The 2019 New Balance Dash For Doobie Heats are out! There will be 13 boys sections and 7 girls sections going on Saturday afternoon through night. We'll have athletes from North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia compete this weekend.
Meet Schedule
7:30pm - Boys Elite
7:10pm - Girls Elite
6:50pm - Heat 12 Boys
6:35pm - Heat 6 Girls
6:30pm - Dash for Doobie Scholarship Award
6:15pm - Heat 11 Boys
6:00pm - Heat 5 Girls
5:45pm - Heat 10 Boys
5:30pm - Heat 4 Girls
5:15pm - Heat 9 Boys
5:00pm - Heat 3 Girls
4:45pm - Heat 8 Boys
4:30pm - Heat 2 Girls
4:15pm - Heat 7 Boys
4:00pm - Heat 1 Girls
3:45pm - Heat 6 Boys
3:30pm - Heat 5 Boys
3:15pm - Heat 4 Boys
3:00pm - Heat 3 Boys
2:45pm - Heat 2 Boys
2:30pm - Heat 1 Boys
Heat Sheets
Licensed to Rhodes Race Timing - Contractor License HY-TEK's Meet Manager 11/21/2019 02:19 PM 2019 Reagan HS Polar Bear / New Balance DASH for DOOBIE - 11/23/2019 Reagan High School Meet Program Event 19 Girls 3200 Meter Run =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 ArredondoRios, Noemi 12 Pinecrest 2 Rogers, Amy 9 Chapel Hill 3 Moore, Rhenna 10 Southwest Gu 4 Williams, Tabitha 9 Unattached 5 Venuti, Amelia 9 Green Level 6 Kalish, Mia 10 Chapel Hill 7 Sullivan, Shea 9 Green Hope 8 Ercolino, Gabriella 12 Cardinal Gib 9 Kraus, Lucy 11 North Caroli 10 Rousculp, Madison 10 Unattached 11 Khajjayam, Sarayu 9 Panther Cree 12 Tyson, Madeline 11 Pinecrest 13 Motley, Mackie 10 Chapel Hill 14 Fischer, Madeline 9 Unattached 15 Morton, Makalyn 9 West Stanly 16 Watkins, Ada 9 Apex Friends 17 Janowitz, Hannah 9 Brevard 18 Vogel, Abby 11 Chapel Hill 19 Picone, Allison 11 Cary High Sc 20 Petri, Laurel 12 North Caroli 21 Ryan-Lipps, Kaitlyn 10 Cardinal Gib 22 Huynh, Nhi 12 Pinecrest 23 Zoky, Jordan 10 South View H 24 Summerlin-Long, Chenoah 10 Chapel Hill 25 Castro, Kimberly 11 Harnett Cent 26 Hickerson, Emily 11 Chapel Hill 27 Nino, Amy 11 Harnett Cent 28 Ramirez, Gisel 10 Mount Tabor 29 Kochuyt, shaylee 9 South View H 30 Curatolo, Caitlin 10 Cardinal Gib 31 Vaughn, Ellie 9 Harnett Cent 32 Rehm, Sarah 10 Cardinal Gib 33 Mullins, Riley 10 South View H Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Williams, Madison 11 Unattached 2 Foppiano, Katie 10 Green Hope 3 Young, Cecilia 9 Asheville Ch 4 Smith, Kelly 10 West Forsyth 5 Knight, Ann Marie 10 Chapel Hill 6 Connick, Amy 10 Cox Mill Hig 7 Simmons, Reese 10 Broughton 8 Armstrong, Delaney 11 Green Hope 9 Lumley, Kiera 9 Cardinal Gib 10 Garlilnghouse, Lauren 11 Panther Cree 11 Desai, Maya 9 Green Level 12 Caraballo, Lucy 11 Unattached 13 Comeskey, Caroline 11 Unattached 14 Young, Chloe 9 Davie County 15 Hirsch, Sarah 12 North Caroli 16 Abushouk, Samia 12 Cary High Sc 17 Tolbert, Ashlyn 11 Chapel Hill 18 Canace, Megan 10 Reagan High 19 Davis, Isabel 9 Southwest Gu 20 