Can you imagine what outdoor track would have been like with a healthy Colin Godwin adding his talent to the rankings?
Unfortunately, injuries are among the realities of the running sports (and, really, all sports). Amidst the celebration of all the great performances that we witness in any season, we always feel some regret for those whose talent was eclipsed, even temporarily, by circumstances that forced them out of training and competition. Such is the case with Cary Academy senior Colin Godwin, who carried a 4:17 PR in the 1600 in this school year and had already clocked 15:13 for the 5K when the injury bug bit him. Sadly, the rest of his senior year was lost, and with it the chance to see how he would have competed against opponents like Bakri Abushouk, Trevor Sleight, and Phillip Hall, among many others. I had the chance to talk to Colin during cross country season, but I held onto that interview all year, hoping that he would be able to return. Colin is a very interesting young man, and as we have communicated through email I have come to appreciate his love of unusual phrasing and vocabulary (something that also interests me). He has maintained a positive attitude throughout this ordeal, and has every intent to continue running at MIT, which also speaks volumes about his academic drive and other interests. Those of us who appreciate this sport from a distance will always wonder "What if..." regarding Colin's senior year, but it is my fervent hope that he will be able to answer that with his healthy performances at the next level.
Colin Godwin's Athlete Profile