Version #1 Of Sarah LaTour's Summer Training Log

Week of July 3rd-July 9th


Monday 7/3- Travel Day

Today I was traveling back to the United States from Ireland and it would take all day. I woke up really early to take an 8-hour flight from Dublin to New York, a 4-hour layover, and then a 2-hour flight from New York to Charlotte. It was 10pm by the time I got home and didn't run because of major jet lag.


Tuesday 7/4- Day Off 

Took today off to recover from the jet lag of the big travel day yesterday.


Wednesday 7/5- Endurance Run 

1 mile warm up/dynamic stretches 

5 miles @ 8:37 pace 

Strength work 

Static stretches 

*It was a dead week in NC where we're not allowed to work out with coaches, but I met with some members of my team at Dogwood Park to run together.  It was the first time I ran on hilly trails in 2 weeks, and it was very hard to readjust. I started falling off pace towards the end. I originally tried to go 6 miles but I couldn't hold on and stopped at 5. I felt very bad at the end.

= 6 miles 


Thursday 7/6- Recovery Run 

800m warm up/dynamic stretches 

Easy 5 miles @ 9:00 pace

Core work 

Static stretches 

*Felt a bit sore but was able to run strong.

= 5.5 miles 


Friday 7/7- Endurance Run 

1 mile warmup/dynamic stretches 

6.1 miles @ 7:37 pace 

Hill repeats (Adding up to 0.4 miles)

Strength work 

800m cool down/static stretches 

*Haven't done hill repeats in a while so the last part of the workout got very tough but still pushed through.

= 8 miles 


Saturday 7/8- Long Run 

1 mile warm up/dynamic stretches 

7 miles @ 7:53 pace 

3x100m strides 

Core work 

Static stretches 

*A group of us met at Beatty Park with lots of hilly trails and it was hard to run on as well. I fell off pace towards the end and the last 2 miles were supposed to be fast but I didn't have anything left in the tank and I just focused on finishing the run. I intended to do 8x100m strides, but after 3, I felt like I was going to pass out so I stopped.  I was still able to do the core circuit.

= 8.2 miles 


Sunday 7/9- Day Off 

Took today off. Tomorrow the team leaves to go to a 4-day camp in Blowing Rock, NC at a professional running training site called ZAP Fitness and I'm so excited.


Weekly mileage = 27.7 miles