Meet Information
Sandhills Classical Christian School
1487 Rays Bridge Road
Carthage, NC 28327
Turn right when entering the school's main entrance. Parking will be in the large parking lot between the Primary and Grammar School buildings. Large buses should park along the sidewalk next to the Grammar School building (after 3:30PM).
Check In:
Packet pickup will be under the tent next to the finish line.
Packets will include bibs and pins, course maps , and a QR code to access information on mobile devices.
Teams may walk the courses prior to the first race. All athletes must be off the courses for the start of the Elementary School Fun Run.
The course surface consists of grass, mulch, natural woods, and about 100 yards of asphalt/stone.

Concessions will be available!
- 2:30 PM - 3:40 PM - Course Walk Through
- 3:25 PM - Coaches Meeting (@ The Finish Line)
- 3:40 PM - Elementary School (Coed) 2K Fun Run
- 4:05 PM - Middle School Girls 3K Race
- 4:30 PM - Middle School Boys 3K Race
- 4:55 PM - High School Ladies 5K Race
- 5:30 PM - High School Gents 5K Race
- 6:15 PM - Awards (Elementary School top 10 medals will be handed out at finish)