Ercolino, Alex 9 Cardinal Gib 21 Martin, Alia 12 Chapel Hill 22 Wall, Meredith 11 Chapel Hill 23 Monson, Claire 9 Southwest Gu 24 Mast, Sophie 9 Unattached 25 Saunders, Beth 11 Pinecrest 26 Chen, Lucy 10 Chapel Hill 27 Carter, Caroline 12 Pinecrest 28 Glass, Reagan 11 Green Hope 29 Corn, Abby 9 Cary High Sc 30 Burmeister, Reece 11 Southwest Gu 31 Cook, Jessica 12 Southwest Gu 32 Malach, Chelsea 9 Broughton Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Cawley, Grace 10 Chapel Hill 2 Alonzo, Ahtziri 9 Reagan High 3 Anderson, Grace 12 Unattached 4 Loftis, Aubrey 10 Sanderson 5 Stum, Izzy 11 Southwest Gu 6 Simmons, Madeline 12 Statesville 7 Newsome, Blair 10 West Forsyth 8 Fink, Shelby 12 North Lincol 9 Abramowicz, Natasha 12 Green Hope 10 Okiishi, Kate 11 Panther Cree 11 Clinger, Tori 9 Reagan High 12 Gonzalez, Cherry 9 Unattached 13 Stephenson, Amelia 10 Chapel Hill 14 Gartner, Anna 12 Lake Norman 15 Mabe, Abigail 11 Unattached 16 Peterson, Janie 10 West Forsyth 17 Packer, Christa 12 Unattached 18 Hann, Claire 9 Cary High Sc 19 Windham, Ellen 12 Chapel Hill 20 Qiu, Emily 12 Panther Cree 21 Gardner, Lillie 11 Harnett Cent 22 Worrell, Aidan 10 Panther Cree 23 Van Dine, Julia 10 Ardrey Kell 24 Lauen, Tessa 10 Chapel Hill 25 DeLuca, Sophia 10 Cardinal Gib 26 McDaniel, Reagan 10 Green Hope 27 Rodriguez, Natalie 11 Apex Friends 28 Tingelstad, Anna 10 Green Hope 29 Dierauf, Madeline 12 Brevard 30 Dille, Campbell 10 Green Level 31 Casserini, Alina 11 Cary High Sc 32 Utesch, Anna 12 Marvin Ridge 33 Williams, Natalie 10 Cox Mill Hig 34 McElheny, Brooke 12 Cary High Sc 35 Kundich, Carissa 9 Marvin Ridge Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Beach, Sophie 10 Watauga High 2 Fiorito, Teresa 11 Chapel Hill 3 Howell, Katie 11 Northern Gui 4 Mas, Valeria 9 Weddington H 5 Palmtag, Adela 10 Cardinal Gib 6 Gould, Ellie 11 Unattached 7 Turner, Sydney 12 Apex Friends 8 Acree, Ellie 10 West Forsyth 9 DiBlasi, Cecelia 10 Unattached 10 Jones, Sophie 10 Reagan High 11 Morris, Abigail 11 Unattached 12 Cowart, Sophie 9 West Forsyth 13 Coye, Emma 10 Brevard 14 Edwards, Ainsley 11 Reagan High 15 Clodgo, Kristen 11 Sanderson 16 Priu, Julia 11 Cardinal Gib 17 Dwyer, Gracyn 11 Unattached 18 Gilbert, Chloe 11 Asheville Ch 20 Reeves, Katherine 12 North Caroli 21 Hardiman, Emma 11 Northern Gui 22 Vogelsberg, Maslan 10 Sanderson 23 Bos, Zoe 9 Coastal Chri 24 Jensen, Kirsten 11 Unattached 25 Christ, Courtney 11 West Johnsto 26 Heinzerling, Rachel 12 Apex Friends 27 Gee, Chloe 11 Apex Friends 28 Dunston, Victoria 11 Unattached 29 McAllister, Andrea 11 North Lincol 30 Miller, Lia 12 Unattached 31 Gandy, Monique 12 Lake Norman 32 Wade, Zoe 10 Cedar Ridge 33 Rackers, Hope 12 Northern Gui 34 Musty, Allison 12 Cedar Ridge Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Wilson, Ally 