Reindeer Classic 2025

Winston-Salem, NC

Final Results

Licensed to Foothills Timing and Meet Management - Contractor License
                                      HY-TEK's Meet Manager 12/20/2024 08:00 PM
                         Reindeer Classic - 12/20/2024                         
                                JDL Fast Track                                 
Girls 55 Meter
    Facility: $  6.76  2/12/2022   Shawnti Jackson, Wakefield                  
 HS Facility: !  6.76  2/12/2022   Shawnti Jackson, Wakefield                  
        Meet: %  7.18  2022        Victoria Knight, Weddington                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Kelly MacBride            12 Panther Cree              7.30   5 
  2 Carmealla Marino          12 Reagan                    7.33   5 
  3 Emily Degnan              12 Apex                      7.48   5 
  4 Taylor Hayes              10 Green Level               7.50   5 
  5 Marley Ingram             10 Reagan                    7.54   5 
  6 Janiyah Mckinnie          12 Willow Spring             7.68   4 
  7 Naomi Nelms               11 Panther Cree              7.70   5 
  8 Bailey Huff               12 Reagan                    7.71   4 
  9 Nicole Raysor             11 East Meck                 7.72   4 
 10 Madyson Rivera             9 Apex Friends              7.74   3 
 11 Melani Linton             12 Swain County              7.75   3 
 12 Ainsley Moore             11 Athens Drive              7.75   4 
 13 Zyere Norwood             11 Mount Tabor               7.77   4 
 13 Trinity Barrino            9 Apex Friends              7.77   5 
 15 Latrice Barther           12 Willow Spring             7.79   5 
 16 Piper Williamson          11 Athens Drive              7.85   2 
 17 Emerson Eisenberg         10 Wake Forest               7.86   2 
 18 Mahalet Kefelegn          11 Apex Friends              7.88   3 
 19 Jaida Roberts              9 Athens Drive              7.90   2 
 20 Michelle Thomas           10 Wake Forest               7.91   2 
 21 Camille Jackson           10 Panther Cree              7.92   3 
 22 Lauryn George              9 West Forsyth              7.94   3 
 23 Arianna Adams             10 Cary                      7.95   4 
 24 Simya Haire               12 Pinecrest                 8.01   4 
 24 Cassidy Owens             10 East Meck                 8.01   1 
 26 Iyana Lyon                 9 Apex                      8.06   1 
 27 Charday Clay               9 Willow Spring             8.08   2 
 28 Jasmyn Johnson            11 Mount Tabor               8.12   3 
 29 Grace Kang                 9 Green Level               8.12   1 
 30 Sylvia Fisher             10 Pinecrest                 8.13   2 
 31 Maddie Starkey            11 Mount Tabor               8.14   1 
 32 Tricia Oh                 11 Apex                      8.17   1 
 33 Chloe Randell             12 West Forsyth              8.24   2 
 34 Charlotte VanTassel       10 Wake Forest               8.52   1 
Girls 300 Meter
    Facility: $ 37.70  1/11/2020   Kayla Davis, Unattached                     
 HS Facility: ! 37.70  1/11/2020   Kayla Davis, Unattached                     
        Meet: % 41.32  2023        Madelyn Flower, Apex                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Ayani Patterson           12 Willow Spring            40.46%  7 
  2 Avelina Doucette          12 Panther Cree             41.65   7 
  3 Janelle Caldeira          12 Cary                     42.21   7 
  4 Madison McClamrock        11 Apex                     42.48   7 
  5 Marley Ingram             10 Reagan                   42.72   6 
  6 Taylor Hayes              10 Green Level              43.43   6 
  7 Arianna Adams             10 Cary                     44.27   6 
  8 Glitter Banks             11 Athens Drive             44.48   7 
  9 Kayla Howard              10 Apex                     44.80   4 
 10 Phoebe Greengrass         12 Green Level              45.13   1 
 11 Melani Linton             12 Swain County             45.28   6 
 12 Ava Mangum                 9 Willow Spring            45.42   4 
 13 Una Davis                 10 West Forsyth             45.59   5 
 14 Sanii Abernathy            9 East Meck                45.60   2 
 15 Alexis Yeung              12 Apex Friends             45.73   3 
 16 Hope Newsome              11 West Forsyth             45.80   5 
 17 Smith Craft               10 Apex                     45.98   1 
 18 Sadey Smith               11 Cary                     46.06   6 
 19 Alyssa Sauerbrei          10 Willow Spring            46.36   1 
 20 Jiyai Parreott            10 West Forsyth             46.41   3 
 21 Clara Strickland           9 Reagan                   46.45   4 
 22 Felicity North            10 Green Level              46.59   2 
 23 Delilah Caldwell          12 Reagan                   46.72   5 
 24 Margaret Moyer            11 East Meck                46.74   4 
 25 Leila Copenhaver          10 Pinecrest                46.78   4 
 26 Madyson Rivera             9 Apex Friends             46.80   3 
 27 Emerson Eisenberg         10 Wake Forest              46.99   5 
 28 Sylvia Fisher             10 Pinecrest                47.01   5 
 29 Mahalet Kefelegn          11 Apex Friends             47.10   3 
 30 Laila Knox                 9 Pinecrest                47.54   3 
 31 Charlotte VanTassel       10 Wake Forest              48.01   2 
 32 Camille Jackson           10 Panther Cree             48.11   6 
 33 Mariah Hatcher            11 Athens Drive             48.20   3 
 34 Michelle Thomas           10 Wake Forest              48.27   2 
 35 Isabella Castro           12 East Meck                48.32   2 
 36 Addison Blankenship       10 Swain County             48.56   2 
 37 Emma Dale                  9 Athens Drive             48.80   5 
 38 Epiphany Coe              11 Mount Tabor              51.52   1 
 39 Aubrey Neff               11 Mount Tabor              58.49   1 
 -- Ahtiana Myers             10 Mount Tabor                DNF   4 
Girls 500 Meter
    Facility: $ 1:11.90  1/5/2019    Kayla Davis, Unattached                   
 HS Facility: ! 1:11.90  1/5/2019    Kayla Davis, Unattached                   
        Meet: % 1:18.65  2022        Madelyn Flower, Apex                      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Corrine McGuire           12 Pinecrest              1:18.78   6 
  2 Annie Lewis               11 Swain County           1:18.79   6 
  3 Meghan Eidelman            9 Reagan                 1:23.31   5 
  4 Ava Kate Starr            10 Apex Friends           1:23.56   5 
  5 Helen Wegner              11 Mount Tabor            1:24.36   4 
  6 Peyton Page               12 Pinecrest              1:24.45   5 
  7 Mia Lehman                11 Cary                   1:25.34   6 
  8 Abigail Norman            10 Panther Cree           1:25.52   5 
  9 Erica Rash                12 Cary                   1:28.92   6 
 10 Avery Faber               11 Apex Friends           1:29.04   3 
 11 Ava Wayne                 11 Willow Spring          1:29.13   4 
 12 Sydnie Kalgren            11 East Meck              1:29.50   4 
 13 Paige Sullivan            11 Athens Drive           1:29.69   1 
 14 Madison Rowland           11 Pinecrest              1:30.11   3 
 15 Maggie Stogner             9 Reagan                 1:30.33   4 
 16 Vivienne Mistor            9 Mount Tabor            1:31.16   3 
 17 Shelby Kiefer             11 Mount Tabor            1:31.19   3 
 18 Taylor Smith               9 Willow Spring          1:32.03   1 
 19 Emmaline Montanez         10 Wake Forest            1:32.40   3 
 20 Ivy Peterson               9 Athens Drive           1:33.09   1 
 21 Clara Michaels             9 Apex                   1:33.21   1 
 22 Lilah Foster              12 Swain County           1:36.44   2 
 23 Lilly Shaffer             11 Reagan                 1:37.17   2 
 24 Natalie Baker             10 Wake Forest            1:39.82   2 
