
Licensed To: Eastern Alamance High School 	Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 6:15 PM 4/9/2011 Page 1
	J.J. Knox Invitational 2011 MEN - 4/9/2011
	Eastern Alamance High School
	Team Rankings - Through Event 34
	Male Team Scores
	Place 		School 		Points
	1 		Hugh Cummings 		HC 		61
	2 		Eastern Alamance 		EA 		49
	3 		Hillside 		HI 		44
	4 		NC School of Science & Math 		NCSS 		37
	4 		Granvillle Central 		GC 		37
	6 		Parkland 		PA 		34
	6 		Walter Williams 		WW 		34
	8 		Polk County 		PC 		28
	9 		Smithfield-Selma 		SS 		20
	10 		West Forsyth 		WF 		18
	11 		Southern Guilford 		SGU 		15 		. 	50
	12 		Southern Alamance 		SA 		15
	13 		South Granville 		SGR 		10
	13 		North Pitt 		NP 		10
	15 		Union Pines 		UP 		6 		. 	50
	16 		J F Webb 		JFW 		6
	17 		Franklin 		FR 		4
	18 		Overhills 		OV 		2
	19 		Durham School of the Arts 		DSA 		1
	19 		Northern Vance 		NV 		1
Licensed To: Eastern Alamance High School 	Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 6:04 PM 4/9/2011 Page 1
	J.J. Knox Invitational 2011 WOMEN - 4/9/2011
	Eastern Alamance High School
	Team Rankings - Through Event 16
	Female Team Scores
	Place 		School 		Points
	1 		Jordan 		JO 		88
	2 		Eastern Alamance 		EA 		51
	3 		Granville Central 		GC 		44
	4 		Hugh Cummings 		HC 		42
	5 		Parkland 		PA 		40
	6 		Durham School of the Arts 		DSA 		29
	7 		Rocky Mount 		RM 		24
	8 		NC School of Science & Math 		NCSS 		22
	9 		West Forsyth 		WF 		18
	10 		Walter Williams 		WW 		12
	10 		Bunn 		BU 		12
	12 		Polk County 		PC 		10
	13 		Union Pines 		UP 		9
	13 		Overhills 		OV 		9
	13 		Hillside 		HI 		9
	16 		Southern Guilford 		SGU 		8
	17 		Southern Alamance 		SA 		5
	18 		Smithfield-Selma 		SS 		2