11 Unattached 2 Russi, Giselle 11 Ardrey Kell 3 DiBlasi, Angelina 12 Unattached 4 Herzog, Jessica 12 Reagan High 5 Homburger, Sami 10 Mooresville 6 Parker, Sophia 11 Cardinal Gib 7 Gallucci, Gabby 9 Cardinal Gib 8 Johnson, Courtney 11 Panther Cree 9 Oliver, Hannah 12 Elkin High S 10 Colling, Dani 9 Marvin Ridge 11 Zealand, Jessie 10 Unattached 12 Czaniecki, Lindsey 9 Marvin Ridge 13 Brown, Allie 11 Broughton 14 White, Taylar 10 West Forsyth 15 Kohler, Kierston 9 Northern Gui 16 Pace, Sara 12 Mount Tabor 17 Troup, Samantha 11 Reagan High 18 Hamrick, Caroline 10 West Johnsto 19 Smith, Audrey 12 Cardinal Gib 20 Levin, Halden 12 North Caroli 21 Pirone, Mara 10 Chapel Hill 22 Allen, Lauren 12 Coastal Chri 23 Murray, Lucy 9 Brevard 24 Fenton, Taylor 9 Ardrey Kell 25 Van Raay, Cora 12 Unattached 26 Lounes, Selia 12 Unattached 27 Shannon, Rowan 9 Broughton 28 Daniels, Jordan 11 Broughton 29 Kuhn, Ella 10 Broughton 30 Cowell, Abby 10 Apex Friends 31 Blizzard, Lindsey 10 Marvin Ridge 32 Ervi, Grace 10 Unattached 33 Godfrey, Savannah 10 Harnett Cent Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Runkle, Sydney 11 Chapel Hill 2 Davis, Anna 12 Weddington H 3 Preisano, Alyssa 9 Cuthbertson 4 Collins, Sierra 11 Harnett Cent 5 Phillips, Kendall 11 West Forsyth 6 Galvin, Alyssa 12 North Lincol 7 Lindner, Eva 12 Covenant Day 8 Blanton, Caroline 10 Marvin Ridge 9 Bufalini, Olivia 9 Unattached 10 Daley, Nora 9 Chapel Hill 11 Ritter, Sophia 12 Watauga High 12 Reutinger, Bailey 11 West Forsyth 13 Starkie, Paige 9 Weddington H 14 Wong, Sofia 12 North Caroli 15 Connick, Jessie 12 Cox Mill Hig 16 Bufalini, Isabella 11 Unattached 17 Broce, Eliza 11 West Forsyth 18 Farris, Abby 11 Lake Norman 19 Vogel, Kelsey 12 Green Hope 20 Withrow, Rachael 9 Unattached 21 Wimberly, Lauren 9 Pinecrest 22 Fredericks, Emma 12 Northern Gui 23 Lounes, Louise 12 Unattached 24 Hasan, Dalia 12 Unattached 25 Frantz, Emerson 12 Davie County 26 Pridgen, Virginia 11 Chapel Hill 27 Copeman, Bianca 12 Unattached 28 Wright, Audrey 9 Weddington H 29 Trusty, Leah 12 Unattached 30 Bolyard, Sydney 12 Tri-County E 31 Macken, Ellie 11 Cardinal Gib 32 Thornton, Jenna 11 Ardrey Kell 33 Foley, Caroline 12 Research Tri Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Alder, Carmen 11 Pinecrest 2 Pou, Katie 11 Unattached 3 Strange, Jonna 12 North Iredel 4 Whoolery, Hayley 12 West Johnsto 5 Crowley, Jessie 12 Unattached 6 Whitworth, Frances 12 Mount Tabor 7 Aycock, Ryann 9 Cary Christi 8 Castro, Gabriella 12 Cuthbertson 9 Allen, Angie 11 North Lincol 10 Davidson, Jette 12 Unattached 11 Walters, Lilly 10 Unattached 12 Werner, Morgan 12 Unattached 13 Hill, Madeline 11 Cuthbertson 14 Marvin, Megan 12 Chapel Hill 15 Ritter, Anna 11 Weddington H 16 Beausoleil, Alyx 10 Weddington H 17 Alder, Vanessa 9 Pinecrest 