 25 Aven Rundgren              9 Willow Spring          1:40.36   2 
 26 Rya James                 11 Wake Forest            1:40.79   1 
Girls 1000 Meter
    Facility: $ 2:46.98  12/8/2024   Charlotte Augenstein, Wake Forest         
 HS Facility: ! 2:50.77  1/17/2023   Charlotte Bell, Cuthbertson               
        Meet: % 3:06.42  2023        Eliza Greengrass, Green Level             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Maeli Gleason             12 Athens Drive           3:06.12%  3 
  2 Allie Raitano             12 Wake Forest            3:07.33   3 
  3 Olivia Markel              9 Wake Forest            3:10.74   2 
  4 Annette Lee               12 Panther Cree           3:14.35   3 
  5 Lily Hayes                11 Reagan                 3:14.37   2 
  6 Olivia Boyette             9 Apex Friends           3:14.81   3 
  7 Rey Baran                 11 Apex Friends           3:16.86   2 
  8 Annie Lewis               11 Swain County           3:17.26   3 
  9 Katie Snyder              10 Apex Friends           3:19.44   2 
 10 Cadence Zimmerman          9 Apex                   3:19.50   1 
 11 Dempsey Burgess-Baldi     11 West Forsyth           3:20.74   3 
 12 Caroline Plummer          12 Willow Spring          3:22.01   2 
 13 Kaia Ramsey               12 Panther Cree           3:22.48   2 
 14 Jillian Luke               9 Willow Spring          3:22.95   2 
 15 Steffie Lapin             10 Panther Cree           3:23.38   2 
 16 Holly Hughes              10 Cary                   3:23.56   2 
 17 Amelia Carr                9 Apex Friends          x3:23.61   3 
 18 Anya Barcelo              10 Athens Drive           3:25.48   2 
 19 Emma Slaughter            10 Panther Cree          x3:30.43   3 
 20 Cheyenne Paquin           11 Pinecrest              3:31.62   1 
 21 Celia Tonidandel           9 West Forsyth           3:31.76   3 
 22 Claire Collins            12 Pinecrest              3:32.38   3 
 23 Ava Jones                  9 Wake Forest            3:33.58   1 
 24 Kenadie Rebholz            9 Willow Spring          3:33.61   2 
 25 Savannah Haught           10 Wake Forest           x3:34.04   1 
 26 Caroline Armentrout       12 Mount Tabor            3:34.52   3 
 27 Juliana Kopras            11 Apex                   3:35.25   2 
 28 Ava Brown                 12 Pinecrest              3:40.94   1 
 29 Amelia Baldisserotto      11 Athens Drive           3:44.06   1 
 30 Anjali Patel              11 Apex                   3:47.86   1 
 31 Hannah Dyer               12 Pinecrest             x3:48.59   2 
 32 Malak Makhlof             11 Apex                  x3:56.39   1 
 33 Madeleine Mount           10 Cary                   4:08.74   1 
 34 Lizzie Grace Allen        11 Mount Tabor            4:20.21   1 
 35 Katie Weller              11 Mount Tabor            4:34.62   1 
 -- Emily Grey Stargell       10 Swain County               DNF   3 
 -- Claire Moyer              12 East Meck                  DNF   1 
Girls 1600 Meter
    Facility: $ 4:44.75  2/9/2024    Charlotte Bell, Cuthbertson               
 HS Facility: ! 4:44.75  2/9/2024    Charlotte Bell, Cuthbertson               
        Meet: % 5:18.34  2022        Bronwyn Parks, Mount Tabor                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Arizona Blankenship       12 Swain County           4:57.73%  3 
  2 Madeline Dorsch            9 Pinecrest              5:12.66%  3 
  3 Gracie Plastino           10 Apex                   5:20.94   3 
  4 Addison Doran             12 Apex Friends           5:22.84   3 
  5 Payton Rice                9 Apex Friends           5:27.08   3 
  6 Paige Askew               11 Reagan                 5:27.50   3 
  7 Ella Chamberlain          10 Apex Friends           5:27.62   3 
  8 Shreya Agrawal            11 Green Level            5:28.37   3 
  9 Meredith Wildes           10 Apex Friends          x5:31.85   3 
 10 Jamie Johnson             10 Panther Cree           5:36.38   3 
 11 Camryn Quinn              12 Panther Cree           5:37.38   3 
 12 Angelina Lomeli           11 Swain County           5:44.19   3 
 13 Zoe Simmonds              12 Reagan                 5:52.69   2 
 14 Peyton Tiernan            10 Apex                   5:53.61   2 
 15 Kate Malanowski           11 West Forsyth           5:55.12   2 
 16 Elizabeth Shank           11 Pinecrest              5:55.19   2 
 17 Allyssa Whitney           12 Willow Spring          5:55.85   2 
 18 Sara Khadel               12 Green Level            5:55.97   2 
 19 Adrianna Donahue          11 Panther Cree           5:56.52   2 
 20 Amira Khare               11 Green Level            5:56.86   1 
 21 Natalia Roda              11 Apex                   5:56.95   2 
 22 Reece Baldwin             10 Pinecrest              5:57.78   1 
 23 Caroline Coleman          12 Green Level           x5:58.65   2 
 24 Ameliah Carrier           10 Willow Spring          6:00.43   2 
 25 Mackenzie Dorsch           9 Pinecrest             x6:02.45   1 
 26 Beatrice Werdel           10 Cary                   6:03.59   2 
 27 Rylie Taylor               9 Reagan                 6:05.71   1 
 28 Sela Fagerstrom           11 Apex                  x6:07.15   1 
 29 Brianna Hernandez         12 Willow Spring          6:11.58   2 
 30 Sanvi Vattikuti            9 Panther Cree          x6:12.65   2 
 31 Yana Savenkova            10 Wake Forest            6:19.57   1 
 32 Abbey Collupy             12 Wake Forest            6:19.94   1 
 33 Emma Reynolds             12 Wake Forest            6:29.82   1 
 34 Payton Whitney            10 Willow Spring         x6:33.06   1 
 35 Madison Blankenship       10 Swain County           6:39.36   1 
 36 Sadie Mecham              11 West Forsyth           7:10.57   1 
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Facility: $  7.70  12/19/2015  Anna Cockrell, Unattached                   
 HS Facility: !  7.70  12/19/2015  Anna Cockrell, Unattached                   
        Meet: %  8.46  2021        Alexa Nestor, Green Level                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Akeelah Knox              12 Pinecrest                 8.78   4 
  2 Avelina Doucette          12 Panther Cree              8.78   4 
  3 Phoebe Greengrass         12 Green Level               9.16   4 
  4 Audrey Ludlum             12 Panther Cree              9.17   4 
  5 Karmen Morgan             10 Mount Tabor               9.23   4 
  6 Alexandra Dawson          12 Apex Friends              9.26   4 
  7 Haley Evenson             12 Apex Friends              9.61   4 
  8 Promise Norton            11 Pinecrest                 9.70   3 
  9 Isabella Castro           12 East Meck                10.08   3 
 10 Palmer Stiles             10 Pinecrest                10.28   2 
 11 Shellie Matthews          10 Reagan                   10.35   2 
 12 Nevaeh Tillery            10 Athens Drive             10.41   2 
 13 Erica Wong                12 Panther Cree             10.45   2 
 14 Felicity North            10 Green Level              10.48   3 
 15 Lila Boldt                11 Athens Drive             10.62   1 
 16 Maddie Starkey            11 Mount Tabor              10.65   3 
 17 Vidalise Adolphus         11 Reagan                   10.81   1 
 18 Alyssa Sauerbrei          10 Willow Spring            10.88   1 
 19 Adelaide Benjamin         11 Athens Drive             10.89   1 
 20 Nevaeha Williams           9 Mount Tabor              10.95   2 
 21 Addison Collins           12 Apex                     11.07   2 
 22 Mya Burrows-Kurr          12 Swain County             11.11   3 
 23 Layla Williams            10 Willow Spring            11.72   1 
 24 Claire Watanabe           11 Apex                     14.91   1 
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    Facility: $ 1:39.40  2/6/2015    , Parkland                                
                         McNeill, Williams, Bryant, Sherman                
 HS Facility: ! 1:39.40  2/6/2015    , Parkland                                
