posting results to milesplit




There are two ways to get results posted on the MileSplit network.  Please keep in mind that the end result of each method is to copy and paste the results into a window, which will incorporate the results into the html of the page.  Results must be properly formatted for this process, or the structure and integrity of the results can be lost.  Also, please remember that POSTING results is separate from PROCESSING results; posting them on the meet page does not automatically mean that those results will be imported into the database, particularly if the posted results are hand-typed or in a format that cannot be accepted.


NOTE: please DO NOT send any results in Microsoft Word or PDF format.  These files do not preserve the correct formatting that our system requires, and they will not work with our database.


Method One: Emailing Results

Results can be sent directly to the webmaster of any state site, who will then post and process them.  Follow these steps:


1. Save results in the proper format:


     A. RaceTab: select "Complete Results" from the Results tab, then save the new window as a text file with .txt extension.


     B. Hy-Tek: select Reports and then choose "Flat HTML" before creating the report file; a dialog box will ask you where to save the file.


     C. Save spreadsheets as you would normally.


2. Email your results file (or cut and paste from RaceTab into the body of the email) to your webmaster (in the case of North Carolina, that would be


Method Two: Uploading Results Yourself

In order to post results yourself, the following must be true: the meet must be on our calendar and approved by the webmaster already; the meet must have a host school or a timing company listed; you must be a registered user; and you must have claimed the host school or the timing company that is listed on the meet.


1. Prepare the results for uploading:


     A. RaceTab: select "Complete Results" from the Results tab (causing a new window to open).


     B. Hy-Tek: select Reports - Results, choose Flat HTML, and create the results.  Save the file, and then exit or minimize Hy-Tek.  Find the results file you saved and double-click on it to open the file in your web browser.


     C. You cannot upload spreadsheets this way, as they will not be formatted properly.  Email those types of results to the webmaster as listed above.


     D. Results that are hand-typed into this window, or copied and pasted from Microsoft Word and similar programs, will show on the results page but will not be incorporated into the database.  Check out the Coach's Tutorial for a method to post your team's results for a meet that has not had complete results added.


2. In a new browser window or tab, go to and then select Calendar from the menu tab. 


3. Find your meet and click on it to go to the meet page.  Under the Results heading on the right side, click on [Add Results].


4. Give the results a title (examples: complete results, boys results, girls results, qualifiers only, etc).


5. Copy and paste the results from your result file.


6. Click Save Results.