GXCI 2010
Individual Results
Place Race # Time First Name Last Name Team Grade
1 1838 00:15:52.1 Forrest Lyerly Reagan Senior
2 1069 00:15:58.8 William Bass Nash Central High
School Senior
3 986 00:16:10.2 chris garrett West Johnston High
School Senior
4 460 00:16:15.9 Will Bunch Chapel Hill HS Senior
5 1851 00:16:21.5 Craig Engels Reagan Junior
6 1335 00:16:24.2 Jimmy Hollingsworth Northern Guilford Sophomore
7 453 00:16:28.5 Asher Colburn-Hertzberg Chapel Hill HS Senior
8 1064 00:16:29.5 Tevin Richardson Nash Central High
School Senior
9 1246 00:16:36.4 Paul Carr Millbrook High School Senior
10 442 00:16:37.4 Kyle Villemain Chapel Hill HS Senior
11 1733 00:16:38.3 Brandon Cain Southern Alamance High
School Senior
12 443 00:16:43.7 Brad Viles Chapel Hill HS Sophomore
13 419 00:16:44.9 Mitch McLeod Chapel Hill HS Junior
14 484 00:16:46.4 Getisso Dentamo Mallard Creek High
School Senior
15 414 00:16:47.3 Chris Reeder Chapel Hill HS Sophomore
16 1834 00:16:50.0 Jordan Marsh Reagan Junior
17 418 00:16:54.1 Paul Noah Chapel Hill HS Senior
18 326 00:16:54.4 Sean Langkamp Northwest Guilford Senior
19 2901 00:16:56.3 Open Athletes Unattached Other
20 396 00:16:57.6 Michael Ellis Mount Tabor High
School (Boys) Junior
21 1505 00:16:58.0 Jacob Dordick Providence Day Senior
22 1477 00:17:02.5 Reed Payne Providence Day Junior
23 376 00:17:03.4 George Oliver Mount Tabor High
School (Boys) Junior
24 1067 00:17:04.3 Jeremy Judd Nash Central High
School Senior
25 400 00:17:04.7 Josh Copus Mount Tabor High
School (Boys) Junior
26 363 00:17:06.3 Carl Walton Northwest Guilford Junior
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Saturday, September 25, 2010
GXCI 2010
Individual Results
Place Race # Time First Name Last Name Team Grade
27 342 00:17:13.6 Spencer Crigler Northwest Guilford Junior
28 1250 00:17:14.2 Brady Burke Millbrook High School Sophomore
29 1596 00:17:14.5 Alex Snyder Pinecrest High School Freshman
30 1824 00:17:15.0 David Smith Reagan Junior
31 21 00:17:15.4 Rodger Shull Page High School Senior
32 1145 00:17:16.1 Billy Fetzner Sanderson High School Sophomore
33 1859 00:17:17.1 Perry Cabean Reagan Junior
34 1127 00:17:18.9 Andrew White Sanderson High School Senior
35 292 00:17:19.3 Matt St.Cyr Northwest Guilford Junior
36 985 00:17:23.3 jeremy gower West Johnston High
School Junior
37 99 00:17:24.0 Devin Foust Southeast Guilford Junior
38 1077 00:17:25.9 Sam Wimberly Orange High School Junior
39 368 00:17:27.5 Brad Stokes Mount Tabor High
School (Boys) Senior
40 1217 00:17:28.5 Alex Vinson Millbrook High School Senior
41 365 00:17:30.0 Henry Williamson Northwest Guilford Junior
42 395 00:17:30.2 Macon Gambill Mount Tabor High
School (Boys) Junior
43 1092 00:17:34.1 Dylan Perry Orange High School Sophomore
44 793 00:17:34.3 Michael Jushchuk Carrboro High School Junior
45 782 00:17:39.4 Patrick Arata Terry Sanford High
School Freshman
46 698 00:17:39.7 Sam Peters Jordan Falcons Junior
47 1224 00:17:40.3 Richard Miller Millbrook High School Junior
48 1479 00:17:40.8 Ryan Nole Providence Day Junior
49 988 00:17:42.5 mike cornwell West Johnston High
School Senior
50 814 00:17:44.4 Michael Morken Carrboro High School Senior
51 1108 00:17:45.3 Blake Hall Orange High School Sophomore
52 828 00:17:46.3 Jordan Thomas Carrboro High School Senior
53 1066 00:17:47.2 Andrew Nguyen Nash Central High
School Senior
54 1045 00:17:47.6 Micah Smith West Forsyth High
School Senior
55 1055 00:17:48.5 Mason Williams Nash Central High
School Senior
56 1564 00:17:49.0 Tyler Clark Pinecrest High School Senior
57 478 00:17:50.3 Corey Paige Jr Mallard Creek High
School Senior
58 804 00:17:51.0 Jesse Dellea Carrboro High School Junior
59 818 00:17:51.2 Elliot Pahel-Short Carrboro High School Senior
60 2902 00:17:51.4 Open Athletes Unattached Other
61 1764 00:17:55.5 Dylan Howell Mooresville High
School Senior