                         McNeill, Williams, Bryant, Sherman                
        Meet: % 1:46.80  2023        , Apex                                    
                         Mays, Flower, Degnan, McClamrock                  
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Reagan  'A'                                         1:46.45%  2 
     1) Carmealla Marino 12             2) Marley Ingram 10               
     3) Bailey Huff 12                  4) Delilah Caldwell 12            
  2 Panther Creek  'A'                                  1:46.91   2 
     1) Avelina Doucette 12             2) Kelly MacBride 12              
     3) Audrey Ludlum 12                4) Naomi Nelms 11                 
  3 Willow Spring  'A'                                  1:47.69   2 
     1) Journie Williams 10             2) Janiyah Mckinnie 12            
     3) Latrice Barther 12              4) Ayani Patterson 12             
  4 Pinecrest  'A'                                      1:49.99   1 
     1) Promise Norton 11               2) Akeelah Knox 12                
     3) Leila Copenhaver 10             4) Sylvia Fisher 10               
  5 Apex  'A'                                           1:50.32   2 
     1) Madison McClamrock 11           2) Smith Craft 10                 
     3) Kayla Howard 10                 4) Emily Degnan 12                
  6 East Mecklenburg  'A'                               1:52.27   1 
     1) Sanii Abernathy 9               2) Kacie Bailey 12                
     3) Nicole Raysor 11                4) Cassidy Owens 10               
  7 Apex Friendship  'A'                                1:53.46   1 
     1) Alexandra Dawson 12             2) Alexis Yeung 12                
     3) Mahalet Kefelegn 11             4) Haley Evenson 12               
  8 Athens Drive  'A'                                   1:53.91   2 
     1) Glitter Banks 11                2) Ainsley Moore 11               
     3) Emma Dale 9                     4) Piper Williamson 11            
  9 Swain County  'A'                                   1:54.65   1 
     1) Kazandra Cooper 9               2) Audrey Monteith 11             
     3) Mya Burrows-Kurr 12             4) Melani Linton 12               
 10 Mount Tabor  'A'                                    1:55.33   1 
     1) Zyere Norwood 11                2) Jasmyn Johnson 11              
     3) Epiphany Coe 11                 4) Ahtiana Myers 10               
 -- West Forsyth  'A'                                       DNF   1 
     1) Jiyai Parreott 10               2) Hope Newsome 11                
     3) Una Davis 10                    4) Sophie Dorman 10               
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    Facility: $ 3:41.61  1/30/2016   , GW Express/Nike                         
                         Cox, Brown, Dorr, Haye-Smith                      
 HS Facility: ! 3:48.73  2/11/2017   , High Point Central                      
                         Creary, Gidderon, McPhail, Clark                  
        Meet: % 4:10.56  2022        , Reagan                                  
                         Fassinger, Henderson, Vaughan, Buff               
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Reagan  'A'                                         4:06.71% 
     1) Sarah Fassinger 12              2) Kate Henderson 12              
     3) Carmealla Marino 12             4) Bailey Huff 12                 
  2 Pinecrest  'A'                                      4:19.08  
     1) Promise Norton 11               2) Peyton Page 12                 
     3) Madeline Dorsch 9               4) Corrine McGuire 12             
  3 Swain County  'A'                                   4:20.97  
     1) Kazandra Cooper 9               2) Audrey Monteith 11             
     3) Mya Burrows-Kurr 12             4) Annie Lewis 11                 
  4 Apex Friendship  'A'                                4:22.05  
     1) Alexandra Dawson 12             2) Haley Evenson 12               
     3) Ava Kate Starr 10               4) Lauren Artman 12               
  5 Panther Creek  'A'                                  4:35.09  
     1) Camryn Quinn 12                 2) Jamie Johnson 10               
     3) Sanvi Vattikuti 9               4) Abigail Norman 10              
  6 Willow Spring  'A'                                  4:42.24  
     1) Ava Mangum 9                    2) Aven Rundgren 9                
     3) Ava Wayne 11                    4) Jillian Luke 9                 
  7 Apex  'A'                                           4:59.51  
     1) Logan McDonald 12               2) Abigail Verburgt 12            
     3) Meagan Baston 12                4) Caroline Rogers 11             
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    Facility: $  9:14.44  1/28/2022   , Cuthbertson                            
                          Kermes, Preisano, Bell, Preisano                  
 HS Facility: !  9:14.44  1/28/2022   , Cuthbertson                            
                          Kermes, Preisano, Bell, Preisano                  
        Meet: % 10:07.31  2022        , Cary                                   
                          Murphy, Elkan, Morrison, Klett                    
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Reagan  'A'                                         9:43.18% 
     1) Kate Henderson 12               2) Sarah Fassinger 12             
     3) Meghan Eidelman 9               4) Lily Hayes 11                  
  2 Swain County  'A'                                   9:47.43% 
     1) Arizona Blankenship 12          2) Angelina Lomeli 11             
     3) Emily Grey Stargell 10          4) Annie Lewis 11                 
  3 Cary  'A'                                          10:08.84  
     1) Mia Lehman 11                   2) Sadey Smith 11                 
     3) Holly Hughes 10                 4) Erica Rash 12                  
  4 Apex Friendship  'A'                               10:15.91  
     1) Olivia Boyette 9                2) Amelia Carr 9                  
     3) Cate McGee 11                   4) Rey Baran 11                   
  5 Wake Forest  'A'                                   10:23.11  
     1) Olivia Markel 9                 2) Ava Jones 9                    
     3) Allie Raitano 12                4) Savannah Haught 10             
  6 Willow Spring  'A'                                 10:42.09  
     1) Allyssa Whitney 12              2) Ameliah Carrier 10             
     3) Caroline Plummer 12             4) Jillian Luke 9                 
  7 Pinecrest  'A'                                     11:00.80  
     1) Hannah Dyer 12                  2) Cheyenne Paquin 11             
     3) Claire Collins 12               4) Jenna Kawase 12                
  8 East Mecklenburg  'A'                              11:04.11  
     1) Kacie Bailey 12                 2) Sydnie Kalgren 11              
     3) Claire Moyer 12                 4) Margaret Moyer 11              
  9 Apex  'A'                                          11:39.20  
     1) Logan McDonald 12               2) Abigail Verburgt 12            
     3) Meagan Baston 12                4) Caroline Rogers 11             
Girls High Jump
    Facility: $ 6-03.50  2/7/2020    Erika Kinsey, Puma                        
 HS Facility: !    6-01  2/9/2019    Morgan Small, Panther Creek               
        Meet: %    5-04  2021        Faith Spencer, Panther Creek              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Natasha Griffith          12 Panther Cree           5-03.00  
  2 Ashley Casas              11 Reagan                J5-03.00  
  3 Sloane Whalen             12 Mount Tabor            5-01.00  
  4 Emerson Eisenberg         10 Wake Forest           J5-01.00  
  5 Margaret Korzon           10 Apex                   4-11.00  
  5 Gracie Sutton             12 Swain County           4-11.00  