18 Maughan, Amelia 10 Chapel Hill 19 Spada, Sophie 12 Unattached 20 Parks, Gwen 11 Reagan High 21 Chitty, Paxton 11 Unattached 22 Ivanisevic, Anna 9 Unattached 23 Jones, Emma 10 Weddington H 24 Weber, Abby 10 Chapel Hill Event 20 Boys 3200 Meter Run =============================================================================== Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Smith, Matthew 9 Reagan High 2 Luparello, Logan 12 Apex Friends 3 Bunker, Tristan 12 Pinecrest 4 Pena, Ian 11 Unattached 5 Osorio, Joshua 11 Ragsdale 6 Gould, Timothy 11 Southwest Gu 7 Creed, Ben 10 Pinecrest 8 Evans, Kris 10 Ardrey Kell 9 Campbell, Ethan 10 Watauga High 10 Olguin, Roandy 11 T.C. Roberso 11 Duncan, John 9 Covenant Day 12 McCaw, Patrick 10 Northwood Hi 13 Brown, William 10 Cardinal Gib 14 Fleming, Francis 10 Unattached 15 Marston, Matthew 12 Ragsdale 16 Claiborne, Anthony 11 South View H 17 Hartman, Jacob 10 Northwood Hi 18 Turner, Gannon 10 Unattached 19 Barden, Kaleb 9 Harnett Cent 20 Weathersby, Devon 10 South View H 21 Baukema, Erik 11 Southwest Gu 22 Henry, Benton 9 Unattached 23 Thompson, Joshua 10 Unattached 24 Sells, Dylan 10 Reagan High 25 Cole, Julian 9 R-S Central 26 Maynor, Jacob 12 T.C. Roberso 27 Ellis, Andrew 11 South View H 28 Schwabel, Liam 10 Panther Cree 29 DiCicco, Derek 10 Tri-County E 30 Carver-Robbins, Alex 12 R-S Central 31 Marsh, John 10 R-S Central 32 Striff, Logan 11 R-S Central Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Rudins, Alex 12 Asheville Ch 2 Grant, Clay 10 T.C. Roberso 3 Stallings, Garett 10 Holly Spring 4 McConnell, Will 10 Coastal Chri 5 Olvera, Yaroth 12 Chapel Hill 6 Mcleod, Claude 10 Chapel Hill 7 Adrias, Carter 10 D.H. Conley 8 McPherson, Nathan 12 D.H. Conley 9 O?connor, Liam 11 South View H 10 Bos, Max 11 Coastal Chri 11 Althouse, Owen 12 Chapel Hill 12 Hobert, Michael 12 Mooresville 13 Snow, Nate 11 Reagan High 14 Caputo, Joey 11 Green Hope 15 DiCicco, Dylan 12 Tri-County E 16 Richard, Daniel 11 North Caroli 17 Jahromi, Cyrus 9 Green Hope 18 Kern, Benjamin 11 Chapel Hill 19 Dunn, Noah 10 Mooresville 20 Love, Jaden 11 Lincoln Char 21 Kosaraju, Nishad 12 Green Hope 22 Cash, Matt 10 Unattached 23 Kells, Connor 11 Holly Spring 24 Cross, Jack 10 Christ Schoo 25 Morton, Blayne 10 West Stanly 26 Wetherington, David 11 T.C. Roberso 27 Musungu, Gabriel 10 Unattached 28 Payton, Kevin 12 D.H. Conley 29 Fiumara, Michael 10 Franklin Aca 30 Cuevas, Andrew 11 Green Hope 31 Groff, Bowen 9 Unattached 32 Robinson, Dylan 12 Forestview Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Scalf, Evan 11 Pinecrest 2 Brown, Braxton 11 Southwest Gu 3 Paul, Dillon 12 Northwood Hi 4 Idler, Maxwell 10 Millbrook 5 Packer, Jonah 9 Unattached 6 Haynes, Armelius 11 South View H 7 Garbacki, Kevin 12 Unattached 8 Pignetti, Pete 9 Charlotte Co 