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Saturday, September 25, 2010
GXCI 2010
Individual Results
Place Race # Time First Name Last Name Team Grade
62 841 00:17:56.9 Nic Rawlings Northside High School Senior
63 1112 00:17:57.5 Trey Clayton Orange High School Senior
64 320 00:18:00.6 Dalton Lyons Northwest Guilford Freshman
65 101 00:18:03.8 Michael Fittante Southeast Guilford Junior
66 136 00:18:04.8 Luke Sumerford Grimsley Freshman
67 989 00:18:05.4 jake betancourt West Johnston High
School Sophomore
68 482 00:18:07.2 Jonathan C Garris Mallard Creek High
School Senior
69 1516 00:18:08.6 Steven Starr Providence Day Senior
70 1337 00:18:09.1 Park Groves Northern Guilford Junior
71 1569 00:18:09.9 Matthew Harmody Pinecrest High School Freshman
72 1600 00:18:11.0 Jacob Troutman Pinecrest High School Sophomore
73 1027 00:18:11.3 Alex Langevin West Forsyth High
School Junior
74 978 00:18:11.8 bobby martinez West Johnston High
School Senior
75 673 00:18:12.1 Darrin LaForge Jordan Falcons Senior
76 832 00:18:13.3 Andrew Witcher Carrboro High School Junior
77 1234 00:18:14.0 Nick Haven Millbrook High School Freshman
78 684 00:18:14.2 Pat Connelly Jordan Falcons Sophomore
79 1222 00:18:14.4 Drew Navarro Millbrook High School Freshman
80 145 00:18:14.9 Vikram Sethuraman Grimsley Junior
81 2350 00:18:15.7 Ian Hrdlicka Western Guilford Freshman
82 474 00:18:15.8 Grant Rhodes Mallard Creek High
School Senior
83 998 00:18:16.0 Lewis Benjamin Parkland High School Senior
84 1832 00:18:16.9 Sean McGowan Reagan Sophomore
85 1105 00:18:17.5 Will Henderson Orange High School Freshman
86 1495 00:18:18.2 Ben Huffman Providence Day Freshman
87 1148 00:18:18.9 Patrick Crawford Sanderson High School Junior
88 378 00:18:20.4 Tyler Nachand Mount Tabor High
School (Boys) Senior
89 2362 00:18:21.0 Caleb Wilkerson Western Guilford Junior
90 751 00:18:21.4 Cooper Wurst Terry Sanford High
School Junior
91 1254 00:18:22.2 Alex Boseman Millbrook High School Freshman
92 1580 00:18:25.1 Ben Becket Killam Pinecrest High School Sophomore
93 1050 00:18:25.5 Michael Towery West Forsyth High
School Senior
94 702 00:18:25.9 Austen Rios Jordan Falcons Senior
95 806 00:18:27.1 Dominic Collichio Carrboro High School Sophomore
96 1572 00:18:27.3 George Hayes Pinecrest High School Junior
97 1755 00:18:28.9 Daniel Burzlaff Mooresville High Junior
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Saturday, September 25, 2010
GXCI 2010
Individual Results
Place Race # Time First Name Last Name Team Grade
98 1769 00:18:30.1 Casey Vitanza Mooresville High
School Junior
99 1579 00:18:31.4 Connor Kelly Pinecrest High School Senior
100 1342 00:18:32.6 Campbell Bentson Northern Guilford Senior
101 1090 00:18:33.4 Joseph Rangel Orange High School Senior
102 190 00:18:34.4 Justin Belcher Grimsley Junior
103 1476 00:18:34.8 Evan Rodbell Providence Day Senior
104 27 00:18:34.9 Spencer Hazel Page High School Freshman
105 95 00:18:38.0 Daniel Hinshaw Southeast Guilford Freshman
106 969 00:18:39.5 chris schoeneman West Johnston High
School Junior
107 1816 00:18:41.0 Brian Webster Reagan Sophomore
108 487 00:18:41.4 Jelani Braziel Mallard Creek High
School Sophomore
109 1021 00:18:43.5 Ryan Hughart West Forsyth High
School Sophomore
110 1082 00:18:45.7 Ryan Thedford Orange High School Junior
111 24 00:18:46.4 Isaac Hennen Page High School Sophomore
112 979 00:18:46.9 connor martinez West Johnston High
School Sophomore
113 1348 00:18:47.0 Tyler Rochelle Northern Guilford Sophomore
114 996 00:18:47.4 Charles Brown Parkland High School Senior
115 1 00:18:56.6 Matt Lovejoy Page High School Junior
116 837 00:18:57.9 Micheal Smith Northside High School Sophomore
117 1047 00:18:59.4 Justin Swink West Forsyth High
School Junior
118 323 00:19:01.7 Derek Linder Northwest Guilford Sophomore
119 1352 00:19:02.0 Bobby Warlick Northern Guilford Senior