  7 Karmen Morgan             10 Mount Tabor            4-09.00  
  7 Nevaeh Tillery            10 Athens Drive           4-09.00  
  9 Alyssa Sauerbrei          10 Willow Spring         J4-09.00  
 10 Azyiah Campbell           12 Pinecrest              4-07.00  
 10 Kennedy Edwards           10 Wake Forest            4-07.00  
 10 Kalina Ilieva             10 Apex Friends           4-07.00  
 10 Emma Kertis               10 Apex Friends           4-07.00  
 13 Nyla Drake                11 Pinecrest             J4-07.00  
 14 Riley Petronzio           11 Mount Tabor           J4-07.00  
 16 Ananya KS                 10 Green Level            4-05.00  
 16 Sophie Shaw               10 Athens Drive           4-05.00  
 16 Addison Blankenship       10 Swain County           4-05.00  
 19 Kamryn Cuffey             10 Athens Drive           4-03.00  
 19 Heidi Ammann              10 Swain County           4-03.00  
 19 Kayla Stevenson           12 Panther Cree           4-03.00  
 -- Aven Rundgren              9 Willow Spring               NH  
 -- Taylor Smith               9 Willow Spring               NH  
 -- Alexis Jackson            12 Panther Cree                NH  
Girls Pole Vault
    Facility: $ 15-01.50  1/30/2016   Katie Nageotte, Unattached               
 HS Facility: !    14-00  1/20/2024   Hannah Grace, Coastal Christian          
        Meet: %    12-03  2022        Lena Richardson, Panther Creek           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Rachel Riley              10 Mount Tabor           11-00.00  
  2 Noelle Childs             12 West Forsyth          10-06.00  
  3 Carden Oetting            10 Swain County           9-06.00  
  4 Gwyneth Overton            9 Athens Drive           9-00.00  
  4 Makayla Jacobs            10 Reagan                 9-00.00  
  4 Scarlett Siebert          10 West Forsyth           9-00.00  
  7 Alden Thomas              12 Swain County           8-06.00  
  8 Hannah Wingate            12 Swain County          J8-06.00  
  9 Ellen Haggstrom           11 West Forsyth          J8-06.00  
 10 Sydney Veeneman           12 Pinecrest              8-00.00  
 10 Emma Kertis               10 Apex Friends           8-00.00  
 10 Audrey Ludlum             12 Panther Cree           8-00.00  
 13 Naomi Decker              10 Apex                   7-06.00  
 14 Ava Wayne                 11 Willow Spring          7-00.00  
 15 Nicole Ceasar             12 Reagan                 6-06.00  
 -- Ainsley Moore             11 Athens Drive                NH  
Girls Long Jump
    Facility: $    21-00  2/22/2020   Aliyah Whisby, Unattached                
 HS Facility: ! 20-02.50  2/2/2020    Morgan Smalls, Panther Creek             
        Meet: %    17-03  2022        Oluwanefemi Kalejaiye, Athens Drive      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Kelly MacBride            12 Panther Cree          17-05.25%  2 
  2 Jakayla Jackson           12 Reagan                15-09.00   2 
  3 Kalina Ilieva             10 Apex Friends          15-08.50   2 
  4 Kayla Mudd                12 Panther Cree          15-06.50   2 
  5 Hope Newsome              11 West Forsyth          15-06.00   2 
  6 Chloe Randell             12 West Forsyth          15-03.00   1 
  7 Camille Jackson           10 Panther Cree          15-02.00   1 
  8 Lelani Queen              10 Swain County          15-01.50   2 
  9 Journie Williams          10 Willow Spring         15-00.00   2 
 10 Fareeda Rubama            11 Reagan                14-08.00   2 
 11 Taylor Reynolds           10 Apex Friends         J14-08.00   2 
 12 Grace Kang                 9 Green Level          J14-08.00   2 
 13 Simya Haire               12 Pinecrest             14-03.25   1 
 14 Jordan Gainey             10 Reagan                14-01.00   2 
 15 Jasmyn Johnson            11 Mount Tabor           13-10.00   2 
 16 Sophie Shaw               10 Athens Drive          13-05.00   1 
 17 Hadley Zeh                10 Pinecrest             13-04.00   1 
 18 Tricia Oh                 11 Apex                  13-03.25   2 
 19 Avery Faber               11 Apex Friends          13-02.50   1 
 20 Layla Williams            10 Willow Spring         13-00.00   1 
 21 Delaney Wood              10 Pinecrest             12-10.00   1 
 22 Zyere Norwood             11 Mount Tabor           12-09.00   1 
 23 Kamryn Cuffey             10 Athens Drive          12-01.00   1 
 24 Gabrielle Negron          11 Athens Drive          10-08.50   1 
 25 Emmaline Montanez         10 Wake Forest           10-06.00   1 
Girls Triple Jump
    Facility: $    42-11  2/2/2019    Imani Oliver, Unattached                 
 HS Facility: ! 41-09.75  2/9/2019    Morgan Smalls, Panther Creek             
        Meet: %    36-08  2023        Ivana Gomez, Green Hope                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Lelani Queen              10 Swain County          33-04.00  
  2 Lauryn Thacker            12 Reagan                33-02.25  
  3 Kayla Stevenson           12 Panther Cree          32-08.50  
  4 Kayla Mudd                12 Panther Cree          32-07.00  
  5 Karmen Morgan             10 Mount Tabor           32-04.25  
  6 Kalina Ilieva             10 Apex Friends          32-00.00  
  7 Jakayla Jackson           12 Reagan                31-08.00  
  8 Nevaeh Tillery            10 Athens Drive          31-06.50  
  9 Simya Haire               12 Pinecrest             31-03.00  
 10 Chloe Randell             12 West Forsyth          30-09.00  
 11 Taylor Reynolds           10 Apex Friends          30-01.25  
 12 Delaney Wood              10 Pinecrest             30-00.25  
 13 Claire Welling             9 Pinecrest             25-09.50  
 14 Heidi Ammann              10 Swain County          24-09.00  
Girls Shot Put
    Facility: $ 58-05.50  2/8/2020    Raven Saunders, Nike                     
 HS Facility: ! 53-08.25  12/21/2013  Raven Saunders, Unattached               
        Meet: % 43-02.75  2023        Natalie Brown, Weddington                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Journie Williams          10 Willow Spring         38-05.25   2 
  2 Laila Jones                9 West Forsyth          34-10.00   2 
  3 Samantha Woodard          12 Swain County          33-10.50   2 
  4 Carley Teesateskie        11 Swain County          31-01.50   2 
  5 Gabrielle Holt            11 West Forsyth          28-01.00   2 
  6 Madison Blankenship       10 Swain County          27-04.50   2 
  7 McKenna Christy           10 Pinecrest             27-01.00   1 
  8 Stephanie Rodgers         12 Pinecrest             26-00.00   2 
  9 Xandra McMillan           12 Pinecrest             24-00.75   2 
 10 Ananya KS                 10 Green Level           23-10.25   1 
 11 Ruby Morales              12 Reagan                23-09.50   2 
 12 Anshi Marri               11 Panther Cree          22-03.75   1 
 13 Gabrielle Negron          11 Athens Drive          18-01.50   1 
Boys 55 Meter
    Facility: $  6.22  2/15/2020   Michael Gupton, Rolesville                  
 HS Facility: !  6.19  2/11/2023   Antwan Hughes, Jr., Parkland                
        Meet: %  6.52  2022        Tyson Adams, West Forsyth                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Keaten Pegues             12 Pinecrest                 6.48%  5 
  2 Owen Green                11 Cary                      6.52%  4 
  3 Quinn Offenbaker          11 Apex Friends              6.60   4 
  4 Wendell Wells             10 Pinecrest                 6.63   5 
  5 Chase Simms-Lassiter      11 Wake Forest               6.66   4 
  6 Adan Knight               12 Cary                      6.66   5 
  7 Zeke Glaspie              11 Swain County              6.68   5 
  8 Dylan Hall                11 Panther Cree              6.69   4 
  9 Aydin Davis               10 West Forsyth              6.69   4 
 10 Ezra Blair                12 Mount Tabor               6.70   5 
 11 Amir Wallace              10 Willow Spring             6.71   5 
