Meet Information
***This meet has been cancelled.***
The Point of Contact for this meet is Coach Dave Walser at
The course will be the same as what will be used for the 3A East Regional XC Championship.
Tentative Time Schedule
9:00 AM - Boys Invitational (up to 10 runners per school)*
9:30 AM - Girls Invitational (up to 10 runners per school)*
10:15 AM - Boys Open 5K (unlimited entries)
11:00 AM Girls Open 5k (unlimited entries)
Entry fees:
- Full team: $120
- Single-gender team: $70
- Individuals: $20
- All payments are via check payable to "Croatan High School"
- Payments must be received by 10/1, or entries will be dropped from the meet
- Mail check payments as follows:
Attn: Coach Dave Walser
Croatan High School
3355 NC-24
Newport, N.C. 28570
- T-shirts will be on sale at the meet