New Year\'s Resolutions/Goals For 2008

With the New Year quickly approaching, many of you will be setting those WORLD FAMOUS New Year's resolutions. Many of will also take a look back at 2007 and begin to set new goals for your 2008 running career.


I just wanted to wish everyone the best of luck on your 2008 goals. I have done a bit of research for you as you look forward to 2008.




The Top Ten New Year's Resolutions

1) Spend more time with family and friends - 50% of Americans pledge to do this

2) Fitness to get fit

3) Tame the bulge - 66% of America is overweight

4) Quit smoking

5) Enjoy life mor

6) Quit drinkin

7) Get out of debt

8) Learn something new

9) Help others

10) Get organized


How Can You Be Successful/Reach Your Goals?

1) Write your goals down 

2) Truly make a commitment to achieving your goals. It must be a VERY big deal

3) Let others know what you hope to achieve, tell people

4) Make sure someone is there to help you, get support, someone to ask how you're doing on your plan

5) Have a plan!

6) Figure out ways to remind yourself of your goals

7) Have short term goals along the way to your STRETCH goal (stepping stones)

8) Reward yourself for reaching the "stepping stone" goals 

9) Take time to review and re-evaluate

10) Believe in yourself!