 12 Timothy Criddle           12 Apex Friends              6.73   5 
 13 Elijah Patterson          10 Willow Spring             6.77   5 
 14 Amir Trotter              10 Athens Drive              6.77   4 
 15 Isaiah Barrino            11 Apex Friends              6.78   3 
 16 Amir Spencer              12 Panther Cree              6.78   4 
 17 Decobe Pettus             11 West Forsyth              6.78   3 
 18 Zarrien Taylor-Austin     11 Athens Drive              6.79   3 
 19 Kamari Carter             12 Reagan                    6.81   3 
 20 Elijah Davis              10 Reagan                    6.83   4 
 21 Kendal Braddy             11 Mount Tabor               6.84   3 
 22 Michael Wallace           11 Cary                      6.84   2 
 23 Zion Howell               11 Athens Drive              6.85   2 
 24 Kaden Sawyer              10 Swain County              6.85   2 
 25 Mohamed Kamara            12 Apex                      6.87   2 
 26 Trim Greene               12 Willow Spring             6.91   3 
 27 Anthony Gayles            10 Apex                      6.92   3 
 28 Shannon Coleman           11 Wake Forest               6.95   2 
 29 Demond Alvin              12 East Meck                 6.95   2 
 30 G'Siah Patterson          11 Reagan                    6.98   2 
 31 RaShawn Williams          11 Pinecrest                 7.03   1 
 32 Trey Barcinas             11 Green Level               7.07   3 
 33 Kaiden Joyner              9 Panther Cree              7.08   2 
 34 Alex Harper               10 West Forsyth              7.17   1 
 35 Leonardo Andrade          11 Apex                      7.19   1 
 36 Trevor Hinson              9 Mount Tabor               7.20   1 
 37 Drake Luvisi              12 Wake Forest               7.20   1 
 38 Jasiah Phillips           11 East Meck                 7.28   1 
Boys 300 Meter
    Facility: $ 33.85  2/7/2015    Ryan Clark, Unattached                      
 HS Facility: ! 33.85  2/7/2015    Ryan Clark, Unattached                      
        Meet: % 35.79  2022        Reece Morgan, Cuthbertson                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Aydin Davis               10 West Forsyth             35.29%  7 
  2 Timothy Criddle           12 Apex Friends             36.72   6 
  3 Elijah Patterson          10 Willow Spring            36.97   6 
  4 Adan Knight               12 Cary                     37.00   7 
  5 Decobe Pettus             11 West Forsyth             37.06   5 
  6 Owen Green                11 Cary                     37.29   7 
  7 Nathan Hill               11 Athens Drive             37.34   6 
  8 Zeke Glaspie              11 Swain County             37.38   5 
  9 James Knorr               12 Apex                     37.69   7 
 10 Adam Qaimari              12 Apex                     37.99   3 
 11 Elijah Davis              10 Reagan                   38.04   5 
 12 Hayden Foss               12 Apex Friends             38.07   4 
 13 Benton Capps              12 Apex                     38.34   4 
 14 Francell Gonzalez         11 Athens Drive             38.48   2 
 15 Ethan Smith               12 East Meck                38.67   7 
 16 Tylon Thompson            10 Cary                     38.72   4 
 17 Benjamin Logan            12 Apex Friends             38.73   5 
 18 Steven Dawson             10 Pinecrest                38.84   4 
 19 Carter Jackson            10 Pinecrest                38.86   3 
 20 Henry Thomas              11 Willow Spring            38.88   2 
 21 Noah Chandler             11 East Meck                38.92   1 
 22 Noah Thornburg            11 Panther Cree             38.99   4 
 23 Brandon Davis             11 Wake Forest              39.06   2 
 24 Jemareon Miller           10 Mount Tabor              39.09   2 
 25 Kamari Carter             12 Reagan                   39.18   5 
 26 Kaden Sawyer              10 Swain County             39.47   3 
 27 Brodie Majors             11 Mount Tabor              39.66   1 
 28 Eli Doucette              10 Panther Cree             39.92   3 
 29 Jason Okyne               11 Willow Spring            39.98   3 
 30 RaShawn Williams          11 Pinecrest                39.99   5 
 31 Jasiah Phillips           11 East Meck                40.31   2 
 32 Thomas Bowman             12 Green Level              41.23   1 
 33 Ayaan Khan                10 Green Level              41.83   1 
 34 Kendal Braddy             11 Mount Tabor              46.28   4 
Boys 500 Meter
    Facility: $ 1:02.36  12/17/2016  Chantz Sawyers, Unattached                
 HS Facility: ! 1:02.36  12/17/2016  Chantz Sawyers, Unattached                
        Meet: % 1:07.74  2023        Hunter Bates, Weddington                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Joshua Cooper             10 Willow Spring          1:04.13%  6 
  2 Rance Springs             12 Mount Tabor            1:06.97%  6 
  3 Andrew Riley              12 Mount Tabor            1:07.65%  6 
  4 Sebion Wright             12 Willow Spring          1:07.95   6 
  5 Jake Lominack             12 Green Level            1:09.22   5 
  6 Phillip Dorsey            12 Pinecrest              1:09.84   5 
  7 Justus Dockery            12 Wake Forest            1:10.12   6 
  8 Maverick Palazzolo        12 Apex Friends           1:10.98   4 
  9 Asher Yetter              12 Apex Friends           1:11.14   5 
 10 Xavier Mike               10 Cary                   1:11.26   5 
 11 Tyler Raitano             10 Wake Forest            1:11.53   4 
 12 Max Leonard               12 West Forsyth           1:11.56   4 
 13 Ryan Anderson             11 Green Level            1:11.71   5 
 14 Cole Stanley              11 Willow Spring          1:11.90   3 
 15 Samuel Pickus             11 Apex Friends           1:12.40   4 
 16 Demond Alvin              12 East Meck              1:12.97   2 
 17 Oliver Gatchalian         10 Apex                   1:13.02   3 
 18 Aden Stone                11 Pinecrest              1:13.96   4 
 19 Jack Nicoara              11 Panther Cree           1:14.57   2 
 20 Josiah Mangine            12 Cary                   1:14.94   2 
 21 Anotidaishe Muchena       10 Reagan                 1:15.00   3 
 22 Rahil Patel               10 Green Level            1:15.97   1 
 23 Gunnar Adams              12 Pinecrest              1:16.03   2 
 24 Aditya Kakade             12 Apex                   1:16.13   1 
 25 Patrick Nyanforh          12 East Meck              1:16.24   2 
 26 Jeremy Parrott            12 Wake Forest            1:16.26   2 
 27 Nillan Kiptoo             10 Reagan                 1:16.80   3 
 28 Khris Rodriguez           12 Mount Tabor            1:18.68   3 
 29 Aaron Tate                 9 Apex                   1:18.76   1 
 30 Constantine Georgopoulos   9 Cary                   1:19.12   1 
 31 David Wiggins              9 West Forsyth           1:21.79   1 
 32 Mikah Broadnax            11 West Forsyth           1:25.37   1 
Boys 1000 Meter
    Facility: $ 2:24.02  2/20/2021   Robert Heppenstall, District Track Club   
 HS Facility: ! 2:27.32  1/21/2023   Rocky Hansen, Christ School               
        Meet: % 2:35.49  2021        Andrew Mallo, Wake Forest                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Lex Lundergan             12 Cary                   2:36.94   4 
  2 Isaac Cowell              12 Apex Friends           2:44.48   4 
  3 Cole Schmidt              11 Apex Friends           2:45.36   4 
  4 Zachary Konieczka         11 Willow Spring          2:45.52   3 
  5 Ross Clapsaddle           10 Swain County           2:46.61   4 
  6 Thomas Brown              12 Willow Spring          2:46.86   4 
  7 Whit Longhurst            11 Mount Tabor            2:47.93   4 
  8 Sergio Martinez           12 Apex Friends           2:48.08   3 
  9 Nicholas Winsor           10 West Forsyth           2:48.43   2 
 10 Charles Rankin            10 Mount Tabor            2:48.50   4 
