Meet Information
Start time is 4pm with the 4x800 running together. We will also start all field events at 4pm.
*This meet will be F.A.T. timed.
4:00pm 4x800 (together) and Boy's HJ, Girl's Shot, PV is together, LJ is open pit
4:15pm 55m HH Girls then boys (Distance runners help with hurdles).
4:30pm 55m dash Girls then boys
4:45pm 4x200m relay girls then boys
5:00pm 1600m run together
5:10pm 500m dash Girls then Boys
5:20pm 1000m run Together if possible
5:30pm 300m dash girls then boys
5:40pm 3200m run together
5:55pm 4x400m together if not over 3 teams each
Email or text Coach Raza-Spearman for the password for this or 704-915-5610
The $40 fee allows us to hire a professional timing crew for this meet. Timing by Pierre Timing.