Team Administration


Team Administration Functions


These functions can only be accessed by coaches (or designated admins) who have claimed their team.

Maintaining your team's roster will make meet entry and other functions much easier.


Getting Into the Team Admin Screen


1.        1. You must be logged into your account, and you must have claimed your team.

2.       2. From the NCRunners front page, click on “Teams” in the red navigational bar.

3.       3. Select your team from the alphabetical list.

4.       4. Underneath the name of your team, there is a link that says “Team Admin.”  Click on it.



Editing Your Roster

   1. From the team admin screen, click on “Roster” in the menu on the left.

2.       2. From the roster screen, there are several functions you can perform:

                   a.       Add new athletes

                                                           i.       Athletes are automatically added to your roster when they appear in results and do not match existing athletes; this means you do not have to add the athlete yourself, as long as your results are posted to NCRunners.

                                                           ii.       If you still want to add athletes by hand, make sure the athletes are not already on your roster.

                                                           iii.      Click on the “Add Athlete” button.

                                                           iv.     Use the form to enter information for the new athlete.

                                                           v.      Athletes can only be added one at a time this way.

                   b.      Make existing athletes inactive or active

                                                            i.       Inactive athletes show up on this roster with lines through their names, and also (inactive) beside their names.

                                                            ii.       Inactive athletes will not show up when you go to enter meets, and they will not show on your team’s public roster.

                                                            iii.      Click on the box beside the names of all athletes you want to make inactive, then click on the “Move to Inactive” button.

                                                            iv.     Click the box beside the names of all athletes you want to make active, then click on the “Move to Active” button.

                   c.       Add or remove athletes from the cross country (XC) roster

                                                            i.       Athletes can be assigned to cross country (XC), track & field (TF), or both.

                                                            ii.       Athletes assigned to the XC roster will show up when you try to enter cross country meets

                                                            iii.      Click on the boxes beside the names of all athletes you want to add to the XC roster, and then click the “Add to XC” button.

                                                            iv.     Click on the boxes beside the names of all athletes you want to remove from the XC roster, and then click on the “Remove from XC” button.

                   d.      Add or remove athletes from the track (TF) roster

                                                            i.       Athletes can be assigned to cross country (XC), track & field (TF), or both.

                                                            ii.      The track & field season covers both winter/indoor season and spring/outdoor season; there are not separate rosters for those two seasons.

                                                            iii.      Athletes assigned to the TF roster will show up when you try to enter track & field meets

                                                            iv.     Click on the boxes beside the names of all athletes you want to add to the TF roster, and then click the “Add to TF” button.

                                                            v.      Click on the boxes beside the names of all athletes you want to remove from the TF roster, and then click on the “Remove from TF” button.


Adding Meets to Your Schedule

    1. You can add small, local meets to the calendar using your team admin functions; for large invitationals, only the meet director should add the meet to the calendar.

2.       2. From the team admin screen, click on “Schedule/Results” in the menu on the left.

3.       3. Under the heading “Add Meet to Schedule,” enter the date of the meet by using the clickable calendar, and press the “Find Meets” button.

4.       4. If the meet is on the calendar, it will appear as one of the choices in the drop-down menu that appears to the right of the word “Meet.”

5.       5. If the meet is already on the calendar, select it from the dropdown menu and then press the “Add Meet” button.

6.       6. If the meet is not on the calendar (and you are sure you have the correct date), you can press the “Meet Not Listed” button.

a.       Fill in the name of the meet.

b.      Select the venue (location) of the meet.

c.       Make sure the correct season is selected.

d.      Choose a host team (only this team’s coaches/admins will get to post results).

e.      Choose the correct type of meet:

                                                             i.      Invitational: 5+ teams

                                                             ii.      Dual/tri/quad: 2-4 teams

                                                             iii.      Championship: county, conference, regional, state, etc.

f.        Choose the correct divisions according to the school levels that will compete (high school, middle school, etc).

g.       You can add notes for your team (these will only show on your schedule, not on the full calendar).

h.      Press the “Add New Meet” button.