 11 Gavin Rush                12 Pinecrest              2:48.55   4 
 12 Samuel Pitchford          11 Panther Cree           2:48.90   3 
 13 Max Garlinghouse          11 Green Level            2:49.24   4 
 14 Aidan Fletcher            11 Willow Spring          2:49.73   3 
 15 Jack Elchik               11 Apex Friends          x2:51.38   4 
 16 Jackson Szymborski        10 Athens Drive           2:51.57   4 
 17 Leslie Bell               10 Wake Forest            2:51.77   2 
 18 Garrett Fields             9 Reagan                 2:51.93   1 
 19 Carter Lynn               11 Pinecrest              2:51.97   3 
 20 Prakash Keeley            11 Reagan                 2:52.80   2 
 21 Vrishank Yellanur          9 Panther Cree           2:53.02   3 
 22 Jackson Akins             12 Pinecrest              2:53.49   3 
 23 Tandre Palmer             12 East Meck              2:54.75   1 
 24 Yair Alonzo               11 Reagan                 2:56.07   3 
 25 Carter Snapp               9 Willow Spring         x2:56.12   2 
 26 Nico Nagy                 10 West Forsyth           2:56.94   2 
 27 Brady Borter              10 Apex                   2:57.60   1 
 28 Seth Patterson            11 Wake Forest            2:57.69   2 
 29 Matthew Zhou               9 Panther Cree           2:58.35   3 
 30 Miller Edwards            12 Pinecrest             x2:58.37   2 
 31 John Shuman               10 Mount Tabor            2:58.67   1 
 32 Jacob Farris              12 East Meck              2:58.79   3 
 33 Caleb Jaquillard          12 Apex                   2:59.14   1 
 34 Luke Roels                 9 Mount Tabor           x2:59.16   2 
 35 Mason Chin                 9 Athens Drive           3:00.07   1 
 36 Jordan Parrella           11 Wake Forest            3:00.99   2 
 37 Trevor King                9 Apex                   3:01.03   1 
 38 Camden Walther            12 Apex                  x3:01.30   2 
 39 Noah Winsor               10 West Forsyth           3:01.46   2 
 40 Will Rudnicke             10 Mount Tabor           x3:01.97   3 
 41 Jackson Cheney            12 West Forsyth          x3:06.68   1 
 42 David Erickson            10 Reagan                x3:07.07   1 
 43 Zeke Tart                 10 Cary                   3:08.34   1 
 44 Gavin Cullen              11 Cary                   3:09.54   1 
 45 Reuben Tart               12 Cary                  x3:17.30   1 
Boys 1600 Meter
    Facility: $ 4:11.21  2/11/2023   Jacob Laney, Porter Ridge                 
 HS Facility: ! 4:11.21  2/11/2023   Jacob Laney, Porter Ridge                 
        Meet: % 4:18.77  2021        Zack Gilbertson, Pinecrest                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Jacob Dorsch              12 Pinecrest              4:20.14   3 
  2 Samuel Cowell             10 Apex Friends           4:29.83   3 
  3 Carl Baird                11 Swain County           4:29.84   3 
  4 Nick Morizio              11 Green Level            4:37.28   3 
  5 Mohammed Mohammed         11 Green Level            4:37.48   3 
  6 Cameron Tierney           11 Apex Friends           4:41.27   2 
  7 Tausiq Thokala            11 Panther Cree           4:41.37   2 
  8 Matthew Wexler            10 Apex Friends           4:42.05   3 
  9 Whit Longhurst            11 Mount Tabor            4:42.68   3 
 10 Charlie Jones             11 Reagan                 4:43.49   2 
 11 Gavin Church              10 Pinecrest              4:43.73   2 
 12 Asher Ellsworth           12 Cary                   4:44.18   3 
 13 Evan Craig                11 Willow Spring          4:44.56   2 
 14 Andrew Barbulescu         10 Willow Spring          4:45.43   3 
 15 Shane Cornett             12 West Forsyth           4:46.26   2 
 16 Jack Barbulescu           12 Willow Spring          4:49.42   3 
 17 Samuel Pitchford          11 Panther Cree           4:51.67   3 
 18 Luke Yannoni               9 Pinecrest              4:55.80   2 
 19 Ashton Park               11 Mount Tabor            4:56.68   2 
 20 Reid Musser               10 Mount Tabor            4:56.90   2 
 21 William Mangum            11 Pinecrest             x4:57.82   3 
 22 John Reutinger            11 West Forsyth           4:57.84   2 
 23 Derek Gunter              10 Swain County           5:01.31   2 
 24 Jack Gaddy                 9 Apex                   5:02.20   1 
 25 Vaibhav Narula            10 Willow Spring         x5:05.12   1 
 26 Cooper Johnson            10 Athens Drive           5:07.74   2 
 27 Lucas Gaeta                9 Apex                   5:13.52   1 
 28 Andrew Lamm               11 Athens Drive           5:13.66   1 
 29 Bobby Powers              12 Cary                   5:14.25   1 
 30 Scout Pali                11 Apex Friends          x5:14.71   3 
 31 Edward Moran              10 West Forsyth           5:15.12   1 
 32 Alexander Kelly           10 Wake Forest            5:15.17   1 
 33 Colton Moss               11 Apex                   5:18.26   2 
 34 Fenn Johns                 9 Athens Drive           5:18.28   2 
 35 Sloan Walton               9 Apex                  x5:21.48   1 
 36 Ashe Beck                 11 Reagan                 5:21.73   1 
 37 Roman Black               10 Cary                   5:25.16   1 
 38 Matthew Way               11 West Forsyth          x5:25.21   1 
 39 Jonathan Mbeunkui          9 Reagan                 5:25.96   1 
 40 Caleb Bradford            10 Wake Forest            5:27.48   1 
 41 Elias Ellsworth            9 Cary                  x5:38.46   1 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Facility: $  7.23  2/13/2016   Marcus Krah, Hillside                       
 HS Facility: !  7.23  2/13/2016   Marcus Krah, Hillside                       
        Meet: %  7.75  2023        Rance Springs, Mount Tabor                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Rance Springs             12 Mount Tabor               7.53%  3 
  2 Max Leonard               12 West Forsyth              7.94   3 
  3 Chey Johnson              12 Reagan                    7.94   3 
  4 Noah Thornburg            11 Panther Cree              7.98   3 
  5 Chris Atunku              12 Cary                      8.06   2 
  6 Amad Jackson              11 Athens Drive              8.24   3 
  7 Joseph Beck               12 Apex                      8.31   2 
  8 Jacob Milano              12 Athens Drive              8.55   1 
  9 G'Siah Patterson          11 Reagan                    8.57   3 
 10 Ty'Sire McQueen           10 Mount Tabor               8.64   1 
 11 Jonathon Takyi            11 Mount Tabor               8.66   2 
 12 Adam McKay                12 Green Level               8.71   2 
 13 Alonzo Wickham            11 Pinecrest                 8.77   2 
 14 Abody Moazeb              11 Athens Drive              8.83   1 
 15 Thomas Bowman             12 Green Level               8.94   2 
 16 Ryan Oramas               10 Pinecrest                 8.97   1 
 17 John Slaughter            10 Panther Cree              8.99   2 
 18 Jason Okyne               11 Willow Spring             9.45   1 
 19 Yaroslav Conrad           10 Cary                      9.60   1 
 20 Isaac Cariani             12 Apex                     10.57   1 
 21 Logan Tremelling          11 Apex                     14.61   3 
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    Facility: $ 1:27.87  2/9/2019    , SE Raleigh                              
                         Haddock, McRae, Ruffin, Williams                  
 HS Facility: ! 1:27.87  2/9/2019    , SE Raleigh                              
                         Haddock, McRae, Ruffin, Williams                  
        Meet: % 1:31.95  2023        , Reagan                                  
                         Harris, Summers, Davis, Scales                    
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Pinecrest  'A'                                      1:33.25   2 
     1) Tyvrian Praylo 11               2) Wendell Wells 10               
