Bring Back the Mile 2024

Winston Salem, NC
Hosted by Atkins

Meet Information

Bring Back the Mile:  UPDATED TIME SCHEDULE:

Friday night from 600pm - 830pm is the Bring Back the Mile (One event track Meet) hosted by the AtkIns HS. HS Girls run at 715pm & HS Boys run at 730pm. Middle school and elementary age races at 630pm with Masters (40+) at 645pm. Lights, music and PR's!!!!!! All HS runners will be running unattached with no school uniforms allowed.

The BBTM is an opportunity for ALL cross country runners to test their Speed Endurance level with a One Mile race on the track with other fast runners. High School runners from NC must run unattached as XC is over and Indoor track does not start until 11/11/24. . We will run heats from slow to fast starting with the Elementary Mile followed by the Middle School Heats and finally the High School and Open heats. We will start with girls followed by boys. No athletes are allowed on the infield at any time. Spectators are allowed on the track to cheer on their runners and athletes are allowed on the track in lanes three to eight.  Entry fee is $20 per athlete, ATKINS HS RUNNERS MUST PAY ENTRY FEE but each athlete receives an Official Meet T-shirt with their entry fee.( $30 Value ) The races are OPEN for RUNNERS OF ANY AGE! We will base heats on your PR for the Mile or 1600m. We will run male and female together based on the time YOU enter with.

Schedule of Events: 7:00pm  Heat #1 of the Mile Rolling Schedule begins after Heat #1 FINAL HEAT #'s emailed and posted at 400pm on 11/8/24. LATE ENTRIES ADD $10 for a total of $30.