Alexandra Caldwell       Bunn                  26:29.00    18
 22 Fiona Sherman-Huntoon    Durham School of the  26:50.00    19
 23 Maya Sugg                Durham School of the  26:55.00    20
 24 Rivka Grossinger         Durham School of the  26:56.00    --
 25 Lydia Henry              Franklinton           27:07.00    --
 26 Annie Astriakis          NC School of Science  27:12.00    --
 27 Sierra Hicks             Warren County         27:14.00    21
 28 Rachel Price             Roanoke Rapids        27:17.00    22
 29 Hannah John              NC School of Science  27:19.00    --
 30 Annabell Blackwell       Roanoke Rapids        27:22.00    23
 31 Abbie Drake              NC School of Science  27:23.00    --
 32 Miranda Keeler           NC School of Science  27:26.00    --
 33 Hunter Mundy             South Granville       27:31.00    24
 34 Caroline Conrad          NC School of Science  27:36.00    --
 35 Allison Fisk             Bunn                  27:49.00    25
 36 Shirley Garett           Durham School of the  27:53.00    --
 37 Carrington Matias        Southern Vance        27:55.00    26
 38 Alicia Criswell          Durham School of the  27:59.00    --
 39 Kelsey morgan            Durham School of the  28:00.00    --
 40 Samantha Norwood         Warren County         28:56.00    27
 41 Maresa Caceres           Southern Vance        29:31.00    28
 42 Julianna Rella           Durham School of the  29:50.00    --
 43 Hannah Rogers            Durham School of the  29:51.00    --
 44 Abijia Gattis            Durham School of the  29:53.00    --
 45 Molly Campell            Durham School of the  29:56.00    --
 46 Adair Tompkins           Durham School of the  30:05.00    --
 47 Corinne Hornbeck         Franklinton           30:42.00    --
 48 Kelly Norwood            Warren County         31:03.00    29
 49 Emma Vorhees             Durham School of the  32:13.00    --
 50 Kristy Bennett           South Granville       32:43.00    30
 51 Alexis Olson-Thornbur    South Granville       32:57.00    31
 52 Julia Kryzwy             Durham School of the  34:34.00    --
 53 Gwen Dilworth            Durham School of the  34:36.00    --
 54 Connie Palacios          Durham School of the  34:48.00    --
 55 Nicholle Ramos           Durham School of the  35:20.00    --
 56 Kira Frazier             Warren County         35:29.00    32
 57 Cinthia Lomeli           Bunn                  36:12.00    33
 58 Dominique Anderson       Southern Vance        36:19.00    34
 59 Georgina Vanegas         Southern Vance        37:52.00    35
 60 Ella Carter              Roanoke Rapids        37:52.10    36
 61 Sarah purser             Roanoke Rapids        39:00.00    37
 62 Kelsha Bullock           Southern Vance        43:35.00    38
 63 Lauren Copen             South Granville       43:43.00    39
 64 Reagn Womack             South Granville       43:53.00    40
 65 Shannon Serls            Warren County         44:11.00    41

            Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run Team Scores
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7)
  1 NC School of Science   20      2    3    4    5    6   13   16
      Total Time: 1:58:06      Average: 23:37.02      1-5 Split: 1:13
  2 Durham School of the   50      8    9   10   11   12   19   20
      Total Time: 2:01:49      Average: 24:21.66      1-5 Split: 2
  3 Bunn                   75      1   14   17   18   25   33    -
      Total Time: 2:06:41      Average: 25:20.20      1-5 Split: 5:33
  4 Warren County          116     7   21   27   29   32   41    -
      Total Time: 2:26:52      Average: 29:22.23      1-5 Split: 11:20
  5 Roanoke Rapids         133    15   22   23   36   37    -    -
      Total Time: 2:36:34      Average: 31:18.62      1-5 Split: 13:58
  6 Southern Vance         161    26   28   34   35   38    -    -
      Total Time: 2:55:12      Average: 35:02.40      1-5 Split: 15:40
  7 South Granville        164    24   30   31   39   40    -    -
      Total Time: 3:00:47      Average: 36:09.40      1-5 Split: 16:22