Finally, I want to leave you with a number of other quotes/stories from those close to him.
“Micah was the person that influenced me to come out and run. If it wasn’t for Micah, I would not be a runner today.”
“His work ethic towards music, art, school, and running were ideal. He never did anything halfway. He always gave a hundred percent in everything.”
“His unique style was one of the things that made him fun and likeable.”
“Micah was what parents wanted their children to be.”
“I believe his presence is with us every time we run.”
“Even in his last race, the day before he was hospitalized, he pushed himself to the limit. We can all learn from Micah to never take a race for granted, because for all we know it could be our last one.”
“When young people die, there is often the tendency to over romanticize them as almost too perfect. Micah was not perfect but it is hard to find negatives to say about him. He stood for what was right and he had a definite sense of justice.”
“He was only 17, but one of the greatest people I have met. I believe that he impacted more than many people could do in 100 years.”
One of my questions was what things are being done to remember Micah. The list of answers was overwhelming.
The school has set up a scholarship fun for cross-country runners. It is called the Micah Arrants Scholarship Fund.
- Concord HS donated money to his scholarshp fund and made a banner in memory of him and support of his NCHS family
- Letters and notes have been written on paper in the cafeteria
- The rock was painted for him
- Members of the XC team are wearing black high-tops and orange shoelaces
- The Athletic Dept. is creating a jersey/photo/plaque to honor Micah
- The XC’s Courage Awards has been renamed the Micah Arrants Courage Award
There will be a benefit run called, “Miles 4 Micah” on March 15th, 2008. All proceeds will go towards the fund. You can also contribute directly to the fund, by sending donations to: NCHS, 5130 Northwest Cabarrus Drive, Concord, NC 28027.