For All Those Who Want to Run in College, But Didn't Make the University's Team...

Run Faster

(...or just run for funsies)

In high school running I excelled at being extremely mediocre. I made All-Conference a few times and made it to the state championship once where I placed very midpack. But that was way back when you could run 17:13 and make it to the state know, back in 2010. I acheived nothing in high school without trying as hard as I could, but needless to say I knew that I had a few more PRs left in me once I got to college.

With that background you can imagine how excited I was to be able to run in a national championship in college. I was as giddy as a college freshman could be! The best part was that I was no where near the best runner on my team. I had teammates who were working hard to get better just like me. Doing workouts with a team has been much better than doing them solo, and I have been happy to lower my PRs every season. My acheivements have been good, but I have come to enjoy the success of my teammates even more than my own.

What is great about club running is you only have work as hard as you want to. Do you want to forgo the day's hill repeats and run to a playground? Go for it. Want to see if you can run your "easy run" days faster than all of your teammates? Do it. Teams include a diverse range of abilities from beginners to competitive runners. Everyone is welcome.