9 Cooke, Michael 10 Unattached 10 Cahill, Theo 12 Chapel Hill 11 Baucom, Sam 10 Unattached 12 Scheeres, Erik 11 Green Hope 13 Broce, Nathan 9 West Forsyth 14 Robbins, Van 10 R-S Central 15 Woodbury, Christian 10 Southwest Gu 16 Stewart, Victor 10 Reagan High 17 Cope, Ransom 11 Ragsdale 18 Kilgallen, Ryan 9 Chapel Hill 19 Vo, Andrew 9 Green Hope 20 Mosler, Ayden 12 Millbrook 21 Odom, Samuel 11 Forbush 22 Moskey, Kevin 10 Apex Friends 23 Feldt, Ethan 10 Chapel Hill 24 Liu, Jackie 12 D.H. Conley 25 Martin, Matthew 10 Cary High Sc 26 Cordova, Anthony 11 Chapel Hill 27 Klevans, Alex 11 Green Hope 28 Matthew, Andrew 11 Green Hope 29 Hale, Andrew 11 Holly Spring 30 Isenhour, Gabe 10 Unattached 31 Harrison, Nicholas 11 Unattached 32 Eaton, Samuel 12 Holly Spring Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Miller, Garrett 10 D.H. Conley 2 Davis, Bryce 12 Unattached 3 Selleseth, Zander 11 Green Hope 4 Young, Liam 9 Green Hope 5 Chhetri, Sandeep 11 Southwest Gu 6 Nickelston, Dakota 11 Unattached 7 Cannon, Ethan 10 Watauga High 8 Kelly, Anthony 11 Unattached 9 Longrie, Daniel 10 Unattached 10 Smith, Matthew 10 Holly Spring 11 Shue, James 10 West Stanly 12 Fargo, Caleb 11 Unattached 13 Moore, Kyle 11 Cary Christi 14 Ferguson, Nathaniel 12 Freedom High 15 Jones, Eric 12 Mooresville 16 Rapp, Matt 11 Millbrook 17 Perry, Bennett 10 Cary High Sc 18 Dingman, Logan 9 Northern Gui 19 Rudel, Mason 11 Atkins 20 Parrish, Sander 10 Unattached 21 Siekierski, Noah 10 Chapel Hill 22 Sorensen, Sage 12 Tri-County E 23 Clouser, Noah 11 Southwest Gu 24 Meyer, Truman 12 CE Jordan Hi 25 Da Silva, Gabriel 11 Green Hope 26 Jones, Conner 10 Reagan High 27 Snyder, Dylan 12 Green Hope 28 Shore, Jeremiah 11 Sanderson 29 Steinberg, Bryce 10 Panther Cree 30 Kremar, Clark 9 Mooresville 31 Fletcher, Van 9 Unattached 32 Holmes, Jake 11 Holly Spring 33 Ruckel, Gristen 12 South View H Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Guffey, Jonas 12 Lincoln Char 2 Vanek, Brock 11 Cary Christi 3 Gajan, RJ 9 Marvin Ridge 4 Gidley, Jack 10 Cardinal Gib 5 Polsinelli, Nick 11 Green Hope 6 Lanning, Andrew 11 Mooresville 7 Kepple, Ben 10 A.C. Reynold 8 Dinarte, Jahdiel 12 Unattached 9 Emmons, Alexander 10 Carrboro 10 Henrich, Joel 9 Holly Spring 11 Bresson, Tyler 11 Reagan High 12 Holdstock, Ryan 10 Green Level 13 McKee, Finn 10 Apex Friends 14 McRae, Vincent 12 South View H 15 Hayes, Nate 10 Reagan High 16 Schrage, Avery 12 Broughton 17 Stissel, Cooper 11 Mooresville 18 Kinlaw, Aaron 12 D.H. Conley 19 Holland, Aidan 12 Cary High Sc 20 McMichaels, Cogan 9 Chapel Hill 21 Olson, Marc 12 Sanderson 22 Carter, Noah 11 North Lincol 23 Stlouis, Michael 11 Unattached 24 Andrew, Jack 11 Cary High Sc 25 Alshikh, Nader 11 Sanderson 26 Spadavecchio, Sebastian 11 Unattached 27 Warden, Nathaniel 11 Forbush 28 