120 711 00:19:02.3 James Wyngaarden Jordan Falcons Junior
121 49 00:19:04.0 Alex Buffington Page High School Junior
122 1126 00:19:04.6 John Sledge Sanderson High School Junior
123 1494 00:19:05.7 Andrew Kral Providence Day Junior
124 752 00:19:11.6 John Wolf Terry Sanford High
School Senior
125 1156 00:19:16.0 Tristan Anderson Sanderson High School Freshman
126 994 00:19:17.8 Robert Dula Parkland High School Junior
127 110 00:19:19.0 Chris Beale Southeast Guilford Junior
128 132 00:19:23.3 Nick Trever Grimsley Senior
129 468 00:19:26.8 Evan York Mallard Creek High
School Senior
130 844 00:19:30.1 Harrison McNabb Northside High School Sophomore
131 111 00:19:30.4 Joseph Babiarz Southeast Guilford Junior
132 178 00:19:31.7 Clay Dorman Grimsley Sophomore
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Saturday, September 25, 2010
GXCI 2010
Individual Results
Place Race # Time First Name Last Name Team Grade
133 851 00:19:32.9 Robbie Higgs Northside High School Junior
134 777 00:19:38.8 Cody Dubois Terry Sanford High
School Junior
135 1152 00:19:39.4 Dayton Bobbitt Sanderson High School Junior
136 1762 00:19:43.6 Matt Madrid Mooresville High
School Freshman
137 373 00:19:44.1 Charlie Reed Mount Tabor High
School (Boys) Senior
138 995 00:19:44.6 Eric Council Parkland High School Sophomore
139 486 00:19:46.4 Richard Cannon Mallard Creek High
School Senior
140 964 00:19:51.3 rob bailey Wakefield High School Junior
141 690 00:19:54.5 Zack McGinnis Jordan Falcons Sophomore
142 103 00:19:55.0 Avery Conyers Southeast Guilford Freshman
143 127 00:19:57.7 Robert Whiting Grimsley Junior
144 244 00:19:59.8 Joe Zhan Southwest Guilford Senior
145 1338 00:20:00.3 John Elwood Northern Guilford Junior
146 1009 00:20:00.4 Ian Combest West Forsyth High
School Senior
147 1133 00:20:02.8 Jacob Mohr Sanderson High School Junior
148 2345 00:20:04.2 Alan Davis Western Guilford Sophomore
149 23 00:20:07.0 Taylor Johnson Page High School Senior
150 943 00:20:09.8 martin mondou Wakefield High School Junior
151 1007 00:20:18.1 D`Andre Starnes Parkland High School Senior
152 2335 00:20:19.0 Davidson Arrington Western Guilford Sophomore
153 1765 00:20:21.2 Tom Siebert Mooresville High
School Senior
154 156 00:20:21.9 Storm Morgan Grimsley Junior
155 754 00:20:22.1 Tommy Walsh Terry Sanford High
School Senior
156 1022 00:20:28.6 Evan Huss West Forsyth High
School Senior
157 2360 00:20:37.3 Nathan Stutts Western Guilford Sophomore
158 703 00:20:42.8 Ivan Robinson Jordan Falcons Junior
159 836 00:20:46.3 Ben Usberghi Northside High School Junior
160 1004 00:20:47.8 Josiah Elliott Parkland High School Sophomore
161 1766 00:20:52.9 Cyrus Homesley Mooresville High
School Sophomore
162 2353 00:20:56.4 Matt Lowe Western Guilford Senior
163 109 00:20:58.1 Chris Bingham Southeast Guilford Freshman
164 842 00:20:59.3 Quang Nguyen Northside High School Sophomore
165 1002 00:21:01.2 Gaired Jordan Parkland High School Junior
167 196 00:21:07.1 Corey Albrecht Southwest Guilford Senior
168 1339 00:21:10.3 Mike Elwood Northern Guilford Freshman
169 762 00:21:18.3 Cary Mundell Terry Sanford High Sophomore
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Saturday, September 25, 2010
GXCI 2010
Individual Results
Place Race # Time First Name Last Name Team Grade
170 856 00:21:33.6 Kevin Dugan Northside High School Sophomore
171 963 00:21:33.8 Frederick Campbell Wakefield High School Freshman
172 949 00:21:34.8 Trent Jones Wakefield High School Junior
173 768 00:21:44.3 John Kowal Terry Sanford High
School Sophomore
174 207 00:22:06.9 Nathan Fuchs Southwest Guilford Senior
175 939 00:22:26.8 george stiak Wakefield High School Senior
176 202 00:22:40.3 DJ Chamblee Southwest Guilford Freshman
177 228 00:23:24.2 Hassan Rahim Southwest Guilford Senior
178 214 00:23:30.8 Tim Hayes Southwest Guilford Sophomore
179 231 00:24:24.5 Justin