Durham School of the Arts 2013

Durham, NC

Girls Results

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit                   Registered to: Skylar Zee, DSA Cross Country

             Durham School of the Arts Home Meet - 10/3/2013 4:56:18 PM
                            Forest Hills Park, Durham, NC

                  Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Kayla Wetherell          Franklinton           21:33.97    --
  2 Haley Sheehan            Bunn                  21:35.15     1
  3 Riley Reid               NC School of Science  23:22.11     2
  4 Callie Eatman            Bunn                  23:26.97     3
  5 Alexis Knox              NC School of Science  23:28.97     4
  6 Jhovanna Ramirez-Salm    Bunn                  23:34.56     5
  7 Emily Lambeth            NC School of Science  24:17.82     6
  8 Mckenna Reed             NC School of Science  24:52.09     7
  9 Laura Goodman            NC School of Science  24:59.53     8
 10 Rachel Cohn              NC School of Science  25:27.64     9
 11 Lydia Henry              Franklinton           25:54.30    --
 12 maya sugg                Durham School of the  25:55.36    10
 13 mia kaplan               Durham School of the  25:55.53    11
 14 Hana Ratcliffe           Durham School of the  25:55.69    12
 15 grace rogers             Durham School of the  25:55.88    13
 16 Fiona Sherman-Huntoon    Durham School of the  25:56.00    14
 17 destiny stevons          Durham School of the  25:56.16    15
 18 Genevieve Rella          Durham School of the  25:56.50    16
 19 rivka grossinger         Durham School of the  25:56.74    --
 20 Madison Ferrara          Bunn                  26:11.35    17
 21 alexandra caldwell       Bunn                  26:19.43    18
 22 Caroline Conrad          NC School of Science  26:20.12    19
 23 Abbie Drake              NC School of Science  26:23.86    --
 24 Annie Bijou Astraiki     NC School of Science  26:30.34    --
 25 shirley garrett          Durham School of the  26:38.08    --
 26 Sierra Hicks             Warren County         26:46.89    20
 27 Annabell Blackwell       Roanoke Rapids        26:52.58    21
 28 rachel price             Roanoke Rapids        27:01.51    22
 29 anli zhang               NC School of Science  27:09.10    --
 30 Alicia Criswell          Durham School of the  27:09.93    --
 31 kelsey morgan            Durham School of the  27:20.74    --
 32 Miranda Keeler           NC School of Science  27:22.15    --
 33 Allison Fisk             Bunn                  27:57.78    23
 34 Hunter Mundy             South Granville       28:03.70    --
 35 Shyann Clark             Roanoke Rapids        28:24.73    24
 36 Corinne Hornbeck         Franklinton           28:25.95    --
 37 Carrington Matias        Southern Vance        28:29.32    25
 38 Samantha Norwood         Warren County         28:34.61    26
 39 Hannah Rogers            Durham School of the  29:12.48    --
 40 Julianna Rella           Durham School of the  29:13.12    --
 41 Maresa Caceres           Southern Vance        29:14.54    27
 42 Kelly Norwood            Warren County         29:22.33    28
 43 adair tompkins           Durham School of the  29:25.68    --
 44 Abijia Gattis            Durham School of the  29:29.50    --
 45 Sunaina Patil            NC School of Science  29:33.12    --
 46 Molly Campell            Durham School of the  29:37.52    --
 47 Kira Frazier             Warren County         31:47.70    29
 48 Connie Palacios          Durham School of the  31:52.01    --
 49 Emma Vorhees             Durham School of the  31:55.52    --
 50 nicholle ramos           Durham School of the  31:55.69    --
 51 Kaitlyne Sheehan         Durham School of the  32:02.45    --
 52 Diana Mendez             Durham School of the  32:24.15    --
 53 Kailey Morgan            Durham School of the  32:30.11    --
 54 alexis french            Warren County         32:58.50    30
 55 Alexis Olson-Thornbur    South Granville       33:30.40    --
 56 Kristy Bennett           South Granville       33:40.71    --
 57 Julia Kryzwy             Durham School of the  33:44.47    --
 58 Dominique Anderson       Southern Vance        33:44.63    31
 59 gwen dilworth            Durham School of the  33:47.20    --
 60 kayona tucker            Bunn                  34:03.60    32
 61 kelsha bullock           Southern Vance        34:12.61    33
 62 georgina vanegas         Southern Vance        34:31.46    34
 63 Kayla Benitez            Bunn                  34:46.54    --
 64 Cinthia Lomeli           Bunn                  35:03.13    --
 65 Ella Carter              Roanoke Rapids        36:50.31    35
 66 Tori Kponosen            Durham School of the  36:59.60    --
 67 sara purrser             Roanoke Rapids        37:14.73    36
 68 Lauren Debruhl           Roanoke Rapids        43:50.33    37

            Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run Team Scores
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7)
  1 NC School of Science   27      2    4    6    7    8    9   19
      Total Time: 2:01:01      Average: 24:12.11      1-5 Split: 1:38
  2 Bunn                   44      1    3    5   17   18   23   32
      Total Time: 2:01:08      Average: 24:13.50      1-5 Split: 4:45
  3 Durham School of the   60     10   11   12   13   14   15   16
      Total Time: 2:09:39      Average: 25:55.70      1-5 Split: 1
  4 Warren County          133    20   26   28   29   30    -    -
      Total Time: 2:29:31      Average: 29:54.01      1-5 Split: 6:12
  5 Roanoke Rapids         138    21   22   24   35   36   37    -
      Total Time: 2:36:24      Average: 31:16.78      1-5 Split: 10:23
  6 Southern Vance         150    25   27   31   33   34    -    -
      Total Time: 2:40:13      Average: 32:02.52      1-5 Split: 6:03