Harvell, Hazen 10 Northern Gui 29 Hayes, Hudson 10 Union Pines 30 Davis, Patrick 11 South View H 31 Nash, Alexander 10 Apex Friends Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Chardiet, Armando 11 Unattached 2 Fernandez, Alex 9 Green Level 3 Debellis, Owen 10 Broughton 4 Scott, Sam 9 Unattached 5 Clark, Isaac 10 Weddington H 6 Mathis, Ethan 11 Chapel Hill 7 Mayes, Bennett 11 Cary Christi 8 Aitken, Graham 11 Millbrook 9 Haggstrom, Wesley 9 West Forsyth 10 Carlson, Joshua 12 Apex Friends 11 Ziaee, Ryan 10 Chapel Hill 12 Culbreth, Greyson 10 Harnett Cent 13 Wood, Ethan 12 Millbrook 14 Reyna, Isaac 10 Ledford Seni 15 Lin, Kevin 11 Reagan High 16 Fernandez, Elliot 12 Millbrook 17 Payne, Kamden 11 South View H 18 Brusso, Corbin 12 North Lincol 19 Packer, Josh 10 Unattached 20 Benefield, Jay 10 South View H 21 Swaney, Evan 12 T.C. Roberso 22 Uenking, Connor 9 Apex Friends 23 Fernetti, Stephen 9 North Lincol 24 Young, Luke 9 Green Hope 25 Benson, Ben 12 Unattached 26 Newman, William 9 Apex Friends 27 Wright, Holden 11 Weddington H 28 Lyons, William 10 Unattached 29 Boyd, Matthew 11 RJ Reynolds 30 Passiglia, Sammy 10 Cary High Sc 31 Kissell, Andrew 12 Cardinal Gib 32 Ghobrial, Moey 11 West Forsyth 33 Ply, Ethan 11 Unattached Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Carlile, Jaden 12 Unattached 2 Rodriguez, Colten 10 Croatan High Sch 3 Hansen, Gavin 9 Green Hope 4 Mueller, Ben 12 RJ Reynolds 5 Curtin, Troye 12 Pinecrest 6 O?donnell, Liam 10 Cardinal Gib 7 O?donnell, Aidan 10 Cardinal Gib 8 Wiprut, Murdoch 10 A.C. Reynold 9 Cook, Simon 11 Chapel Hill 10 Harris, William 12 Unattached 11 Patterson, Sam 12 Union Pines 12 Barajas, Chase 11 Weddington H 13 Wells, George 12 Unattached 14 Kleiderer, Connor 10 Unattached 15 Young, Caleb 10 Davie County 16 Kurak, Jacob 11 Green Hope 17 Fridrich, Tom 10 Weddington H 18 Reed, Carter 11 Apex Friends 19 Serozi, Jacob 12 Broughton 20 Patterson, Josh 12 Union Pines 21 Connick, Spencer 11 Cox Mill Hig 22 Fulcher, Garreth 10 Reagan High 23 Young, Spencer 11 Asheville Ch 24 Parrish, Rand 11 RJ Reynolds 25 Broud, Michael 12 Unattached 26 Pena, Evan 10 Unattached 27 Green, Tucker 10 Broughton 28 Barrios-Zavala, Ernesto 11 Northern Gui 29 McIntyre, Jackson 12 Holly Spring 30 Lykins, Spencer 12 Pinecrest 31 Hincher, Keaton 12 North Wilkes 32 McKelvey, Christian 11 Weddington H Section 8 Timed Finals 1 Colling, Jackson 12 Marvin Ridge 2 Graham, Sam 12 Reagan High 3 Law, Cutter 11 Lincoln Char 4 Rice, Patrick 11 Lincoln Char 5 Kleckner, Cooper 10 Croatan High Sch 6 Krone, Timothy 11 Unattached 7 Lesser, Noah 12 East Lincoln 8 Jacobs, Mac 12 Unattached 9 Idhammar, Viktor 11 Cary High Sc 10 Leinbach, Spencer 11 Southwest Gu 11 Rawlings, Max 11 Panther Cree 12 Ajala, Oussama 11 Forestview 13 Lundin, Carson 12 Panther Cree 