Meet Information
Carrboro NLAC Quad Meet April 18th:
Thank you for being a part of our home competition. We look forward to having a fun and competitive meet. Please see the following information.
Registration is now open on milesplit and ends on April 17th at 10am. Please have your student athletes name registered in milesplitnc. Due to our Senior night celebration we are limiting entries in the sprint events to 4 per team (100,200,400,100h,110h and 300h) and field events will be limited to 4 per team as well. We know that this may interfere with kids participating but we want to make sure that the meet ends at a good time.
We will contest all field events with the exception of Pole Vault.
The meet will start at 4:30 with the field events. Followed by the running events at 5::00pm.. Coaches meeting will be at the finish line at 3:45pm. Our senior night celebration will be from 4:00-4:15pm. We ask that all athletes remain off the field during that time.
Field Events will be as Follows
High Jump will be Girls first followed by Boys
Shot Put will be Boys followed by Girls and will perform 3 throws.
Discus will be Girls followed by Boys and will perform 3 throws.
Long Jump will be an open pit (Boys and Girls) 3 jumps.
Triple Jump will be an Open Pit (Boys and Girls) starting 10 minutes after the completion of the Long Jump.
We are asking that coaches assist with Timing, Field events, relay zones and help with the start and finish line. We will have parent and teacher volunteers to assist as well. Please reply to this email with your choice of event or I will assign roles. First come First serve!
The game field will be open for warm ups. Only competing athletes should be on the game field and all spectators should remain in the bleachers.
Heat Sheets will be posted by the restrooms. I will only print one set to save paper.
Bus Parking: Buses will park by the softball field.
CHS will have an ATC on site.
4x800m Relay
4x200m Relay
4x100m Relay
4x400m Relay