Marvin Ridge Invitational 2025

Waxhaw, NC

Meet Information

Entries are done via ATHLETIC.NET

The meet is sanctioned for teams in: North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. Please contact us if you'd like to come from outside those states.



3:45 - 4:15 PM -  SP & D - Weigh - In Implement & Inspection for Shot Put & Discus. We will start with Boys Discus and Girls Shot. After they are complete then it will be Boys Shot and Girls Discus.

3:45 - 4:15 PM- Weigh in for Girls PV

4:30 PM - 4x800



3200m (No limit on the number of entries per team but we ask that only boys under 12:45 and girls under 14:45 are entered.)


8:30-9:00- Weigh ins Boys PV

10:00 AM- Boys PV.

Girls first in HJ followed by boys

Girls Long Jump will start at the pit at mid field follow by Triple Jump at the same pit.

Boys Long Jump will start at the pit under the trees at the lower/team entrance of the stadium followed by Triple Jump

10:00 AM- Start

100/110H prelims

100m prelims

100/110H finals

100m finals








Opening height for High Jump is 4'3" for girls & 5'3" for boys.

Opening height for Pole Vault is 7'0" for girls & 9'0" for boys.

There is a limit of 3 athletes per team for all field events, 4 per team in 100m, 400m, 100/110H & 300H, 800, 1600; 1 relay team per event for each school.

The top 40 entries per gender will be accepted in: SP, D, LJ & TJ.

These entry seeds must be from verifiable meet results within the past 365 days.

T-Shirts will be for sale & we will have food trucks on site.

We will serve dinner for coaches on Friday & lunch on Saturday. Admission for spectators is $8 and there will be a 2-day pass offered for $12 on Friday. (Go Fan charges a fee of $1, so the total will be $9 for the single day and $13 for the pass on Friday). 

Entries will be done on & the deadline is Monday, March 11 at 11:00 PM.

On March 12, a list will be sent listing those who made the cut for the events we have limitations for (LJ, TJ, SP, D, 800m & 1600m).

Team entry fee is $200 (or $100 for girls/$100 for boys). Teams with less than 10 athletes per gender can pay $10/athlete & $25/relay team.

Please mail payment to: Kailyn Lockie/ Marvin Ridge High School/ 2825 Crane Rd./ Waxhaw, NC 28173 or bring a check with you to the meet.Please contact ,, or with any questions.