14 Enyeart, Harrison 10 Millbrook 15 Howell, Harrison 11 Broughton 16 Cole, Aidan 11 A.C. Reynold 17 Conroy, Dominic 10 Unattached 18 McConnell, Nick 12 Unattached 19 Look, Dylan 10 Chapel Hill 20 Paxton, Michael 11 Weddington H 21 Bland, Sam 10 Weddington H 22 Anderson, Korben 11 Watauga High 23 Smith, Tanner 10 Mooresville 24 Doty, Brandt 9 West Forsyth 25 Peeples, Liam 12 Cardinal Gib 26 Ellum, Townes 12 A.C. Reynold 27 Trantham, Blake 12 Enka High Sc 28 Chen, Chauncey 9 Weddington H 29 Barham, Tim 11 Unattached 30 Crouse, Jonathan 9 Cary High Sc 31 Meixsell, Cole 11 Atkins 32 McDermott, Kyle 12 Northside (3 33 Campbell, Jared 11 North Lincol 34 Brontemarkle, Austin 10 Forestview Section 9 Timed Finals 1 Farrell, Irish 12 Unattached 2 Smith, Steven 11 Ardrey Kell 3 Nichols, Jackson 11 West Forsyth 4 Eldredge, Jeremy 11 West Forsyth 5 Lowther, Joseph 11 Weddington H 6 Julian, Noah 11 South Rowan 7 Finley, Cal 12 Unattached 8 Wulfhorst, Alex 12 North Lincol 9 Knott, Zachary 11 Unattached 10 Nervo-Jabaut, Lucas 11 Chapel Hill 11 Broud, David 12 Unattached 12 Coffman, Kevin 12 Cardinal Gib 13 Duggirala, Aneesh 10 Marvin Ridge 14 Schepens, Will 11 Unattached 15 Guilmette, Michael 12 North Caroli 16 Lynch, Emmett 12 Apex High Sc 17 Moran, Joseph 10 Unattached 18 Lucas, Grayson 10 Weddington H 19 Villarreal, Maximus 12 Southwest Gu 20 Mann, Carson 11 Weddington H 21 Fan, William 12 North Caroli 22 Desciak, Logan 12 Unattached 23 Faal, Alhagi 11 Sanderson 24 Desai, Milan 11 Panther Cree 25 Kumar, Sanjay 11 Green Hope 26 Hatch, Wick 11 Providence 27 Curcio, John 12 Apex Friends 28 Garcia, Alex 11 Cox Mill Hig 29 Sommers, Ethan 11 Unattached 30 Zammitti, Mitchell 10 Unattached 31 Crenshaw, Colby 12 Unattached 32 Martinez, Pablo 12 Mooresville 33 Walker, Charlie 11 Ardrey Kell Section 10 Timed Finals 1 Hansen, Rocky 9 Christ Schoo 2 Coatney, Caleb 12 Watauga High 3 Scott, Will 11 Unattached 4 Colford, Brady 11 Cardinal Gib 5 Payne, Mitchell 11 Millbrook 6 Levy, Malachi 11 Northwood Hi 7 Williams, A.J. 12 Pinecrest 8 Cordero, David 12 T.C. Roberso 9 Young, Seth 12 Green Hope 10 Pierce, Brennen 11 Unattached 11 Riolo, Andrew 12 Unattached 12 Collie, Reece 12 Asheville Ch 13 Hogston, Gunner 12 Marvin Ridge 14 Sanneman, Sam 11 Weddington H 15 Perko, Hayden 12 Panther Cree 16 Cale, Ben 10 Green Hope 17 Okon, Drew 12 West Forsyth 18 Miller, Haden 10 Weddington H 19 Taylor, Michael 12 Green Hope 20 Tsegay, Aman 11 Southwest Gu 21 Haughton, Tim 12 Apex Friends 22 Henry, Colin 10 Northwood Hi 23 Christensen, Tyler 12 St. Stephens 24 Scotti, Zeno 12 Chapel Hill 25 Bowman, Robert 11 Harnett Cent 26 McKinney, Seth 11 D.H. Conley 27 Thompson, Cooper 12 Broughton 28 Mann, Gabriel 10 Unattached 29 Hickman, Harrison 12 RJ Reynolds 30 Elkan, James 10 Cary High Sc 31 Bolin, Kevin 