MPHS YVC #4 2025

Mount Pleasant, NC
Timing/Results Pierre Timing

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Coaches, teams, and spectators should NOT arrive on-campus prior to 2:30 PM

Team buses will follow the ATHLETIC EVENT signs and should plan to park on the lower loop of the campus. 

Coaches meeting will start at 3:15 PM

Field Events will start at 3:30 PM (4x800 Relay will take place during field events)

Running events will start at 4:30 PM (100h/110h/100m) on the backstretch of the track

ROLLING SCHEDULE will be utilized after the completion of the backstretch events

Request each school bring/provide stating blocks for their team

All spectators will park in the STUDENT PARKING LOT and make a short walk to the stadium

Ticket purchase will be made through the GOFAN app and NO CASH sales are available

As a reminder:  Cabarrus County has a NO BAG policy for stadium entrance

and allows only medical equipment or diaper bags w/child visible.