Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
*email for password
*entries due 3/24 at 10pm
*scratches as soon as you know them during the day of 3/26, we will do one last scratch meeting at coaches meeting (3:45) to see if any sprint or hurdle event needs to be reseeded for more efficient heats.
*Please let me know what event your coaches are willing to help with , we will need at least 2 coaches from each school to help.
*as far as uniforms, please just make sure your athletes are representing your school and it is recognizable. Try to make your relays match for that race.
* concessions will be available
Coaches Meeting: 3:45 PM at timing tent.
Track Closes at 4:20 PM, 4x800 starts rolling schedule
Field events: Start at 4:00 PM
**(3 jumps & 3 throws)**
Long Jump: (Girls followed by Boys) Pit 1 running toward the home side
Discus:(Boys followed by Girls)
Shot Put:(Girls followed by Boys)
High Jump:(Boys followed by Girls) Opening Height: (B): TBD
Pole Vault:(Girls followed by Boys) Opening Height: (G): TBD (B): TBD
Triple Jump: (Boys and Girls)Girls in Pit 1 (going towards home side) and Boys in Pit 2 (going towards away side)
4:30PM Finals (Girls followed by Boys, or both together if possible)
4x800m Relay Finals
4x200m Relay
4x100m Relay
300m IH (lanes 2-5)
4x400m Relay