Bo Run 2024

Winterville, NC
Hosted by D.H. Conley


                             BOYS 3,000 METERS
                    GREENVILLE, NC   SEPTEMBER 28, 2024
Place Bib First name    Last name        S Team                  Time    Pace     
===== === ============ =============== = ===================== ======= ===== 
    1 280 Tyler        Wilkinson       M Hope Middle School      12:05  6:29 
    2 262 George       Mendoza         M Hope Middle School      12:45  6:51 
    3 441 Reid         Smith           M Tides Xc                12:56  6:57 
    4 243 Trevor       Akosile         M Hope Middle School      13:02  7:00 
    5  21 Nico         Pepino          M Ag Cox Middle School    13:03  7:01 
    6 440 Mason        Foreman         M Tides Xc                13:05  7:01 
    7 252 Mason        Hardin          M Hope Middle School      13:13  7:06 
    8 275 Owen         Sims            M Hope Middle School      13:19  7:09 
    9 436 Ayden        Bell            M Tides Xc                13:23  7:11 
   10 439 Thomas       Delamar         M Tides Xc                13:26  7:13 
   11 421 Squires      Tunstall        M Terra Ceia Christian    13:36  7:18 
   12  70 Hudson       Griffin         M Christ Covenant Schoo   13:41  7:21 
   13  13 Josh         Howard          M Ag Cox Middle School    13:58  7:30 
   14 196 Eli          Gleason         M Eastern Nc Homeschool   14:02  7:32 
   15 205 Thad         Taylor          M Eastern Nc Homeschool   14:10  7:36 
   16 264 Brody        Minsherw        M Hope Middle School      14:14  7:38 
   17  30 Latham       Williams        M Ag Cox Middle School    14:19  7:41 
   18 422 Izak         Wright          M Terra Ceia Christian    14:22  7:43 
   19 415 Carter       Ewell           M Terra Ceia Christian    14:22  7:43 
   20 256 Curtis       Kitto           M Hope Middle School      14:22  7:43 
   21 208 Gary         Tuller          M Eastern Nc Homeschool   14:23  7:43 
   22 260 Hayden       Lovette         M Hope Middle School      14:27  7:45 
   23  19 Tristan      Parker          M Ag Cox Middle School    14:45  7:55 
   24  12 Andrew       Horrigan        M Ag Cox Middle School    14:48  7:56 
   25   8 Miles        Hare            M Ag Cox Middle School    14:48  7:57 
   26 204 Luke         Taylor          M Eastern Nc Homeschool   14:49  7:57 
   27 437 Deavonie     Best            M Tides Xc                14:52  7:59 
   28 249 Carson       Conklin         M Hope Middle School      14:53  7:59 
   29 792 Owen         Jones           M Woodington Middle Sch   15:02  8:04 
   30 793 Marco        Miller          M Woodington Middle Sch   15:03  8:04 
   31 209 Jack         Tuller          M Eastern Nc Homeschool   15:07  8:07 
   32 200 Micah        Hoover          M Eastern Nc Homeschool   15:18  8:13 
   33 795 Cale         Roberts         M Woodington Middle Sch   15:21  8:14 
   34   2 Owen         Bishop          M Ag Cox Middle School    15:23  8:15 
   35 195 Declan       Corragin        M Eastern Nc Homeschool   15:32  8:20 
   36  14 Cameron      Jacobs          M Ag Cox Middle School    15:38  8:24 
   37  26 Kay'den      Swinson         M Ag Cox Middle School    15:41  8:25 
   38   9 Mason        Harper          M Ag Cox Middle School    16:21  8:47 
   39 438 Chase        Carey           M Tides Xc                16:39  8:56 
   40 272 Joshua       Roberson        M Hope Middle School      17:15  9:16 
   41  28 Evan         Torrent         M Ag Cox Middle School    17:33  9:25 
   42   4 Cole         Boyd            M Ag Cox Middle School    17:39  9:28 
   43  23 Ethan        Soriano         M Ag Cox Middle School    18:04  9:42 
   44 253 Ian          Johnson         M Hope Middle School      18:05  9:42 
   45 254 Tanner       Johnson         M Hope Middle School      18:12  9:46 
   46 419 Carter       Stowe           M Terra Ceia Christian    18:50 10:07 
   47 206 Cole         Tuller          M Eastern Nc Homeschool   18:51 10:07 
   48   3 Colton       Bowen           M Ag Cox Middle School    19:00 10:12 
   49 794 Trenton      Noble           M Woodington Middle Sch   19:55 10:42 
   50 429 Aidan        Howell          M The Oakwood School      20:14 10:52 
   51 420 Wesley       Stowe           M Terra Ceia Christian    22:45 12:12 
   52  29 Isaiah       Tripp           M Ag Cox Middle School    23:32 12:38 
                                BO RUN 2024
                      BOYS MIDDLE SCHOOL 3,000 METERS
  1. Hope Middle School             
            1    2    4    7    8  (15) (19) =    22
         Tyler Wilkinson, George Mendoza, Trevor Akosile, Mason Hardin, Owen
         Sims, Brody Minsherw, Curtis Kitto
  2. Tides Xc                       
            3    6    9   10   25  (30)      =    53
         Reid Smith, Mason Foreman, Ayden Bell, Thomas Delamar, Deavonie Best,
         Chase Carey
  3. Ag Cox Middle School           
            5   12   16   21   22  (23) (28) =    76
         Nico Pepino, Josh Howard, Latham Williams, Tristan Parker, Andrew
         Horrigan, Miles Hare, Owen Bishop
  4. Eastern Nc Homeschool (Hs)     
           13   14   20   24   26  (27) (29) =    97
         Eli Gleason, Thad Taylor, Gary Tuller, Luke Taylor, Jack Tuller, Micah
         Hoover, Declan Corragin
  5. Terra Ceia Christian School    
           11   17   18   31   32            =   109
         Squires Tunstall, Izak Wright, Carter Ewell, Carter Stowe, Wesley

