CISAA Regular Season Meet 2011

Charlotte, NC

CISAA Regular Season Meet 2011 vs CISAA Regular Season Meet 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +66 198 132
Overall Average -1:59.25 23:01.78 25:01.03
1st-10th Place -1:18.10 17:30.90 18:49.00
1st-25th Place -1:31.32 18:20.12 19:51.44
1st-50th Place -1:46.22 19:10.64 20:56.86
1st-100th Place -2:44.41 20:22.74 23:07.15
Common Athletes -- -- 53
Ran Faster 35 44 9
Ran Season Best -- 53 53
Average Time -1:09.77 24:05.36 25:15.13
Median Time -1:00.00 23:56.00 24:56.00
Middle 80% Times -1:16.98 24:14.95 25:31.93
Top 10% Times -35.33 18:57.50 19:32.83
Top 25% Times -22.79 19:56.79 20:19.57
Top 50% Times -36.74 21:17.78 21:54.52
Bottom 50% Times -1:40.22 25:59.41 27:39.63
Bottom 25% Times -1:47.29 28:35.79 30:23.07
Bottom 10% Times -1:00.67 29:45.17 30:45.83
Average Difference -1:09.77 -- --
Median Difference -54.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:13.47 -- --
Top 10% Difference -35.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference -28.85 -- --
Top 25% Difference -22.79 -- --
Top 50% Difference -28.85 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:50.11 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:33.14 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:23.83 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Peter Hetzel Grace Academy -1:11.00 17:46.00 18:57.00
John Good Charlotte Christian -1:41.00 17:52.00 19:33.00
Mark Mcalister Charlotte Latin +31.00 18:48.00 18:17.00
Marco Ricci Charlotte Latin -1:23.00 18:53.00 20:16.00
Peter Bowman Charlotte Latin +15.00 20:11.00 19:56.00
Tyler Mott Charlotte Latin -3.00 20:15.00 20:18.00
Jack Amory Charlotte Latin -53.00 20:17.00 21:10.00
Katie Mcdowell Charlotte Latin +53.00 21:15.00 20:22.00
Ryan Love Charlotte Latin +4.00 20:26.00 20:22.00
Carter Wiles Charlotte Latin -10.00 20:25.00 20:35.00
Morgan Levy Charlotte Latin -57.00 20:30.00 21:27.00
John O'keefe Charlotte Latin -20.00 20:33.00 20:53.00
Allyson Quillin Charlotte Country Day School -17.00 20:45.00 21:02.00
Jack Wrigley Charlotte Latin -7.00 21:19.00 21:26.00
Hannah Smith Charlotte Latin -1:02.00 21:44.00 22:46.00
Laura Gill Charlotte Latin -6.00 21:54.00 22:00.00
Roman Berens Charlotte Latin -18.00 21:57.00 22:15.00
Brad Hamilton Charlotte Latin -1:03.00 22:06.00 23:09.00
David Dygowski Grace Academy -1:09.00 22:31.00 23:40.00
Jordan Banks Charlotte Christian -35.00 22:44.00 23:19.00
Chase Howard Charlotte Christian -1:52.00 22:49.00 24:41.00
Austin Garland Charlotte Latin -23.00 22:59.00 23:22.00
Christian Taylor Charlotte Christian -52.00 23:03.00 23:55.00
Katherine Coric Charlotte Country Day School -2:57.00 23:16.00 26:13.00
Caroline Beuley Charlotte Latin +54.00 24:11.00 23:17.00
Kathryn Kennedy Charlotte Country Day School -7:04.00 23:22.00 30:26.00
Emily Gach Charlotte Country Day School -6:54.00 23:24.00 30:18.00
Austin Lynch Charlotte Country Day School -6:46.00 23:56.00 30:42.00
Natalie Gaines Charlotte Latin -54.00 24:20.00 25:14.00
Molly Teague Charlotte Latin -18.00 24:27.00 24:45.00
Michael Tan Charlotte Christian -3:27.00 24:34.00 28:01.00
Colin Tidwell Charlotte Latin -2:01.00 24:35.00 26:36.00
Lauren Mcdowell Charlotte Latin -46.00 24:44.00 25:30.00
Catherine Gill Charlotte Latin +1:31.00 26:24.00 24:53.00
Sarah Whitmore Charlotte Latin +1:15.00 26:11.00 24:56.00
Brandon Ho Charlotte Latin -1:40.00 25:00.00 26:40.00
Grace Lowe Charlotte Latin -2.00 25:04.00 25:06.00
Emiily Seaborn Charlotte Christian -3.00 25:55.00 25:58.00
Lea Kokenes Charlotte Latin -1:50.00 25:58.00 27:48.00
Mary Asimos Charlotte Latin +34.00 27:17.00 26:43.00
Tricia Belk Charlotte Latin -2:26.00 27:05.00 29:31.00
Kristen Schumacher Charlotte Latin -1:05.00 27:26.00 28:31.00
Anna Garwood Charlotte Latin -2:00.00 27:33.00 29:33.00
Mary Claire Blanchat Charlotte Country Day School -2:52.00 27:34.00 30:26.00
Allison Shell Charlotte Country Day School -2:41.00 27:38.00 30:19.00
Allison Lee Charlotte Country Day School -2:10.00 28:31.00 30:41.00
Conner Hartis Charlotte Christian -2:14.00 28:46.00 31:00.00
Anne Teague Charlotte Country Day School -1:51.00 28:52.00 30:43.00
Jane Wester Charlotte Latin +50.00 29:57.00 29:07.00
Ashley Israel Charlotte Christian -38.00 29:23.00 30:01.00
Queen Hannah Grace Academy -1:14.00 29:32.00 30:46.00
Morgan Mcmanus Charlotte Christian -2.00 30:12.00 30:14.00
Scott Hilliard Grace Academy -8.00 30:35.00 30:43.00