10 Unattached Section 11 Timed Finals 1 Hayes, Justin 11 Panther Cree 2 Mcbride, Liam 12 Green Hope 3 Reisinger, Maximilian 11 Chapel Hill 4 Phillips, Miles 11 North Lincol 5 Hamilton, William 11 Unattached 6 Sobus, Steven 12 Ardrey Kell 7 Walters, Peyton 12 D.H. Conley 8 Long, Ethan 11 Page High Sc 9 Habas, Adam 12 Unattached 10 Baker, Quinn 10 Unattached 11 Trusty, Adam 10 Unattached 12 Davis-Isaac, Kyle 11 Green Hope 13 Larson, Wesley 11 Weddington H 14 Gonzalez, Damien 12 Mooresville 15 Sun, Yichen 9 Chapel Hill 16 Motondo, Ryan 10 Walter M. Wi 17 Zink, Drew 12 Lincoln Char 18 Richards, Luke 12 Unattached 19 Dudley, Jed 11 Unattached 20 Core, Dylan 9 Broughton 21 Soroka, Landon 11 Broughton 22 Pare, Jean-Lou 11 Page High Sc 23 Kennedy, Scott 12 Apex High Sc 24 Richter, Mark 11 Unattached 25 Scott, Jacob 11 North Lincol 26 Sterne, Row 11 Unattached 27 Turner, Ethan 12 Watauga High 28 Jackson, Cole 11 Marvin Ridge 29 Townshend, Caden 9 Weddington H 30 Scrocco, Nicholas 11 Coastal Chri 31 Anderson, Bryce 11 Hickory Ridg Section 12 Timed Finals 1 White, Dalton 12 Unattached 2 Balawi, Mismeh 12 Unattached 3 Hawley, Ben 11 Chapel Hill 4 Blizzard, James 11 Unattached 5 Mitchell, William 11 Millbrook 6 Gilbertson, Zack 9 Pinecrest 7 Hopkins, Daniel 12 Lincolnton H 8 Connelly, Daniel 12 Unattached 9 Sweeney, Gavin 10 Watauga High 10 Navarro, Josh 11 Millbrook 11 Clark, Zachary 12 Cleveland Hi 12 Geyer, Nathan 10 D.H. Conley 13 Mohamad, Jamal 12 Unattached 14 Gilpatric, Micah 12 Unattached 15 Bauer, Matthew 12 Pinecrest 16 Eheman, Kenny 11 Unattached 17 Rogers, Owen 12 Chapel Hill 18 Upton, Christopher 11 R-S Central 19 Kleiderer, Ellioitt 10 Croatan High Sch 20 Arangala, Emil 11 Chapel Hill 21 Serrano, Casper 12 Panther Cree 22 Macemore, Andrew 12 Unattached 23 Krell, Jason 12 Unattached 24 Sellers, Walter 11 Atkins 25 Archer, Adrian 10 Pinecrest 26 Mace, Bryson 11 Unattached 27 Lillie, Dwayne 12 A.C. Reynold 28 Urban, Eddie 12 Unattached 29 Johnson, Khari 12 North Lincol 30 Mattioli, Ryker 11 Durham Schoo 31 Ledford, Jax 12 Asheville Ch 32 Scacheri, Luke 12 Unattached Section 13 Timed Finals 1 O?brien, Daniel 12 Unattached 2 Harrison, Ian 12 Panther Cree 3 Malach, JJ (John) 12 Broughton 4 Vo, Thomas 12 Green Hope 5 Jackson, Zane 12 Unattached 6 Rooney, Jack 12 Broughton 7 Thomson, Jason 12 North Lincol 8 Muhammad, Maddon 11 Myers Park H 9 Dingman, Jack 11 Northern Gui 10 Toomey, Jake 12 Weddington H 11 Cannon, Avery 12 Watauga High 12 Hammel, Andrew 12 Christ Schoo 13 Williams, Carson 12 Cardinal Gib 14 Smith, Murphy 11 Ardrey Kell 15 Jeffcoat, Zander 10 Unattached 16 Armentrout, Ben 12 Atkins 17 Haws, Wesley 11 Cardinal Gib 18 Ward, Noah 11 Unattached 19 Visconti, Joseph 12 Christ Schoo 20 Landis, Christian 11 Unattached 21 Rovnak, Aaron 11 Franklin Aca