     3) Conner Christy 12               4) Keaten Pegues 12               
  2 Reagan  'A'                                         1:33.51   2 
     1) Chey Johnson 12                 2) Dominic George 11              
     3) Elijah Davis 10                 4) Kamari Carter 12               
  3 Apex Friendship  'A'                                1:34.56   1 
     1) Isaiah Barrino 11               2) Elliott Holloway 12            
     3) Timothy Criddle 12              4) Quinn Offenbaker 11            
  4 Athens Drive  'A'                                   1:35.17   1 
     1) Jacob Milano 12                 2) Amir Trotter 10                
     3) Thomas Winsor 11                4) Henry Bullock 12               
  5 Willow Spring  'A'                                  1:35.31   2 
     1) Elijah Patterson 10             2) Trim Greene 12                 
     3) Sebion Wright 12                4) Amir Wallace 10                
  6 East Mecklenburg  'A'                               1:37.42   1 
     1) Demond Alvin 12                 2) Patrick Nyanforh 12            
     3) Tandre Palmer 12                4) Noah Chandler 11               
  7 Apex  'A'                                           1:37.53   2 
     1) Benton Capps 12                 2) Adam Qaimari 12                
     3) Anthony Gayles 10               4) James Knorr 12                 
  8 Wake Forest  'A'                                    1:37.53   1 
     1) Chase Simms-Lassiter 11         2) Brandon Davis 11               
     3) Dylan Osborne 12                4) Alexander Sloan 12             
  9 Panther Creek  'A'                                  1:38.75   1 
     1) Eli Doucette 10                 2) Dylan Hall 11                  
     3) Amir Spencer 12                 4) Lorenzo Bailey 11              
 10 Mount Tabor  'A'                                    1:39.65   2 
     1) Samuel Clardy 10                2) Jamarius Hunder 10             
     3) Trevor Hinson 9                 4) Ty'Sire McQueen 10             
 11 West Forsyth  'A'                                   1:40.77   1 
     1) Jayce Bowman 10                 2) Max Williamson 11              
     3) Jaylen Witherspoon 10           4) Jarian Benson 11               
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    Facility: $ 3:11.12  1/31/2015   , GW Express/Nike                         
                         Hyatt, Bingham, Gibson, Jackson                   
 HS Facility: ! 3:21.10  2/8/2014    , Knightdale                              
                         Aikens, Harvey, Johnson, Johnson                  
        Meet: % 3:29.47  2023        , Mount Tabor                             
                         Blair, Springs, Wolverton, Riley                  
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Mount Tabor  'A'                                    3:28.80%  2 
     1) Ezra Blair 12                   2) Rance Springs 12               
     3) Luke Mistor 11                  4) Andrew Riley 12                
  2 Reagan  'A'                                         3:32.98   1 
     1) Dominic George 11               2) Scotty Howerton 10             
     3) Alexandros Votanopoulos 10      4) Chey Johnson 12                
  3 Pinecrest  'A'                                      3:35.73   2 
     1) Camron Andrews 10               2) Keaten Pegues 12               
     3) Ja'Torian Medley 12             4) Phillip Dorsey 12              
  4 Panther Creek  'A'                                  3:36.39   2 
     1) Lorenzo Ferreira 12             2) Kaiden Joyner 9                
     3) Praneel Thoom 12                4) John Slaughter 10              
  5 Green Level  'A'                                    3:37.66   1 
     1) Ryan Anderson 11                2) Adam McKay 12                  
     3) Trey Barcinas 11                4) Jake Lominack 12               
  6 Apex Friendship  'A'                                3:38.33   1 
     1) Quinn Offenbaker 11             2) Asher Yetter 12                
     3) Pritesh Chappidi 12             4) Sergio Martinez 12             
  7 Athens Drive  'A'                                   3:38.56   1 
     1) Jacob Milano 12                 2) Caleb Reed 12                  
     3) Thomas Winsor 11                4) Henry Bullock 12               
  8 Wake Forest  'A'                                    3:45.82   1 
     1) Justus Dockery 12               2) Leslie Bell 10                 
     3) Tyler Raitano 10                4) Drake Luvisi 12                
  9 Apex  'A'                                           3:48.74   2 
     1) Oliver Gatchalian 10            2) Aditya Kakade 12               
     3) Leonardo Andrade 11             4) Aaron Tate 9                   
 10 Willow Spring  'A'                                  3:49.02   2 
     1) Aidan Fletcher 11               2) Andrew Barbulescu 10           
     3) Zachary Konieczka 11            4) Thomas Brown 12                
 11 West Forsyth  'A'                                   3:52.37   1 
     1) Max Williamson 11               2) Jonah LaGrande 10              
     3) Matthew Way 11                  4) Nicholas Winsor 10             
 12 Swain County  'A'                                   4:00.22   2 
     1) Kaden Sawyer 10                 2) Ross Clapsaddle 10             
     3) Zeke Glaspie 11                 4) Carl Baird 11                  
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    Facility: $ 7:47.30  1/13/2024   , Cumberlands                             
                         Santorum, Yeary, Trost, Carpeggiani               
 HS Facility: ! 7:55.27  1/13/2018   , Green Hope                              
                         Petersen, Kehn, Epps, Delgado                     
        Meet: % 8:26.22  2022        , Apex Friendship                         
                         Newman, Rutledge, Pearson, Uenking                
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Apex Friendship  'A'                                8:18.63% 
     1) Isaac Cowell 12                 2) Pritesh Chappidi 12            
     3) Jack Elchik 11                  4) Caleb Owen 11                  
  2 Willow Spring  'A'                                  8:26.38  
     1) Thomas Brown 12                 2) Zachary Konieczka 11           
     3) Andrew Barbulescu 10            4) Jack Barbulescu 12             
  3 Pinecrest  'A'                                      8:38.77  
     1) Aden Stone 11                   2) Gunnar Adams 12                
     3) Daxton Kimsey 11                4) Gavin Rush 12                  
  4 Mount Tabor  'A'                                    8:41.75  
     1) Luke Mistor 11                  2) Charles Rankin 10              
     3) Will Rudnicke 10                4) August Blain 11                
  5 Wake Forest  'A'                                    8:46.45  
     1) Justus Dockery 12               2) Leslie Bell 10                 
     3) Landen Holland 11               4) Tyler Raitano 10               
  6 Reagan  'A'                                         8:48.22  
     1) Scotty Howerton 10              2) Alexandros Votanopoulos 10     
     3) Yair Alonzo 11                  4) Prakash Keeley 11              
  7 East Mecklenburg  'A'                               9:17.89  
     1) Jacob Farris 12                 2) Tandre Palmer 12               
     3) Ethan Smith 12                  4) Kaleb Hailu 9                  
  8 West Forsyth  'A'                                  10:09.96  
     1) James Cornett 9                 2) William McGlaughon 9           
     3) Anthony Quantanilla 10          4) Wyatt Booth 10                 
  9 Apex  'A'                                          10:12.31  
     1) Mason Welch 12                  2) Seth Jorgensen 11              
     3) Parker Whitley 12               4) Gibson Hagman 12               
Boys High Jump
