Elite, Even Among the Elite: 4A State Meet Recap

Boys MVP: Philip Hall

Many have tried it, but few have pulled it off (and if anybody wants to research that, let me know). Hall won all 4 distance races, starting with the 4x800 and ending with the 3200. He established control in all 3 individual races, setting the early pace slow enough to save him some energy, and then pulling away by simply being stronger than everyone else. He survived a spirited challenge by Kenny Kneisel (Mount Tabor) in the 1600, pulled away from Vincent Crisp (North Meck) in the 1000, and then beat Kneisel again in the 3200. On the way, he actually set a PR in the 1000 at 2:29.86 US #18 NC #6 All-Time, and also set a season best in the 3200! He contributed 32.5 of South View's 49 points, and you can't get any more valuable than that!

Girls MVP: Ebony Williams

Sheer force of will - that's what Williams displayed all day on Saturday. She came back in the 55 Hurdles after Gabriele Cunnigham got an amazing start, and ended up setting the All-Time State Record at 7.81 US #2. She anchored the 4x200 to the Mustangs' customary win, then held off teammate Katlyn Sherman in the 300, both of them exhausted afterward. That showed in the 4x4, when both Sherman and Williams had to rally on their legs, as they ran purely for pride - the race belonged to THEM, and they weren't going to let anyone take it away, no matter what the score. That's how Ebony Williams reacts to pressure, and that's why I believe there's still more out there for Parkland to achieve.