                            GIRLS 3,000 METERS
                    GREENVILLE, NC   SEPTEMBER 28, 2024
Place Bib Firstname    Lastname        S Team                  Time    Pace     
===== === ============ =============== = ===================== ======= ===== 
    1 274 Lucy         Sherrill        F Hope Middle School      14:35  7:49 
    2 273 Aleah        Russell         F Hope Middle School      15:12  8:10 
    3 417 Emma         Spinner         F Terra Ceia Christian    16:03  8:37 
    4 247 Adelaide     Cieplak         F Hope Middle School      16:13  8:42 
    5 259 Sophie       Liang           F Hope Middle School      16:24  8:48 
    6 276 Eva Kate     Stilton         F Hope Middle School      16:27  8:50 
    7 791 Evelyn       Garcia          F Woodington Middle Sch   16:46  9:00 
    8 418 Savannah     Spinner         F Terra Ceia Christian    16:56  9:05 
    9 279 Kailey       Velazquez       F Hope Middle School      17:07  9:11 
   10 265 Reagan       Moore           F Hope Middle School      17:51  9:35 
   11  11 Alexia       Henderson       F Ag Cox Middle School    18:29  9:55 
   12   6 Bella        Flores          F Ag Cox Middle School    18:49 10:06 
   13 248 Danielle     Cieplak         F Hope Middle School      19:21 10:23 
   14 411 Cabella      Alligood        F Terra Ceia Christian    19:57 10:42 
   15   5 Arietta      Cammarata       F Ag Cox Middle School    20:07 10:48 
   16 201 Ella         Kate Steel      F Eastern Nc Homeschool   20:07 10:48 
   17 255 Maddie       Judge           F Hope Middle School      20:25 10:57 
   18 258 Annabelle    Leonard         F Hope Middle School      20:25 10:58 
   19  20 April        Payton          F Ag Cox Middle School    20:34 11:02 
   20  17 Mason        Kriminger       F Ag Cox Middle School    21:14 11:24 
   21   7 Casey        Gliniak         F Ag Cox Middle School    21:17 11:25 
   22 251 Penninger    Erin            F Hope Middle School      21:29 11:32 
   23  31 Janiyah      Winston         F Ag Cox Middle School    22:19 11:58 
   24 245 Raegan       Bland           F Hope Middle School      23:33 12:38 
   25 434 Julieta      Wayar           F The Oakwood School      23:38 12:41 
   26  27 Savannah     Thomas          F Ag Cox Middle School    25:26 13:39 
   27  25 Harper       Swarts          F Ag Cox Middle School    25:35 13:44 
   28  16 Geneva       Jones           F Ag Cox Middle School    25:46 13:50 
   29 278 Leah         Tuchmayer       F Hope Middle School      27:35 14:48 
   30 190 Sadie        Acker           F Eastern Nc Homeschool   29:12 15:40 
   31 191 Scarlet      Acker           F Eastern Nc Homeschool   29:23 15:46 

                                BO RUN 2024
                     GIRLS MIDDLE SCHOOL 3,000 METERS
  1. Hope Middle School             
            1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) =    15
         Lucy Sherrill, Aleah Russell, Adelaide Cieplak, Sophie Liang, Eva Kate
         Stilton, Kailey Velazquez, Reagan Moore
  2. Ag Cox Middle School           
            8    9   10   11   12  (13) (14) =    50
         Alexia Henderson, Bella Flores, Arietta Cammarata, April Payton, Mason
         Kriminger, Casey Gliniak, Janiyah Winston