Queen City Relays 2025

Charlotte, NC

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

The 2025 edition of the Queen City Relays will be held at Palisades High School. The Myers Park Track and Field facilities will be redone this summer and we will be back on campus in 2026! Please, contact Lamont Hayes at lamont.hayes@gmail.com with any questions.

Entry Fees: Single Gender $75. Boy's and Girl's Team $140. Less than 4 athletes from the same school $15 per individual.Checks made out to: Myers Park HS

 The spectator gate will open for ticket sales at 8:30 a.m. 


Saturday April 5th, 2025



           Long Jump - Men(Open pit closes at 9:45 and Finals  start at 9:55)

           Pole Vault - Women followed by Men

           High Jump - Women

            Triple Jump - Women(Open pit closes at 9:45 and Finals start at 9:55)

            Shot Put - Men followed by Women

            Discus - Women followed by Prince Men's Discus


9:30     300 Intermediate Hurdles Finals (Men-Women)

10:00   Grathwohl 3200 meter run (Women Finals)

10:20   Gibbons 3200 meter run (Men Finals)

10:40   Bradley 100 Meter dash qualifying - Women

             Soule 100 Meter dash qualifying - Men

10:45 a.m.

            Triple Jump - Men(Open pit closes at 11:30and Finals start at  11:40)

             Long Jump - Women(Open pit closes at 11:30 and Finals start at  11:40)

             High Jump - Men

11:00   3200 meter Relay Finals (Women - Men)


12:15   Bradley 100 meter Finals (Women)

  12:25  Soule 100 meter Finals (Men)

   12:35 1600M Run(Women followed by Men)

   12:55  Shuttle Hurdle Relay Finals(Women) - 4 legs run High Hurdles

     1:05  Shuttle Hurdle Relay Finals(Men) -2 legs run High Hurdles, 2 legs run Low Hurdles(20 yds apart, 5 hurdles @          30)

       1:15 400 meter Relay Finals

        1:35 Distance Medley Relay Finals (Women - Men) 1200-400-800-1600

         2:15 800 meter Relay Finals (Women - Men)

          2:35  Sprint Medley Relay Finals (Women-Men) 200-200-400-800

          3:00 1600 meter Relay Finals (Women - Men)

Immediately following the 1600m relay we will present the Allen and Sandiford awards for the outstanding male and female athlete.  

2025 Annual Queen City Relays

Coaches Information

Saturday, April 5th, 2025

1. Minimum measurements: Every athlete will have their first legal jump/ throw measured. After that, only legal jumps/throws beyond the following distances will be measured: Girls' Shot/ Discus - 27'/70', Boys' Shot/ Discus - 39/110, Girls LJ/TJ - 14'6'/30' - Boys LJ/TJ 18'/38'. In the finals (top 9), all legal jumps and throws will be measured.

2. Weigh-ins for shot, discus and will take place at the shed on the lower field (entrance to lower field is to the right of the tennis courts) at 8:15 a.m. Weigh-Ins will close at 8:45 a.m. Implements judged to be illegal will be impounded and can be collected at the conclusion of the throws. The shot and discus events will be held on the lower field located below the tennis courts. Please be sure to collect any impounded implements at the conclusion of the event. Pole Vaulters will weigh in at the end of the PV runway from 8 a.m. -8:45 a.m.

3. No one will be allowed on the infield, track, or competition areas except athletes in uniform that are warming up and meet officials. This has become a major issue with coaches not wanting to leave the infield in recent years. Please keep your athletes off the infield area until they are clerked. Individuals other than officials or competing athletes will be given one warning and then disqualified if on the infield, track, or competition areas. NO coaches will be allowed in the infield area. This gives the athletes their time in the spotlight and due recognition. No electronic devices inside the competition area. This includes pre-meet warm-ups on the track and the throwing areas!

4. All runners are to immediately exit the track after being released by finish line judges unless you finish in the top 3. Awards will be given out as soon as results are verified.

5. 30m relay exchanges will be permitted on relays legs 200m or shorter.

6. Have your athletes ready to compete at their assigned event on time. All runners are to report to check-in at first call. There will be no second call.

7. In field events, contestants shall report promptly to the event judge when the event is announced.

8. If a competitor in a field event needs to report to a running event, he/she must obtain permission from the head judge of that event. A competitor excused to compete in another event shall have a maximum of 10 minutes from the time that they check out to check back in.

9. If you have a question, please see the Meet Referee, Richard Prince.

10. Competitors must be in proper uniform according to NFHS rules.

11. The starting height for the women's high jump is 4'4", men's high jump is 5'4", women's pole vault is 6'6", and men's pole vault is 9'0".

12. Please keep athletes inside of the stadium area and not wandering on campus.

13. Tents are not permitted in home side bleachers (ok in grassy areas). Tents are permitted in the visitor's stands. 

Radios must be kept out of the stadium.

14. Awards will be presented on the field immediately after each race . 

15. All pole vault contestants will need to have their pole weight-certified prior to competition. Their vault pole must be labeled properly or they will not be allowed to compete with that pole. Anyone using an illegal pole will cause himself / herself to be disqualified from the pole vault event