    Facility: $ 7-04.25  12/1/2012   Kris Kornegay-Gober, NC State             
 HS Facility: !    7-01  2/12/2022   Kyzaiah Stone, Cleveland                  
        Meet: %    6-08  2022        S. Thomas, J. Koger, Pinecrest, Reagan    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Chris Atunku              12 Cary                   6-04.00  
  2 Wendell Wells             10 Pinecrest              6-01.00  
  3 Victor Peral              11 Mount Tabor           J6-01.00  
  4 Patrick Phillips          12 Mount Tabor            5-11.00  
  5 Moktar Lemine             10 Panther Cree           5-09.00  
  5 Zion Walker               12 Wake Forest            5-09.00  
  7 Jonah LaGrande            10 West Forsyth          J5-09.00  
  8 Caleb Jones               12 Athens Drive           5-07.00  
  8 Zaiden Pratt              10 Pinecrest              5-07.00  
 10 Dion Hilliard              9 Reagan                 5-05.00  
 10 Zarrien Taylor-Austin     11 Athens Drive           5-05.00  
 12 Nehal Shaik               11 Panther Cree           5-03.00  
 12 Max Williamson            11 West Forsyth           5-03.00  
 12 Keston Greene              9 Reagan                 5-03.00  
 12 Jontae Ashburn            10 West Forsyth           5-03.00  
 12 Carter Jackson            10 Pinecrest              5-03.00  
 12 Kaden Su                   9 Green Level            5-03.00  
 12 Braeden Tate               9 Panther Cree           5-03.00  
 -- Bryce Thompson            10 Reagan                      NH  
Boys Pole Vault
    Facility: $ 18-01  2/18/2023   Keon Howe, Unattached                       
 HS Facility: ! 16-07  2/15/2020   Spencer Evans, Lake Norman                  
        Meet: % 13-00              M. Coon, A. Riley, Green Level, Mount Tabor 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Owen Lee                  12 Apex Friends          14-00.00% 
  2 Andrew Riley              12 Mount Tabor           13-06.00% 
  3 Joseph Beck               12 Apex                  13-00.00% 
  4 James Witt                10 Athens Drive          12-00.00  
  5 Henry Johnson             12 Reagan               J12-00.00  
  6 Emory Armstrong           12 Apex                  11-06.00  
  6 Logan Tremelling          11 Apex                  11-06.00  
  8 Carsten Macosko           11 Reagan                11-00.00  
  9 Charlie Petersen          11 Mount Tabor          J11-00.00  
 10 Evan Hall                 11 Swain County          10-06.00  
 11 Blake Lane                12 Willow Spring        J10-06.00  
 12 Samuel Susen              11 West Forsyth          10-00.00  
 13 Grant Whalen               9 Mount Tabor            9-06.00  
 13 Andrew Calkins            10 Reagan                 9-06.00  
 15 Porter Lykins             10 Pinecrest              9-00.00  
 15 Arnav Kelar               10 Panther Cree           9-00.00  
 17 Carter Snapp               9 Willow Spring          8-06.00  
 18 Dustin Anderson           11 Pinecrest              8-00.00  
 -- Cole Browning             12 Pinecrest                   NH  
 -- Zachariah Harris          10 Willow Spring               NH  
Boys Long Jump
    Facility: $ 25-07.50  11/16/2013  Mikese Morse, Unattached                 
 HS Facility: ! 25-01.50  1/19/2023   Tyson Adams, West Forsyth                
        Meet: %    23-02  2022        Tyson Adams, West Forsyth                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Djibril Fall              11 Reagan                22-02.00   2 
  2 Wendell Wells             10 Pinecrest             21-02.00   2 
  3 Sebion Wright             12 Willow Spring         19-04.00   2 
  4 Max Williamson            11 West Forsyth          19-02.00   2 
  5 Caleb Jones               12 Athens Drive          19-00.00   1 
  6 Jason Okyne               11 Willow Spring         18-10.50   2 
  7 Oliver Gatchalian         10 Apex                  18-07.00   1 
  8 Ja'Torian Medley          12 Pinecrest             18-06.50   2 
  9 Gadieloh Delgado          12 Panther Cree          18-05.50   2 
 10 Amir Spencer              12 Panther Cree          18-04.50   2 
 11 Kaiden Joyner              9 Panther Cree          18-02.00   1 
 11 Leo Parker                11 Mount Tabor           18-02.00   1 
 13 Jaylenn Hill              12 Pinecrest             18-01.25   2 
 14 Kamari Carter             12 Reagan                17-09.00   2 
 15 Carson Bowman             11 Reagan                17-08.00   2 
 16 Francell Gonzalez         11 Athens Drive          17-07.00   2 
 17 Henry Thomas              11 Willow Spring         17-06.00   2 
 18 Jontae Ashburn            10 West Forsyth          16-10.00   1 
 19 Camden Walther            12 Apex                  16-07.00   1 
 20 Jayce Bowman              10 West Forsyth          16-04.00   1 
 21 Shane Alston              11 Wake Forest           15-05.50   1 
 22 Dylan Osborne             12 Wake Forest           15-00.00   1 
 23 Haggen Tilghman            9 Wake Forest           14-09.00   1 
Boys Triple Jump
    Facility: $    52-00  2/3/2018    Michael Tiller, Unattached               
 HS Facility: ! 49-10.25  2/9/2019    Eric Haddock, SE Raleigh                 
        Meet: %    45-08  2021        Jared Harrell, Panther Creek             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Tyvrian Praylo            11 Pinecrest             44-10.50  
  2 Zaiden Pratt              10 Pinecrest             44-05.50  
  3 Djibril Fall              11 Reagan                43-07.00  
  4 Gadieloh Delgado          12 Panther Cree          42-06.50  
  5 Zavion Esaw               12 Panther Cree          41-09.50  
  6 Trim Greene               12 Willow Spring         40-10.50  
  7 Josiah Felton             11 Mount Tabor           39-09.50  
  8 Henry Bullock             12 Athens Drive          39-04.50  
  9 Zaevian Kelly             10 Mount Tabor           38-00.00  
 10 Moktar Lemine             10 Panther Cree          37-08.50  
 11 Jontae Ashburn            10 West Forsyth          37-08.00  
 12 Bryce Thompson            10 Reagan                36-04.00  
Boys Shot Put
    Facility: $ 63-11.75  3/15/2014   Wesley Lavong, Adams State               
 HS Facility: ! 63-09.25  1/27/2018   Joshua Sobota, Unattached                
        Meet: %    56-04  2023        Christopher Stewart, Weddington          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Justin Johnson            12 Mount Tabor           50-01.25   2 
  2 KJ Woody                  12 Reagan                45-01.50   2 
  3 Mark Haynesworth          12 Willow Spring         44-04.75   2 
  4 DeMarcus Mashack          12 Mount Tabor           42-05.50   2 
  5 Keegan Cole-Bryan         12 Pinecrest             42-00.00   2 
  6 Ethan Webb                11 Willow Spring         41-08.25   2 
  7 Thomas Caldwell           10 Reagan                39-09.50   2 
  8 John Kotynski             11 Wake Forest           39-01.00   1 
  9 Joshua Smith              12 Willow Spring         38-07.75   2 
 10 Donovan Chelley           11 Pinecrest             38-06.50   2 
 11 Dax Beck                  10 Reagan                38-04.50   2 
 12 Andrew Moore              11 Athens Drive          37-11.00   1 
 13 John Coles                12 Mount Tabor           37-05.00   2 
 14 Luke Watts                12 Green Level           37-02.00   1 
 15 Samir Gross               12 Apex                  36-09.50   2 
 16 Micah Butts               11 Athens Drive          36-02.50   1 
 17 Jalil Frazier              9 Athens Drive          35-09.75   1 
 18 Petr Shvarev              12 Green Level           35-06.50   1 
 19 Jack Williams              9 Apex                  34-00.50   1 
 20 Tom Ponath                11 Green Level           31-05.00   1 
 21 Zachary Perkinson         11 Panther Cree          31-02.50   1 
 22 Kale Cushing              12 West Forsyth          29-06.00   1 
 23 Xzavier Sivels             9 Wake Forest           23-06.25   1